b"Now Is the Time to Embrace Digital Tax SolutionsComplyRight offers a suite of convenient electronic solutions for customers to conduct seamless and swift digital transactions.NEWCOMPLYRIGHT SERVICE BUREAU EFILE4BIZ TM AFFILIATE PROGRAMSee page 4 for details. See page 5 for details.TAXRIGHT SOFTWARE KITSCORRECTED (if checked)PAYERS name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone no. 1Rents OMB No. 1545-0115$ 2Royalties 2015 MiscellaneousIncomeSafe, accurate,Visit the IRS website at PAYERS2 Federal income tax withheld RECIPIENTS identification $ 5 3Other income F4orm 6Me 109-MISC For RecipientnumberFederal identification number $ Fishing boat proceeds $ Copy BaEmployees social security number OMB No. 1545-0008FAST! Use 4 Social security tax withheld1 Wages, tips, other compensationPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked)b 3 Social security wages RECIPIENTS name, address, and ZIP code $ 7Nonemployee compensation $ 8 dividends or payments interest in lieu of ThisinformationcEmployers name, address, and ZIP code 5 Medicare wages and tips 8 Allocated tipsSubstituteis important and tax is1099-MISC 1 $ 9Payer made or tomorefordirectaresalebuyer ofsalesconsumer of 1 10 2 $ $ Crop insurance proceeds beinga negligence or isit if7 Social security tips 10 OMB No. 1545-0116productsInternal furnished If Revenue youto file are to adControl number e Last name Suff. 913Statutory Retirement Third-party12aSee instructions for box 12 Co d e Co d e Co d e Coe Locality name $5,000 theService.other DETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKS(recipient) R PAYER ECIPIENT' S TIN S name, stret adres, city or t return,required own, state or RECIPIENTprovince, countr S TIN y, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 1 Nonemployee compensation Form 1099-NEC Nonemployee 1099-NEC 3 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofCompensationpenaltySOFTWARE131 Excessparachute14Gross proceeds paid to sanctionmay be11employeeplan sick pay 12bimposed on youthis incomeW-2 16State wages, tips, etc. 14Other 18Local wages, tips, etc. 12c d20the and reported.Account number (see instructions) paymen goldents an attorney taxable hasnot thatIRS15a $ 109 TAX KIT 15b $ Section 409A income 16 $ $ $ State tax withheld 17 $ State/Payers state no.18 $ $ determinesbeenSOFTWAREconsumer products to recipient for resale For RecipientCopy B12dSection 409A deferrals State income15StateEmployers state ID number 17State income tax 19Local income tax This is important tax Account number (see instructions) TAX KIT $ 4 Federal income tax withheld information and is being Form -MISC (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service furnished to the IRS. If you are negligence penalty or other fEmployees address and ZIP codeSOFTWARE2015 Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ServiceForm 1099-NEC (keep for your records) $ $ 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. $ sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable CORRECTED and the IRS determines that itand telephone no.CORRECTED (if checked) (if checked)1Form TAX KIT has not been reported.PAYERSPAYERS name,streetname, address, street address, city, state, city, ZIP state, code, ZIP code, and telephone no.2 $ Rents $ Rents OMB No.OMB 1545-011 No. 1545-0115 5MiscellaneousRoy1alties 109 1515 IncomeIncome www.irs.gov/Form1099NEC $ 7 State incomeWage and Taxnumber number identification identification $ $ $ 3 7 Other2 $ $ $ 5 3 7 Royalties F4orm s $ 6 $ 2020 $ 6 $ 8or interest or payments d MiscellaneousW-2 StatementCopy BTo Be Filed With Employees FEDERAL Tax Return.Safe, accurate,Visit the IRS website atPAYER Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceThis information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.Other -M 10I9S9C-MISC For RecipientS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked)5Fishingincome income Federal Federalincomeincometax withheld tax withheld CopyCopy BBaEmployees social security number OMB No. 1545-0008FAST! Use 4 Social security tax withheld Fishing F4orm For RecipientPAYERS Federal Federal identification identification2 Federal income tax withheldnumberRECIPIENTSRECIPIENTSnumberPAYERSboat proceed boat proceeds Medical aMnded hiecaallt han ca hree apltayh mcaernet spayments1 Wages, tips, other compensationOMB No. 1545-0116b 3 Social security wagesR PAYERS TIN ECIPIENT'S name, stret addres, city or town, state or RECIPIENTprovince, count S TIN ry, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 1 Nonemployee compensation Form 2021 Nonemployee RECIPIENTSRECIPIENTS name,address,name, address, and ZIP and code ZIP code6 Medicare tax withheld 1 131 $ 9 Nonemployee 11 $to acompensation compensation8 for 12 14 $ $ e dividendsSubstitute 12 4 $ $ in lieu of in lieu of being the this being toand taxtois and tax isfile IforaacEmployers name, address, and ZIP code 5 Medicare wages and tips 8 Allocated tips Nonemployee Substitute payments interest This isThis importanttheinformationfurnishedSoftwarand 1e, Laser For099-MISC Tip Sheetms, Envelopes, youto Internalis importantfurnisheddividends Service. information are Revenue1099-NEC Compensation7 Social security tips 10Payer9made direct salesofofsalesconsumer10 of Crop10 insurance return, aService.arePayer resale resale Crop insurance proceeds proceeds requiredIfyouRevenue(recipient)$5,000 buyer imposednegligence for madeInternal15a $ Account number (see instructions) 1 $ 15b $-M 16 $ $ $ $5,000 or more of consumer16 $ $ $ tsa buyer ts) e $ Gross 17 $proceeds paid tono.