b"TABLE OF CONTENTSE-FILE | Page 5Convenient electronic solutions for customers| PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIPForm1099-NEC Compensation1099 Pages 6-27 or foreign postal code, and telephone no. VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0116 Nonemployee (Rev. January 2024)For calendar yearPAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 1 Nonemployee compensation Copy A$ For Internal Revenue Streamline your tax reporting with 1099 forms RECIPIENTS name $ 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more of3 $ 1 General Service Center $ Form 1099-R 1 CORRECTED (if checked) 12 OMB No. 1545-0119 2024consumer products to recipient for resale File with Form 1096.For Privacy Act and Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount OMB No. 1545-0119 2024 Annuities, Retirement or Street address (including apt. no.) Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked)Paperwork Reduction ActGrossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions,Instructions forcurrent Notice, see the 4 Federal income tax withheld Distributions From Pensions,Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Annuities, Retirement or 2nd TIN not.$ Total $ 12 Certain InformationReturns. notdetermined Total Insurance Contracts, etc.Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 2bTaxableamount $distribution 7 State income 2bTaxableamount $distribution FATCA Filing13Date of payment5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. FATCA Filing13Date of payment requirementnotdetermined requirementAccount number (see instructions)$ PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.$Form1099-NEC(Rev. 1-2024)Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This Page RECIPIENT COPIESVOID CORRECTED PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TINPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIPinbox gain FederalincomeRoth inbox gain Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedoror foreign postal code, and telephone no. 3Capital 2a) (included OMB No. 1545-01164 taxwithheld5Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums 3Capital 2a) (included 4Federalincometaxwithheld5Roth insurancepremiums$ 6Net employesecurities Form$71099-NEC SIMPLE Nonemployee% $ 6Net employesecurities $7Distributioncode(s) SIMPLE $8Other %in unrealizedrs appreciation (Rev. January 2024) SEP/ $8Other in unrealizedrs appreciation SEP/Distributioncode(s) IRA/ IRA/$ Yourpercentageoftotaldistribution 9bTotal Compensation $ 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution 9bTotalemployee$ contributions9a For calendar year employee$ contributionsPAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 1 Nonemployee compensation Copy A| Copy BTo Be Filed With Employee's Federal income tax withheld $ consumer products to recipient for resale %$ For Internal RevenueAccount number (see instructions) 15 %$ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years W-2 Pages 28-40 b RECIPIENTS name a c 1 3 5 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 4 6 41-0852411 $ 3 b a c $ $ 14 RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 1 5 3 1 2 4 6 $ $ $ $ $ 14 RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 1 $ $ $2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofService CenterFEDERAL Tax Return. OMB No. 1545-0008 Copy 2To Be Filed With Employee's State, File with Form 1096.Employee's soc. sec. no. City, or Local Income Tax Return.41-0852411OMB No. 1545-0008Social security wages Account number (see instructions) 1st year of desig. Roth contrib.10 For Privacy Act and current Employee's soc. sec. no. Wages, tips, other comp. Federal income tax withheldStreet address (including apt. no.) Social security tax withheld 4 Federal income tax withheld Social security wages Paperwork Reduction Act1st year of desig. Roth contrib.Notice, see the Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years Employer ID number (EIN) Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheld Employer ID number (EIN) Medicare wages and tips Social security tax withheld State tax withheld State/Payers state no. 16State distributionGeneral Instructions forCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16 Certain InformationReturns.Medicare tax withheldState distributionEmployer's name, address, and ZIP code 2nd TIN not.$ 5 State tax withheld 18 s state no. $ 7 State income 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distribution6 State/PayerEmployer's name, address, and ZIP codeAccount number (see instructions) 17Local tax withheld Name of Locality 19Local distribution$ File this copy with your state, city, or $ Department of the Treasury File this copy with your state, city, or Department of the TreasuryForm1099-NEC(Rev. 1-2024)local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue Service local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue ServiceDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov/Form1099Rwww.irs.gov/Form1099RGet organized and IRS-compliant with W-2 forms Dod e Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or S d e $ 1 1A 1 3 eparate Forms on This Page 4 2 $ 1 Form 1099-R 1 3 CORRECTED (if checked) 4 2 12 S20 851 13 0 1 2743 2024Control number Control numberEmployee's name, address, and ZIP code Suff. Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2024 OMB No. 1545-0008distribution 2aTaxableamount OMB No. 1545-0119Employee's name, address, and ZIP code TaxableamountDepartment of the TreasuryInternalRevenue Service Gross Department of the TreasuryInternalDistributions From Pensions, distribution FederalSuff. Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, GrossOMB No. 1545-0008 Wages,2a other compensation Distributions From Pensions,FederalRevenue Serviceor foreign postal code, and telephone no. 7 VOID CORRECTED 2b A determined Social security tips,wages 96 12 Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,2bTaxable Wages, tips, other wagescompensation 6 Social security income tax tax withheldwithheldAnnuities, Retirement or OMB No. 1545-0116 Social security income tax tax withheldwithheld amount Total Insurance Contracts, etc.Annuities, Retirement or Total Insurance Contracts, etc. determined requirementPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIPTaxableamount Form $distribution FATCA Filing13Date of payment not Social security wages and tips Medicare tax withheld FATCA Filing Date of paymentSocial security tips not Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheld Medicare$distributionrequirementEmployers name, 51099-NEC Code Employers name, 5 address, and ZIP code10 181 Allocated tips plans 192aCodeSee inst. for box 12 Social security tips c 181 Allocated tips plans 2a NonemployeecPAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.170PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.address, and ZIP code13Statutory employee 14Other 12bCode 13Statutory employee 14Other (Rev. January 2024) 1 12b CompensationFor calendar year CodeRetirement plan Code Retirement plan7Social security tips Federal Nonqualified plans 12Code Service Center PAYERS TIN Nonqualified plans RECIPIENTS TINRothThird-party sick pay 122dc Third-party sick pay RECIPIENTS TIN Dependent care benefits1 PAYERS TIN 19 16 RECIPIENTS TIN 1 7 Code $ 1 Nonemployee compensation 3 1 $ $ 3 6 C d o e b 1 R 19 16 4 Third-party C o e d 8 1 Allocated tips tax a Total 12dc 7 Code 5 C C e o d e d o 1 9Roth Copy A premiumsC e d o 7 b 10 Social security tips $ $ 3 6 b e p (included total C d o e 811 Allocated tips 4 a incometax C C e d o o d e 1 92 withheld $8 5Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums158 State Employer's state ID number Local income tax State income tax 158 Capital 2a) 120b em (included pleatnirement sick pay 121cincome IRA/ File with Form 1096. % 13Sm inbox gain securities 14 $7 Other Employees social security number MW285 % RECIPIENT COPIESPAYERS TINDependent care benefits For Internal Revenue RECIPIENTS name State wages, tips, etc. 20 1Locality name 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofwithheld 122ad insurance Capital 2a) Federal 12adLocal wages, tips, etc. consumer products to recipient for resale Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor 12Employer identification number 12(EIN)c IRA/ Otherinbox gain Local income tax Employees social security numberState Employer's state ID number State wages, tips, etc. 20 1Locality nameLocal wages, tips, etc. State income taxEmployer identification number (EIN) For Privacy Act and This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. www.irs.gov/ele$ 9a in Your 13Staptulotoyreye oftotaldistribution 14Other SIMPLE $8 Notice, see the current9a Net employe of Third-party distribution 9bTotal SEP/ contributionsStreet address (including apt. no.) 2023 Dept. of the Treasury IRS Netunrealizedrs appreciation $7Distributioncode(s) SEP/ Paperwork Reduction Acttaptulotoyerye unrealizedrs appreciation Distributioncode(s) SIMPLEOtherForm W-2 Wage and Tax Statement employesecurities 2023 GeneralCertain Information in Rlaentirement sick pay4 Federal income tax withheldInstructions forForm W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Dept. of the Treasury IRSCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code percentage 9b employee$ contributions Returns. Yourpercentage employee$a Copy CFor EMPLOYEE'S RECORDS1 2 OMB No. 1545-0008 $ 5 State tax withheld a eEmployees name, address, and ZIP code 1 $ 2 $ 7 State income eEmployees name, address, and ZIP code %$6 State/Payers state no.Account number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not.$ %| Form __on the back of Copy B.)