b"W-2 PRE-PRINTED FORMSAlternate 4-Up Laser Combined FormatAPEX L275VisittheIRSWebSite APEX L4UPW at Department of theTreasury - Internal Revenue Service Department of theTreasury - Internal Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-0008 1Wages, tips, other compensation 2Federal income tax withheld OMB No. 1545-0008 1Wages, tips, other compensation 2Federal income tax withheld OMBNo.1545-0008 Form W-2Wageand Tax Statement2024 OMBNo.1545-0008 Form W-2Wageand Tax Statement20243Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld 3Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld TFP 5214 7 8 Socialsecuritytips 1 3 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld 7 8 Socialsecuritytips 1 3 Wages, tips, other comp. 2Federal income tax withheld TFP 52165 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld Allocatedtips Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld Allocatedtips Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9 7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9C d o 10Dependentcare C d o e 11 plans C e d o C e d o 12a 10 C e d o Dependentcare C e d o 11 plans 12a C e d o C e d o 10Dependentcare 11 plansCC12a o o e e d d Seinstructionsforbox1210Dependentcare 11 plansCC12a o o e e d d Seinstructionsforbox1212b 12c 12d 12b 12c 12de b Employers n number (EIN) a Employees social security number b Employers iden n number (EIN)a Employees social security number b Employ umber (EIN)12bb Employ number (EIN)12b 13S em tapt l u ot y o e ry e R pl eatnirement T shicir kdp- a pyarty 14Other 13S em tapt l uotyoery e R pl eatnirement T shicir kdp- a p y arty14Other a Employees social security numberC12co e d a Employees social security numberC12co e d14OtherC12de d o S maptluotyoeyrt Rlatnire p ement T si hcikrdp-apyarty 14OtherC12de d o S emaptt l uotyoery e Rleatinrement p T si hci kdp-apr y artye Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. 13 e 13e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.15State Employers state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. 15State Employers state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc.S W-2 17 State income tax 18Localwages,tips,etc. S W-2 Tax 17 State income tax 18Localwages,tips,etc. 15State EmployersstateID no. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax 15State EmployersstateID no. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income taxWtaatgeemaenndt Tax Wtaatgeem aenndt2024 C 19 Local income tax 20Localityname 2024 C 19 Local income tax 20Localityname 18Localwages,tips,etc. 19 Local income tax 20Localityname 18Localwages,tips,etc. 19 Local income tax 20LocalitynameCoitpyy, o2r TLoo cBael FInicleodm wei tTha ExmRpeltouyrne.e's State, Ciotypy, o 2rTLoocBael FInilceodm wei tTha ExmRpeltouyren.e's State,www.irs.gov/ele Department of theTreasury - Internal Revenue Service This the Department of theTreasury - Internal Revenue ServiceCOPY C For EMPLOYEE'SRECORDSDept. of theTreasury - IRS COPYBTo Beled withemployeesFEDERALTaxReturnOMB No. 1545-0008 1 3 Wages, tips, other compensation 2Federal income tax withheld p OMB No. 1545-0008 s SnI na e c p n oo m fa ti a e ire ntosi x 1 3 Wages, tips, other compensation 2Federal income tax withheld 7 r T oehnqiyus ioireunfdiofrttmohaist iionanc otisam xbeeris eni tg urnfxu,arn a tab linseehagenldidgteyonoctuhee fpaIenil 1 tean W-2Wage 2 (See on back of Copy B.) 7 This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Ser 1 vice 2Dept. of theTreasury - IRSthe Service. 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld you cltoy furntIo tioduaaneretcae 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld Socialsecuritytips and Tax Statement2024 Socialsecuritytips Wages, tips, other comp. Federal income tax withheldTheiinsIginntfefuorrnrnmaislahteiodntios b Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld i i rm being informfeiysvahoeeungeer be this Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld OMBNo.1545-0008 Form tor nlrtyaelpooRr reotvtithe.neur esaSnecrtviiocnem. Iaf yyobue aimreposed Notice to Employee OMBNo.1545-0008 Form W-2Wageand Tax Statement2024Revenue reetqeruvrniircedoetnuran,ela.Rnomrengaoyytlihou Wages, tips, other comp. Federal income tax withheldsed lntiostapxaobrtleiat.ndifc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code 8Allocatedtips 3Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld 8Allocatedtips 3Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9 7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9 c Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code10Dependentcare 