b"1099 & 1098 PRE-PRINTED FORMSIndividual Laser Packs1099-S (PROCEEDS FROM1099-R (RETIREMENT) REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS) 1098 (MORTGAGE INTEREST)CORRECTED (if checked) T fh uirsn iisnhfoeRrdme tvaoet intohunee iISsn etberevrniincagel 2a $ 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amountmined OMB No.1545-0119 APEX LR3 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0997 8181 VOIDCORRECTEDOMB No. 1545-1380not deter 2024 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orDETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSPAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. Taxable amount Total distribution13Date of payment m 1099-R ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.$ 3Capital gain (included 4Federal income tax R Pe Foirss re trinbsu,tiAonnns uFirtioems, g t a o 2Gross proceeds Form1099-S Proceeds From RealForm1098 Mortgage PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5Employee contributions/ contributions 6 in employered appreciation Dnio m nrs n ,P etc. FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN $ 3 (Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions (Rev. January 2022) Statementin box 2a) withheld In etairr inot rIraRocAttss-,, For calendar year For calendar yearInterest Sshuance ePn Cl$Designated Roth Net unrealiz s securities Copy B Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description Copy A 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) Copy A RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7 or insurance premiums IRA/SEP/ $ 8Other Report this income on your FederalF TRANSFERORS name ForRECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN $3 Mortgage origination date Internal Revenue For 14 Distribution code(s) SIMPLE 15 $ State/Payers state no. 16 $ 4, attach this copy to your return. 5 4Check here if the transferorreceived or will Internal RevenuePAYERS/BORROWERS name2 Outstanding mortgage$ 5 Mortgage insuranceService Center edetax return. If this form shows Service Center principalral income tax witheld in Box9aYour percentage of % 9b $ % 10Amt alocable to IR within 5 yrs. Street address (including apt. no.) Checktransferor is a foreignreceiveFile with Form 1096.$premiums File with Form 1096.total distribution Total Employee Contributions property or services as part of the consideration For Privacy Act4 Refund of overpaid State tax withheld State Distribution and Paperworkinterest$ $ City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code herealien,if the foreign . . .partnership, foreign personestate,. . . . . . Reduction Act$For Privacy Act requirement 17Local tax withheld 18Name of locality 19Local distribution Account number (see instructions) (nonresidentNotice, see theStreet address (including apt. no.)$ 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence and Paperwork $ $ or foreign trust)current General Account number (see instructions)111st year of desig. Roth contrib.12 6Buyers part of real estate tax Instructions for7If address of property securing mortgage is the sameReduction Act FORM1099R www.irs.gov/Form1099R $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022)$ Certain Information Returns. as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enterNotice, see the the address or description in box 8. current General Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceInstructions for CORRECTED (if checked) City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code CORRECTED (if checked) Certain CORRECTED (if checked)T fh urisn iisnhfoeRrdme vtaoet nitohuneei ISsn ebterevrniincagel $ 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amountmined OMB No.1545-0119 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing OMB No. 1545-0997 Proceeds From RealRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or instructions)8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (seeFormInformationMortgageDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSReturns.*Caution: The amount shown may OMB No. 1545-1380PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.2a $ Taxable amount not deter Date of payment D 2024 it, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 1Date of closing 2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-0997 Form1099-S Estate Transactions mortgage province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. not be fully deductible by you.1098 Interest Limits based on the loan amount Total distribution13 1099-R VOID CORRECTED (Rev. January 2022) 9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other secured property may apply. Also,(Rev. January 2022)and the cost and value of the Foisrmtributions From FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, you may only deduct interest to the in box 2a) $ withheld Se sionsPn,ltAa onnrsn P,u Iraetc.s FILERS TIN (Rev. January 2022) Proceeds From Realactually paid by you, and not11 MortgageStatementPAYERS TINRECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 3Capital gain (included 6 4Federal income tax R Pehtnairrreainnmgce e Contr oies-,,t ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds $ 3 Form1099-SFor calendar year Copy B Account number (see instructions) extent it was incurred by you,For calendar yearCopy B Insu RcAts Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description