(See Federal income tax withheld 17 Copy 2To Be Filed With Employee's State, $ OMB No. 1545-0008 14 RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeACA Pages 41-42 b d c Notice to Employee (Rev. 1-2024) 3 5 4 6 41-0852411 O G b d c $ $ 14 Control number __ isbeing 15 1 State3 5 Wages, tips, other comp. 1 Local income tax 6 4 $ $ $ 1641-0852411 Locality name __ $ $ LR4 Iftoother the 15 1 3 5 StateEmployers state ID number 1 4 6 2 16State wages, tips, etc. $ $ $ G OEmployee's soc. sec. no. Wages, tips, other comp. City, or Local Income Tax Return. Federal income tax withheld1099-NECEmployee's soc. sec. no. Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceEmployers state ID number State wages, tips, etc.Form Social security wages Social security tax withheld FormEmployer ID number (EIN) Social security wages Social security tax withheld W-2 Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheld W-2 17State income tax 1st year of desig. Roth contrib.10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years__ Medicare wages and tips Medicare tax withheld Employer ID number (EIN) 17State income tax 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 yearsWage and Tax __ 18Local wages, tips, etc.Account number (see instructions) 1st year of desig. Roth contrib.18Local wages, tips, etc. Account number (see instructions)Employer's name, address, and ZIP code Wage and Tax 15State/Payers state no. 16State distribution Statement 15 19 State/Payers state no. 20 16 Locality nameStatementEmployer's name, address, and ZIP codeState tax withheld State tax withheld State distributionEmployer Name 2023 18 19 19 20 2023 18 Local income tax 19Local distributionEmployer Address Line 1 Local tax withheld Name of Locality Local distribution Copy 2 City, - To or Be Local Filed Income With EmployeesTax Return. Name of Locality Department of the Treasury17Local tax withheldEmployer Address Line 2 This Copy 2 - To or Be Local Filed Income With EmployeesTax Return. Department of the TreasuryInternalRevenue Service State,Revenue Report this income on your federal tax return. Revenue Servicee Control number Suff. e State, City,3 Wages, tips, other compensation Service.2 4 Federal income tax withheld penaltyCopy B Wages, tips, other compensation Department of the TreasuryInternal www.irs.gov/Form1099R(5175)OMB No. 1545-0008 furnishedtotheInternalRevenue Department of the Treasury This information to is in box 4, attach this copy to your return.Employer Address Line 3 Copy C For Recipients Records Internal Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-0008 If this form shows federal income tax withheld Internal Revenue ServiceEmployee's name, address, and ZIP code Employee's name, address, and ZIP code www.irs.gov/Form1099R being furnished you area tax wages Federal income tax tax withheldwithheldinformation Internal This informationMedicare wagesSocial security tax withheldtax withheldSuff. Service.negligence Medicareand tips Medicare Health coverage reporting and IRS compliance 10 7Social security tips 8Allocated tipsplans 1 9 CodeSee inst. for box 12 7Social security tipsc being furnishedSocial security wagesand codetips 192a 6Medicarereturn, a orc mayfile be Social security wages and ZIP code Social security tax withheld 600320 3Revenue Service.tois sanctionon you if thisthe Internal required Employers name, 5 address, and ZIPyou fail to is taxable report it.andimposed income Employers name, address, 181 Allocated tips plans Code13Statutory employee 14Other1 12 2ba Code Form 1095-C (2021)1 103Statutory employee Other Allocated tips Code9 7Social security tips 8AllocatedPage Policy Holder Name Code Part IIICovered Individualse d e o d 811Nonqualified plans a 12bc C C o e o d e d 1 See instructions for box 12 JanC e o d b 120b 1Dependent care benefits MayC d o e 1 Nonqualified tips a plans Aug C C d e e d o o 1 92aSee instructions for box 12 DecSocial security tips14Retirement plan Retirement plan1 70Dependent care benefits 12 ncluding the employee.Third-party sick pay 122cd First name, middle initial, last name12c Code122ad (d) CoveredFeb Mar Apr 12c (e) Months of coverage Policy Holder Address Line 1 1Code If Employer provided self-insured coverage, check the box and enter the information for each individual enrolled in coverage, i C o C d July 12d Sept Oct NovPolicy Holder Address Line 2 (a) Name of covered individual(s) (b) SSN or other TIN12(c) TIN is not available)all 12 months JuneThird-party sick pay Code12b DOB (if SSN or other Policy Holder Address Line 3 Employer identification number (EIN) Employees social security number Employer identification number (EIN) Employees social security number185 1 State Employer's state ID number 19Local income tax 20 1Locality name 7 18 158 1 Local wages, tips, etc.1 b3Sme taptulotoeyrye R plaentirement Local income tax 14Other 20 1Locality name 7 13Sme taptulotoeyrye Rlaetnirement p Third-party14OtherLocal wages, tips, etc. 16State wages, tips, etc. State income tax State Employer's state ID number 19 16Third-party State income tax sick payState wages, tips, etc.sick