$ $ sanction 18 $ $penaltyincomedControl number Last name Suff. 913Statutory Retirement Third-party12aSee instructions for box 12 Co d e Co d e Co d e C d e Locality name productsproductsor tomore direct an1 attorney penaltyrequired or other to otherfile beisif10 Employees | 4 Part Gross taxable return, may a negligence beifyou IRS it 3 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofFor RecipientExcess taxablethisand it that consumer products to recipient for resale Copy Be 11employeeplan ms, Envelopes, Section Section 409A deferrals Section 409A income Excessn golden parachute tst)s) 1 1099 state no. paid 1to8 hason theyouismaySoftware, Laser For sick pay 12b 12d (recipient)andsanctionontheAccount number (see instructions) $ Software, Laser Forms, Envelopes, income IRS1099-MISC Copy A (5 She determinesimposed thatreported.This is important tax and W-2 Tip Sheet o information and is being nothasbeen and 10 furnished to the IRS. If you are 15a Account 409A number deferrals (see instructions15b) Section 409A income pa1y3me tax ptas withheld heparachut17an attorneyproceeds determines not been reported.State ymen golden State/Payers 09-MISC Self-Seal Envelopes (10)14Other 12cForm 1099-NEC (keep for your records) $ $ 5 State tax withheld ts) 99-NEC Tip Sheet $ $ sanction may be imposed onState tax withheld109 9-M IWSC-2 T Fipili nSghe Seotftware 4 Federal income tax withheld negligence penalty or other Form10$9-M 09IS9-CMISC109999-MISC CopyBC((15 0S eSthse) State/Payers State income C6103LE0S71901 fEmployees address and ZIP code 10 Employees | 6 Part W19Local income tax 20 (keep(keep for your forryourecor drecos) Department of the Treasury state - Internal - Internal Revenue Revenue Service Service 15 Employees | 4 Part and the IRS determines that it Form18110096 TraISnCsm Citotpaly (3 She rds)& State income16State wages, tips, etc.17State income tax Local wages, tips, etc. al (3 Sheets) 6 State/Payers state no. you if this income is taxable has not been reported.W-3 Transmit Department of the Treasury1099-NEC Copy A (5 She 1099 7 State income15StateEmployers state ID number W-2 Copy A (5 Sheets)-2 Self-Seal Envelopes (10) PAYERwww.irs.gov/Form1099NEC ts) ts) ts)109 -NEC Self-Seal Envelopes (15) t 1099-NEC Copy B (5 SheDepartment of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ServiceW-2 Copy B (5 Sheets) W-2 & 1099 Filing Software 1099-NEC Copy C (10 She Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceForm Wage and Tax W-2 Copy C (10 Sheets)W-2 Tip Sheet C5650ES101096 Transmital (3 She 1099-NEC Tip SheCORRECTED (if checked)Statement 2015 L0197S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP PAYERS name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone no. 1Rents OMB No. 1545-0115W-2 W-2 Copy D (10 Sheets) or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked)& W-2 Filing Software$ 2Royalties 2015 MiscellaneousCopy BTo Be Filed With Employees FEDERAL Tax Return.IncomeThis information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. $ 3Other income Form 6 4 109-MISC For Recipient OMB No. 1545-0116 NECC6103ES15L0216Federal income tax withheld Copy BR PAYERS TIN ECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or RECIPIENTprovince, countr S TIN y, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 1 Nonemployee compensation Form 2021 Nonemployee PAYERS Federal identification RECIPIENTS identification $ 5Fishing boat proceeds $ Medical and health care paymentsRECIPIENTS name, address, and ZIP code $ $ 9 7Nonemployee compensation 10 $ $ 8Substitute Thisinformation and taxtois1099-NEC Compensationnumber numberdividends or payments interest in lieu ofis importantproducts $ Crop insurance proceeds theService. Ifyou 3 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofFor Recipientconsumer products to recipient for resale Copy Bbeing furnished Internal Revenue$5,000 requiredto file are aThis is important tax 1 Payer made or tomorefordirectaresalebuyer ofsalesconsumer of 12 return, penaltyor mayother beinformation and is beinga negligence furnished to the IRS. If you are (recipient) imposed onyou ifAccount number (see instructions) $ 4 Federal income tax withheld sanction may be imposed on Account number (see instructions) 13Excessparachute14Gross proceeds paid to sanction the IRSisitnegligence penalty or other thisand income thatyou if this income is taxable Form $ 109-MISC $ $ $ $ paymen goldents 17 $ an attorney 18 $ $ taxablehas reported.not beenForm 1099-NEC NECLMB(keep for your records) NEC5111 $ $ 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. $ and the IRS determines that it determinesSee page 6 & 28 for details. 16has not been reported.7 State income15aSection 409A deferrals 15bSection 409A income State tax withheld State/Payers state no. State incomewww.irs.gov/Form1099NEC $Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service(keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service65 6/24"