reimbursed by another person. acquisition dateEstate Transactions 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)*Designated Roth IRA/SEP/ Net unrealizs securities TRANSFERORS TIN $ 3Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description ForFor Transferor 41-0852411 2 Outstanding mortgage5 Mortgage insuranceBorrowerRECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7 Employee contributions/ contributions $ 8 in employered appreciation Copy C FILERS TIN TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 4For calendar yearCopy A This is important taxForm1098 (Rev. 1-2022) RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN $3 Mortgage origination dateFor Payer/ or insurance premiums information and is beingwww.irs.gov/Form1098principalDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service The information in boxes 1 furnished to the IRS. IfDoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPageDoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPage9a Distribution code(s) SIMPLE 9b $ $ Other % 10 For RecRiepcieonrtd'ss TRANSFERORS name 4 Check here if the5Transferor received or will receive property or services. . . . . . . . . . return, a negligencePAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $OMB No. 1545-1380 $ premiums through 9 and 11 is Internal Revenue4 Refund of overpaidimportant tax information Your percentage of % Total Employee Contributions $ Amt alocable to IR within 5 yrs. as part of the consideration (if checked) . (nonresident sanction may beinterest and is being furnished to total distribution If checked, partnership, is a foreign foreign person estate, Service Center penalty or other$the IRS. If you are required $ $ Street address (including apt. no.) 5 Checkthe6 alien, foreign transferor will .receive.File with Form 1096.imposed on you if this8181 VOIDCORRECTED$ 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence may be imposed on you if trust)or foreign14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16State Distribution transferorreceived .orFor Privacy Actitem is required to beRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orpenalty or other sanction property or services as part of the considerationreported and the IRSprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. 7If address of property securing mortgage is the samethe IRS determines Account number (see instructions)Buyers part of real estate taxand Paperworkdetermines that it hasas PAYERS/BORROWERS address, the box is checked, orthat an underpayment of Account number (see instructions)111st year of desig. Roth contrib.12 requirement 17 $ Local tax withheld 18Name of locality 19 $ Local distribution City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code herealien,if. $ . transferor. . . is a. foreign. . person . Reduction Actnot been reported. Form1098 Mortgagetax results because you (nonresidentforeign partnership, foreign estate, Notice, see the or foreign trust)current General $ $ Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service the address or description is entered in box 8.Interestoverstated a deduction for Account number (see instructions) $ 6Buyers part of real estate tax 1Date of closing Instructions forVOID (Rev. January 2022) Statement this mortgage interest or for FORM1099R (Keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1099R Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service VOID CORRECTED Certain Information Returns. 8 Address or description of property securing mortgagethese points, reported in CORRECTEDboxes 1 and 6; or because FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, OMB No. 1545-0997 For calendar yearOMB No. 1545-1380 DETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSCORRECTED (if checked) T fu hrisn iisnhfoeRrdme vtaoet intohuneei IsSn etberevrniincagel $ 2a 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amountmined OMB No.1545-0119 Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022)ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceForm1099-S Proceeds From RealRECIPIENTS/LENDERS TINmortgageRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orCopy Ayou didnt report the refundMortgage 9 Number of properties securing the province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. Forof interest (box 4); or PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. Taxable amount not deter 13Date of payment Form 2024 ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED (if checked) (Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions 10 Other 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) Form1098 Interest $because you claimed a $ 3Capital gain (included Total distribution 4 R P 1099-R FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing $ 2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-0997 For calendar year Copy C PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN 2 Outstanding mortgage3 Mortgage origination date Internal Revenuenondeductible item. Statement(Rev. January 2022)principal For calendar year m 1099-S Service Center 11 Mortgage PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 in box 2a) 6 Federal income tax Insu istributions Fiotrioettss-,, FILERS TIN VOID CORRECTED $ 3 Form1099-S FormProceeds From RealFor Filer Account number (see instructions) $$ premiums $File with Form 1096. acquisition date Copy C Employee contributions/ contributions Net unrealiz SeheDtairrreance Contra etc. ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-09973Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description (Rev. January 2022) received or Copy B For Privacy ActPAYERS/BORROWERS name Forminterest 2 Outstanding mortgage3 Mortgage origination date LenderDesignated Roth withheld s securities nsiinmogne sPn,ltAa onnrsn ,Pu IrRcAs, FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country,FILERS TIN 1Date of closing (Rev. January 2022) 4For calendar year Estate Transactions or State Copy 1098$ 4 Refund of overpaid5 Mortgage insurance 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) For Recipient/ $ TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Proceeds From Real$Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceFor Privacy Act or insurance premiums in employered appreciation Copy 2 TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description For Transferor and PaperworkStreet address (including apt. no.) (Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN(Keep for your records)6 Points paid on purchase of principal residencewww.irs.gov/Form1098principal PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN $and Paperworkor State Copy9a $ $ Your percentage of SIMPLE 9b $ Total Employee Contributions10 $ $ Amt al when tax re qreturn,uired. FILERS TIN TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 5trust)foreign $or5. Checkforeign . Estate Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . furnished to the IRS. If. . Reduction Act9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stetadres 7If address of property securing mortgage is the same, or or Reduction ActMortgageFor Privacy Actthis c,ocitypy w, oitrh l oycoaulr For calendar yearhere if the transferorreceiveinterest 5 Mortgage insurance RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7Distribution code(s)IRA/SEP/ $ 8Other Filestate $ willThis is important taxas PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enter 4 Refund of overpaidNotice, see the Check total distribution % incomewithin 5 yrs. TRANSFERORS name TRANSFERORS TIN 3 property or services as part of the considerationNotice, see theCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code the address or description in box 8. foreignpostalcode$current Generaland Paperwork information and is beingpremiums$ % ocable to IR Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal descriptionthe foreignCopy Aperson current Generalcitytown,state or province,country,andZIP Instructions forReduction Act 4herealien,iftransferora foreign estate,$Transferor received or will receive property or services foreignCertain (nonresidentpartnership,isFor6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16State Distribution Account number (see instructions) as part of the consideration (if checked)or foreign trust) . Internal Revenuereturn, a negligenceInstructions forprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked)$ FormInformationNotice, see the Service Center penalty or otherRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or instructions)8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (seeReturns. current General *Caution: The amount shown may OMB No. 1545-1380If checked, transferor6Buyers part of real estate tax Certain Informationnot be fully deductible by you.Instructions for alien, received is a foreign person (nonresidentimposed on you if thisReturns. mortgage 7If address of property securing mortgage is the sameCertain 4 Check here if the transferor partnership,estate,or foreignsanction may beLimits based on the loan amount1098 InterestInformation File with Form 1096.as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enter Account number (see instructions)111st year of desig. Roth contrib.12 requirement 17Local tax withheld 18Name of locality 19Local distribution Street address (including apt. no.) Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) 5property or services as part of the consideration. is awill .receive.For Privacy Actitem is required to beand the cost and value of the(Rev. January 2022) Statement Returns. secured property may apply. Also, the address or description in box 8.Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service you may only deduct interest to the Account number (see instructions) Checkthe 6Buyers part of real estate tax and Paperwork reported and the IRSextent it was incurred by you,For calendar year FORM1099R www.irs.gov/Form1099R $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ LR3 City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code herealien,if. $ . transferor. . . . foreign. . person. Reduction Act determines that it hasAccount number (see instructions) actually paid by you, and not11 Mortgage (nonresidentforeign partnership, foreign estate,Notice, see the not been reported. 