11 plans C e d o 12a Se instructions for box 1210Dependentcare 11 plans C e d o 12aSeinstructionsforbox 12 C e d o 12b S em tapt l uotyoery e iden p rement T shicir kdp-ap C e d o y 12c arty 14Other C e d o 12d C e d o 12b Smt e apt l u otyoery e iden R pl eatnirement T shicir kdp-ap C e d o y a 12c rty 14Other C e d o 12d 10Dependentcare 11 plansCC12a o o e e d d 10Dependentcare 11 plansCC12a o o e e d db Employers n number (EIN)a Employees social security number b Employers n number (EIN) a Employees social security number13 Rleatni 13 b Employ number (EIN)12bb Employ number (EIN)12b a Employees social security numberC12co e d a Employees social security numberC12co e de Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.14OtherC12de d o y o e ry e Rleatnirement p T si hci k rdp- a p y arty 14OtherC12de d o Smt e apt l u ot y o e ry e R platinremente T si h ci k rdp-ap y arty13Smt e apt l uot 1315State Employers state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. 15State Employers state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.W-2 17 State income tax 18Localwages,tips,etc. W-2 17 State income tax 18Localwages,tips,etc.Wtaatgeem aenndtS Tax WStaatgeem aenndt Tax2024 19 Local income tax 20Localityname 2024 19 Local income tax 20LocalitynameFor Privacy Act and Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, se separate instructions. APEX L27615State EmployersstateID no. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax 15State EmployersstateID no. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax APEX L4UPWR Copy B To Be Filed withCopy C For EMPLOYEE'S RECORDS.Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return. (See Notice to Employee on back of Copy B).OMB No. 1545-0008 L275For Privacy Act and Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, se separate instructions. OMB No. 1545-0008 5214 2 Federal income tax withheld 18Localwages,tips,etc. 19 Local income tax 20Localityname Form 18Localwages,tips,etc. 19 Local income tax 2024 20Localityname FormW-2 Wage and Tax Statement20241 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 22222W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 2222222222 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 22222 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld TFP 5215 Copy2 ForEmployee's State,CityorLocalIncomeTax Return Dept. of theTreasury - IRS 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld Tax Return Dept. of theTreasury - IRS 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld TFP 52177 Social security tips Copy2 ForEmployee's State,CityorLocalIncome 7 Social security tips5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 8 Allocated tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 8 Allocated tips 52163 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheldL4UPWc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 97 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 C e o 10 Dependent careC d o e 11 plans C e d o C e d o 12a Se instructions for box 12 10 Dependent careC e d o C e d o 11 plans 12a C e d o C e d oSe instructions for box 12 10 Dependent 11 plansCC12a o o e e d dSe instructions for box 1210 Dependent care11 plansCC12a o o e e d dSee instructions for box 12 d 12b 12c 12d 12b 12c 12d b Employ number (EIN)12bb Employ number (EIN)12b b Employersn number (EIN) a Employees social security number b Employers iden n number (EIN)a Employees social security number a Employees social security numberC12co ed a Employees social security numberC12co ed13Smt e apt l uot y o e ry e Rleatni p rement T shicir kd p- a p y arty 14 Other 13Smt e apt l uotyoery e Rleatni p rement T s hci i r k dp-apyarty 14 Other 14 OtherC12ded o S emaptluotyoeyrt R pl e atnirement T si hcikrdp-apy arty 14 OtherC12ded o Smt e apt l u otyoery e Rleat pnriement T si hci k rdp- a py rty13 13e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.15State Employer s state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. 