b'W-2 PRE-PRINTED & BLANK FORMSPressure Seal W-2 Forms1A 85102743 APEX PS2851A This proof is submitted for your review and approval. It is supplied for content, layout, and version review and does not reflect paper or ink match. Please review your proof carefully. 851020607 APEX PS1287S2001 Department of the TreasuryInternal d 1 Revenue Service 2Federal income tax withheld dControl number 1Wages, tips, other compensation2Federal income tax withheldA OMB No. 1545-0008 1 3 Wages, tips, other compensation Department of the TreasuryInternal 2 4 Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-0008 1 3 Wages, tips, other compensation Department of the TreasuryInternal 2 4 Revenue Service TFP 5220 Control number 3 5 Wages, tips, other compensation 4 6 Social security tax withheld OMB NO. 1545-0008 3 5 Social security wages 4 6 Social security tax withheld TFP 5224MW1287Federal income tax withheld Federal income tax withheld OMB NO. 1545-0008 c Social security wages This informationc is Service. Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheldSocial security wages Social security tax withheld Social security wages Social security tax withheld Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheld furnishedbeingInternal Revenue to the S2032B5Medicare wages and tips 6Medicare tax withheld 5Medicare wages and tips 6Medicare tax withheld A Employers name, address and ZIP code Employers name, address and ZIP codecEmployers name, address, and ZIP code cEmployers name, address, and ZIP code7Social security tips 8Allocated tips 9 7Social security tips 8Allocated tips 910Dependent care benefits 11Nonqualified plans 12aSee instructions for box 12 10Dependent care benefits 11Nonqualified plans 12aSee instructions for box 127 b Social security tips d 8Allocated tips a C o e d e d 12d 9 C d o e b 7Social security tips C o d e 8Allocated tips a C C e o o d e d 12d 9 C d e o 12b b em R plaentirement sickC d e o 12c 14Other a C C 12d e d o d e o C o e d 12b b Sme taptulotoyerye R pleantirement sickC o e d 12c 14Other a C C 12d o d e o d eMW28510Dependent care benefits 11Nonqualified plans C o 12a 10Dependent care benefits 11Nonqualified plans 12a Employer identification number (EIN) Employees social security number Employer identification number (EIN) Employees social security numberC o d e 12b C o e 12c Employees social security number 12b 12c Employees social security number 13Staptulotoyerye Thirdpay-party 13 Thirdpay-partyEmployer identification number (EIN) Employer identification number (EIN)PRINTED IN USA13 em R plaentirement Thirdpay-party14Other 13Sme taptulotoyeryepleantirementR Thirdpay-party14Other eEmployees name, address and ZIP code furnished to the Internal eEmployees name, address and ZIP codeStaptulotoyerye sicksickThis information is If beingRevenue Service. return,to file a youtaxare required a negligence eEmployees name, address, and ZIP code eEmployees name, address, and ZIP code StateEmployers state ID No. 16 if this you be income or imposed fail to report it. 202415StateEmployers state ID No. 16State wages, tips, etc.penalty other sanctionmayon youandis taxable202415 State wages, tips, etc.15StateEmployers state ID number 16State wages, tips, etc. Form 15StateEmployers state ID number 16State wages, tips, etc. W-2 Statemand ent Tax 17State income tax 18Local wages, tips, etc. W-2 Statemand ent Tax 17State income tax 18Local wages, tips, etc.WageWage Form FormForm Copy C-For 19Local income tax 20Locality name Copy B-To Be Filed 19Local income tax 20Locality nameW-2 17State income tax 18Local wages, tips, etc. W-2 Tax 17State income tax 18Local wages, tips, etc. (SeeWith EmployeesTax Return Department of the TreasuryInternalRevenue ServiceEMPLOYEES RECORDSon the Notice back to of EmployeeCopy B.) FEDERAL Statemand ent Tax Statemand ent dControl number 1Wages, tips, other compensation2Federal income tax withheld dControl number 1Wages, tips, other compensation2Federal income tax withheldWageWage O 19Local income tax 20Locality name 19Local income tax 20Locality name OG 2024 2024 G OMB NO. 1545-0008 3Social security wages 4Social security tax withheld OMB NO. 1545-0008 3Social security wages 4Social security tax withheldCopy 2 City, - To or Be Local Filed Income With EmployeesTax Return. Copy 2 City, - To or Be Local Filed Income With EmployeesTax Return. 5Medicare wages and tips 6Medicare tax withheld 5Medicare wages and tips 6Medicare tax withheldState,State, OMB No. 1545-0008 1Wages, tips, other compensation Department of the TreasuryInternal 2 Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-0008 1Wages, tips, other compensation Department of the TreasuryInternal 2 Revenue Service cEmployers name, address and ZIP code cEmployers name, address and ZIP codeFederal income tax withheld This informationthe Federal income tax withheldbeing furnished to isThis information3Social security wages 4Social security tax withheld Internal Revenueyou file area tax3Social security wages 4Social security tax withheldbeing furnishedreturn, a to If negligenceService. 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Copy Notice C - For to EMPLOYEES Employee on the RECORDSback of Copy B.) PS283Employees(See FACE; EXTRA PERFS AS SHOWN; PANTO SCREENED 10% & 20% 5223/PS283 TFP 5223 PROOF #1; 5.6.2024 20607 8510 SEE REVERSE INSTRUCTIONSSIDE FOR OPENINGImportant Tax Document Enclosed First-Class Mail851020608 APEX PS1289FACE; EXTRA PERFS AS MARKED; SCREEN 10%, 20% & 30% TFP 52255225/PS1289Front Blank Front Blankwith W2 Instructionswith W2 Instructions W 2 - COPY CW 2 - COPY B on back side. on back side.Front Blank Front Blankwith W2 Instructionswith W2 Instructions This panel This panelcontains W2 Backer contains W2 Backeron back side. on back side.Information InformationFront Blank Front Blankwith W2 Instructionswith W2 Instructions VFold on back side. on back side.FROM:Important Tax Document Enclosed First-Class MailSEE REVERSE INSTRUCTIONS SIDE FOR OPENINGEccentric ZFoldAPEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack500s500sFORM DESCRIPTIONPS285522011" W-2 4-Up Box Employees Copy B, C, 2 And 2 or Extra CopyV-Fold Duplex1 Page Equals 1 FormPS283522311" W-2 4-Up Box With Printed Backer Copy BV-Fold Duplex1 Page Equals 1 FormPS1287522414" W-2 4-Up Box Employees Copy B, C, 2 Or Extra CopyEZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 FormPS1289522514" W-2 4-Up Box With Printed Backer Copy B and CEZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 Form36'