8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (see instructions)1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) or foreign trust) current General9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other reimbursed by another person. acquisition date Copy B (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)*Account number (see instructions)Form6Buyers part of real estate tax 1Date of closing Instructions forForm1098 (Rev. 1-2022) RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TINmortgage PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN $ For Payer/ $ VOID CORRECTED Certain Information Returns. L18A 41-0852411 5150 www.irs.gov/Form10982 Outstanding mortgageBorrowerForm(Rev. 1-2022) FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, OMB No. 1545-0997 principalDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service3 Mortgage origination date The information in boxes 1 1099-SZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Account number (see instructions) $5 Mortgage insurance11 Mortgage CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0997 Form1099-S Proceeds From Real4 Refund of overpaidpremiums through 9 and 11 is acquisition dateimportant tax information ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number For calendar year Estate Transactions $the IRS. If you are required Required Envelope: FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing $ 2Gross proceeds 1099-S (Rev. January 2022) Copy C PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ interest $ and is being furnished to FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds3 FormProceeds From RealForm1098 (Rev. 1-2022) 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence penalty or other sanction Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal descriptionwww.irs.gov/Form1098 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service(Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions may be imposed on you if the IRS determines $ For calendar year For Filer 7If address of property securing mortgage is the samethat an underpayment of APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS FILERS TIN TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 4 Check here if the transferor received or receiveCopy B or State Copy VOID as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, the box is checked, oroverstated a deduction for tax results because you TRANSFERORS TIN 3Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description the address or description is entered in box 8. this mortgage interest or for For Transferor 8 Address or description of property securing mortgagethese points, reported in TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code willThis is important taxFor Privacy ActCORRECTEDOMB No. 1545-1380property or services as part of the consideration and PaperworkRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orboxes 1 and 6; or because information and is beingReduction Actyou didnt report the refund 45 Check here if the. transferor. . . . . is a. foreign . .person . Notice, see the9 Number of properties securing the province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. Formof interest (box 4); orMortgage (nonresident alien,. foreign partnership, foreignreturn, a negligencecurrent Generalmortgage10 Other 1098 Interest furnished to the IRS. If Account number (see instructions) 5Transferor received or will receive property or services. (nonresident. . . . . . . . . . .estate, Instructions forAccount number (see instructions) because you claimed aStatementas part of the consideration (if checked)or foreign trust) nondeductible item.(Rev. January 2022)1Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions, 1Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions,APEX LR4Account number (see instructions)Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) $ If checked, partnership,foreign person estate, or foreignpenalty or otherReturns. Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN $For calendar yearCopy C trust)foreign transferor is a foreignimposed on you if this11 Mortgage Certain Information alien,$ 6Buyers part of real estate tax sanction may beacquisition dateitem is required to be 6Buyers part of real estate tax Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)reported and the IRS Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,$ 2bTaxableamount Total 12 Annuities, Retirement orForm(Rev. 1-2022) (keep for your records) VOID CORRECTED determines that it hasL18B (Keep for your records)PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN5151 www.irs.gov/Form1098principal 2 Outstanding mortgage Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service3 Mortgage origination date For Recipient/ Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2024 Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2024 not been reported.$ 2bTaxableamount $distribution 12 Annuities, Retirement ornotdetermined $distribution Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,TFP 5175 1099-SFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $5 Mortgage insuranceLenderor State Copynotdetermined Total Insurance Contracts, etc. Insurance Contracts, etc. ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 1Date of closing OMB No. 1545-0997 PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stetadres,cityortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 4 Refund of overpaid$ premiums For Privacy Act FATCA Filing13Date of payment FATCA Filing13Date of payment interestrequirement requirement$ PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. Form1099-S Proceeds From Real6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence and Paperwork RECIPIENT COPIES 2Gross proceeds (Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions $ Reduction Act Notice, see the For calendar year 7If address of property securing mortgage is the samecurrent General $ 6Netunrealizedrs appreciation $7Distribution2bcode(s)Taxablenot $ determined $8Other T 2aTaxableamount $ 3 6 Capital 2a) OMBNo.1545-0119 $7 Federalincome $ 1Grossdistribution5Roth 2a $ Taxableamount OMBNo.1545-0119 FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN $ 3Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description4Copy C 9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enterInstructions for Certain RECIPIENTS TIN PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN the address or description in box 8.PAYERS TIN Form 1099-R 1 CORRECTED(ifchecked) gain(included 2024 Form 1099-R CORRECTED(ifchecked) 2024 TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code For Filer 8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (seeInformation 3Capitalgain(included 4Federalincome Gross withheldRoth insurancepremiums inbox Distributions From Pensions,taxwithheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums Distributions From Pensions,or State Copy instructions) Returns.inbox2a) tax distribution5Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor Annuities, Retirement or 4 Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,Annuities, Retirement or $ inemployesecurities distribution 9bTotal amount $otal % $ 9a Netunrealizedrs12 Insurance Contracts, etc. notdetermined $8Other distribution% 12 Insurance Contracts, etc. 5Check here ififthe transferor received or will For Privacy Actmortgage 11 Mortgage IRA/ distribution inemploye FATCA Filing Date of paymentDistribution2bcode(s)Taxableamount Total FATCA Filing13Date of paymentSEP/ requirement 13 SEP/ requirementSIMPLE appreciation IRA/9aYourpercentageoftotal employee$ contributions Your securities distribution 9bTotal SIMPLE contributions Check herethe transferora foreign receiveand Paperwork PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. property or services as part of the consideration Reduction Act percentageoftotal employee$%$ RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ (nonresident alien,.foreign . .partnership,is. . .foreign. .person . Notice, see theAccount number (see instructions) acquisition date% or foreign trust)estate,current General RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeInstructions for PAYERS TIN 3 (included 4Federal RECIPIENTS TIN 5Roth contributions or insurance premiums PAYERS TIN 3 (included 4Federal RECIPIENTS TIN 5Roth insurancepremiums PAYER COPIES Account number (see instructions) $ 6Buyers part of real estate tax Certain Information Returns. Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022) L18C www.irs.gov/Form1098 5152 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceCapital 2a) incometaxwithheld Employeecontributions/Designated Capital 2a) incometaxwitheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Serviceinbox gain inbox gain$ Account number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib.$ 6 $ 10 $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years$ Account number (see instructions) 15 % 1 $ 6 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10 $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ SIMPLE $ 8Other %14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. appreciation $7 code(s)14SIMPLE $8Other State/Payers state no.securities Distributioncode(s) SEP/IRA/ IRA/in unrealizeds 16State distributionDistribution SEP/ in unrealizeds 16State distribution7Net employersecurities State tax withheld Net employer appreciation$ 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality9a$ Yourpercentage19$ofLocaldistribution 9b $ 17TotalLocal tax withheld 18Name of Locality9a$ Yourpercentage19$oftotal distribution 9bTotalemployee$ contributionstotal distribution employee$ contributions Localdistribution1 File this copy with your state, city, or Department of the Treasury $ 1 File this copy with your state, city, or Department of the Treasury $ Required Envelope:local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue Service local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue Service Required Envelope:www.irs.gov/Form1099R % %www.irs.gov/Form1099RRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeForm 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2024 Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2024Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions,Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions, Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,Annuities, Retirement or $ Taxableamount $distribution $ 14 12 Annuities, Retirement or$ 2bTaxable$ 10 $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years$ 14 12 Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,$ 10 $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years 2b notdetermined Total $ Account number (see instructions)Insurance Contracts, etc.11st year of desig. Roth contrib. amount $ $distribution $ Account number (see instructions)Insurance Contracts, etc.11st year of desig. Roth contrib. 