15State Employer s state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc.W-2 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips, etc. W-2 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 15 State Employers state ID number16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax 15 State Employers state ID number16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income taxStaatgeem aenndt Tax Staatgeem aenndt TaxW W 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name Void 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name Void2024 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name 2024 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name COPY 1/D EMPLOYER'S - STATE, OMB No. 1545-0008 Dept. of the Treasury - IRS t COPY 1/D EMPLOYER'S - STATE, OMB No. 1545-0008 Dept. of the Treasury - IRSEMPLOYER'SEMPLOYER'SLOCAL OR FILE COPY oinosn. LOCAL OR FILE COPYFor PArcitv aNcoyti cAec,tsaenedsPeappaerrawteo rink sRtreudcutcioinosn.t State, Local, or File CopyState, Local, or File CopyFor PArcitv aNcoyti cAec,tsaenedsPeappaerrawteo rink sRterudcutciDepartment of the Treasury - IRS Department of the Treasury - IRS For Privacy Act and Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, se separate instructions.For Privacy Act and Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, se separate instructions.OMB No. 1545-0008 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld OMB No. 1545-0008 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld 22222 FormW-2 Wage and Tax Statement2024 22222 FormW-2 Wage and Tax Statement202422222 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 22222 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 7 Social security tips 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld 7 Social security tips 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 8 Allocated tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 8 Allocated tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 9 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 97 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 10 Dependent care11 plans C e d o C e d o 12a Se instructions for box 12C e d o 10 Dependent careC e d o 11 plans C e d o C e d o 12a Se instructions for box 1210 Dependent care11 plansCC12a o o e e d dSee instructions for box 1210 Dependent care11 plansCC12a o o e e d dSee instructions for box 12 C d o 12b C e d o 12c 12d 12b 12c 12d b Employ number (EIN)12bb Employ number (EIN)12b e b Employers iden n number (EIN)a Employees social security number b Employers iden n number (EIN) a Employees social security number a Employees social security numberC12co ed a Employees social security numberC12co ed13Smt e apt l uotyoery e Rleatni p rement T shci i r k dp- a p y arty 14 Other 13Smt e apt l uotyoery e R pl eatnirement T shci i r k dp-apyarty 14 Other 14 OtherC12ded o Smt e apt l uot y o e ry e Rleatni p rement T si hci k rdp-a p y rty 14 OtherC12ded o Smt e apt l uot y o e ry e R pl e atnriement T si h ci k rdp-ap y arty13 13e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.15State Employer s state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc. 15State Employer s state ID number 16 State wages, tips, etc.W-2 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips, etc. W-2 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 15 State Employers state ID number16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax 15 State Employers state ID number16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income taxW Wtaatgeem aenndt Tax S 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name Void 18 Local wages, tips, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name VoidStaatgeem aenndt Tax2024 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name 2024 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name COPY 1/D EMPLOYER'S - STATE, OMB No. 1545-0008 Dept. of the Treasury - IRS t COPY 1/D EMPLOYER'S - STATE, OMB No. 1545-0008 Dept. of the Treasury - IRSEMPLOYER'SEMPLOYER'SState, Local, or File CopyState, Local, or File Copy LOCAL OR FILE COPYFor APrcitv Nacoyti cAec,tsaenedsPeappaerrawteo rikn sRterudcutcioinosn. LOCAL OR FILE COPYFor PAcritv aNcoyti cAec,tsaenedsPeappaerrawteo rink sRterudcutcioinosn.tDepartment of the Treasury - IRS Department of the Treasury - IRS L4UPWR 5217L276 5215Required Envelope: Required Envelope:APEX: DW298 APEX: DW4MW or DW4MWD or DW4MWSTFP: 91911 TFP: 61611 or 61612APEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack50s500s100s500sFORM DESCRIPTIONN/AN/A 5213N/AW-2 T-Style Alternate 4-Up Employees Copies B, C, 2, 21 Page Equals 1 Form(Required Envelope: TFP 31311)L275L27550052145214BW-2 M-Style Alternate 4-Up Employees Copies B, C, 2, 21 Page Equals 1 FormL276L27650052155215BW-2 M-Style Alternate 4-Up Employers Copies 1/D, 1/D, 1/D, 1/D1 Page Equals 1 FormL4UPWL4UPW50052165216BW-2 W-Style Alternate 4-Up Employees Copies B, C, 2, 21 Page Equals 1 FormL4UPWRL4UPWR50052175217BW-2 W-Style Alternate 4-Up Employers Copies 1/D, 1/D, 1/D, 1/D1 Page Equals 1 Form31"