16 $ State distribution Treasury APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS APEX: DWMR or DWMRSState tax withheld FATCA Filing13Date of payment notdetermined Total State tax withheld FATCA Filing13Date of paymentrequirement 15State/Payers state no. 16State distribution requirement 15State/Payers state no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. 19Local distribution17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distribution 17Local tax withheld 18Name of LocalityPAYERS TIN securities 1 Payer's - State, Local orFileCopy $ 6 Capital 2a) OMBNo. DepartmentRevenueoftheService $ 1 Payer's - State, Local or $ FileCopy OMBNo. DepartmenttheService TFP: 77771 or 77772www.irs.gov/Form1099R InternalRevenueofInternal Treasury www.irs.gov/Form1099RForm 1099-R CORRECTED(ifchecked) 1545-0119 2024 Form 1099-R CORRECTED(ifchecked) 1545-0119 2024RECIPIENTS TIN PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TINRECIPIENT COPIESinbox2a) tax distribution5Roth 2a insurancepremiums (included Federal Grossdistribution5 2aTaxableamount Annuities, Retirement or $ 3 6 Capitalgain(included $7 4Federalincome $ Gross withheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor $ Taxableamount3 inbox gainDistributions From Pensions,income not taxwithheld $8Roth Total insurancepremiums 12 Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or 4 Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,Insurance Contracts, etc.Insurance Contracts, etc.Netunrealizedrs appreciation Distribution 2bTaxableamount$8Other Total % Netunrealizedrs12FATCA Filing13Date of payment Taxableamount Other distribution % FATCA Filing13Date of paymentinemploye code(s)determined distribution inemploye requirement $7Distribution2b code(s) determined requirementnot IRA/ appreciation IRA/SEP/ SEP/SIMPLE securities SIMPLE$ 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.$ PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.9bTotalemployee$ contributions 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution 9bTotalemployee$ contributionsRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $% %PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN PAYER COPIES3Capital 2a) (included 4Federalincometaxwithheld5Roth contributions or insurance premiums 3Capital 2a) (included 4Federalincometaxwitheld5Roth insurancepremiumsinbox gain Employeecontributions/Designated inbox gain Employeecontributionscontributions/DesignatedorAccount number (see instructions) 15 11st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ $ 6 $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ 7 9b $ Account number (see instructions) 15 % 1 $ $ 6 6 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10 $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ 7 9bTotal SIMPLE $ $ 8Other %$ 14State tax withheld Net employersecurities Distributioncode(s) SIMPLE $8Other 18 9a Net employersecurities Distributioncode(s) SEP/ contributionsin unrealizeds appreciation 14 SEP/ in unrealizeds appreciation IRA/IRA/State/Payers state no. 16State distribution State tax withheld State/Payers state no. 16State distribution$ 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality9aYourpercentage$19$oftotal distribution 17 employee$ contributions Name of LocalityYourpercentage$ 19total distribution employeeLocaldistribution $TotalLocal tax withheld ofLocaldistributionCopy C For Recipients Records is Service. Department of the Treasury$Copy B Report this income on your federal tax return. %$www.irs.gov/Form1099R % in box 4, attach this copy to your return. Department of the TreasuryThisinformationbeingfurnishedtotheInternalRevenue Internal Revenue Service LR4 If this form shows federal income tax withheld www.irs.gov/Form1099R(5175)Internal Revenue ServiceRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeAccount number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years Account number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ $ 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16 $ $ State distribution theService $ $ 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16 $ $ State distribution theService APEX LR4R 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distribution 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distributionPayer's - State, Local orFileCopy Department TreasuryPayer's - State, Local orFileCopy Department Treasurywww.irs.gov/Form1099R InternalRevenueofInternalRevenueof LR4R www.irs.gov/Form1099R5176 TFP 5176Required Envelope:APEX: DW4MW or DW4MWSTFP: 61611 or 61612APEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack50s500s100s1000sFORM DESCRIPTIONLR3N/AN/AN/A1099-R 3-Up Horizontal Recipient Copy B, C, 21 Page Equals 1 FormLR4LR450051755175B1099-R 4-Up Box Recipient Copy B, C, 2, 21 Page Equals 1 FormLR4RLR4R50051765176B1099-R 4-Up Box Payer, State, Local or File Copy 1, 1, 1, 11 Page Equals 1 Form50s500s100s1500sLSAN/A5160N/A1099-S Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsLSBN/A5161N/A1099-S Transfer or Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsLSCLSC50051625162B1099-S Filer Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms50s500s100s1000sL18AL18A50051505150B1098 Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 2 FormsL18BL18B50051515151B1098 Payer/Borrower Copy B1 Page Equals 2 FormsL18CL18C50051525152B1098 Recipient/Lender Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 2 Forms13"