payForm W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 2023 Dept. of the Treasury IRS Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement e 2023 Dept. of the Treasury IRS eEmployees name, address, and ZIP codepenalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and you fail to report it. 19 L4UP Employees name, address, and ZIP code 52052021 Form 15StateEmployers state ID number 16State wages, tips, etc. 560115 15StateEmployers state ID number 16State wages, tips, etc.FormForm1095-B 22 W-2 17State income tax VOID 18 OMB No. 1545-2252 W-2 17State income tax 18Local wages, tips, etc.Internal Revenue Service Health Coverage Local wages, tips, etc. Wage and Tax| Department of the Treasury Information about Form 1095-B and its separate instructions is at www.irs.gov/form1095b. . 19 CORRECTED 2020 Statement 19Local income tax 20Locality nameSOFTWARE Page 43 Part I Responsible Individual (Policy Holder) 23 Wage and Tax Local income tax Locality name 2023Statement24 2023 3 Date of birth (If SSN is not available) (See Notice C - For to EMPLOYEESEmployee on theRECORDSback of Copy B.)1Name of responsible individual, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 2 Social security number (SSN)20Copy B - ToFEDERAL Be Filed WithTax Return. Copy Employees98 Enter letter identifying Origin of the Policy (see instructions for codes):25.Part IIEmployer Sponsored Coverage (If Line 8 is A or B, complete this part.) 1110Employer name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code26Tax software for small to large businesses Part IIIIssuer or Other Coverage Provider 27 1718Contact telephone number16Name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code28Part IVCovered Individuals (Enter the information for each covered individual(s).)(a) Name of covered individual(s) (b) SSN 29 available) Covered(e) Months of coverage(d) (c) DOB (If SSN is notall 12 months Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJunJulAug Sep Oct Nov Dec30 41-0852411 1095CIRSC Form1095-C (2021)23 RAA #160724252627| code 28 1042-S Foreign Persons U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding 13i 41-0852411 13f OMB No. 1545-0096MISCELLANEOUS Page 44 FormFor Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. . . 13h AMENDED s 2024 s 1095B 13j Form 1095-B (2015)Department of the TreasuryGo to www.irs.gov/Form1042S for instructions and the latest information. AMENDMENT NO. Copy A Internal Revenue Service UNIQUE FORM IDENTIFIER Internal Revenue Servicefor1 Income 2Gross income 3 Chapter indicator.Enter 3 or 4 13eRecipients U.S. TIN, if any3a 4a Exemption code Recipient GIINRecipient 13g Ch. 3 status code LOB code 3b Exemption code 4b Tax rate number, if any Ch. 4 status code Tax rate5Withholding allowance6Net income7aFederal tax withheld . 13kRecipients account number VOIDCORRECTED 2Date won OMB No. 1545-02387bCheck if federal tax withheld was not deposited with the IRS because . . . . . . . 3232 , country, $ 1Reportable winnings 4Federal income tax withheld Form W-2GReporting for non-resident alien income, gambling9escrow procedures were applied (see instructions)( . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 13lRecipientPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province s 3Type of wager $ 6Race Certain s date of birth (YYYYMMDD)and ZIP or foreign postal code7cCheck if withholding occurred in subsequent year with respect to a partnership interest 8Tax withheld by other agents14aPrimary Withholding Agent Name (if applicable) Gambling Overwithheld tax repaid to recipient pursuant to adjustment procedures (see instructions) 5Transaction Winnings(Rev. December 2023)winnings and new employee documentation 10Total withholding credit (combine boxes 7a, 8, and 9) 12cCh. 4 status code 14bPrimary Withholding Agents EIN 15Check if pro-rata basis reporting$ 7 9Winnings from identical wagers 8Cashier For calendar year15aPAYERS TIN 15b Ch. 3 status codeCh. 4 status code 2011Tax paid by withholding agent (amounts not withheld) (see instructions) PAYERS telephone no.15c WINNERS TIN 10Window For Privacy Act 15d 12aWithholding agents EIN 12bCh. 3 status code and Paperwork 15e 11 12 Reduction Act 12dWithholding agents name 15fCountry codeWINNERS name15g Notice, see the current General Instructions for 12eWithholding agent 15hAddress (number and street) 1314State winnings Certain Information Returns.Street address (including apt. no.)12fCountry code 12g 15iCity or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code $12hAddress (number and street) 16aPayerCity or town,state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 15State income tax withheld16Local winnings File with Form 1096s name16bPayers TIN12iCity or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code 16cPayers GIIN 16d Ch. 3 status code16e Ch. 4 status code $ 17Local income tax withheld $ 18Name of locality Copy A 13aRecipients name 13bRecipients country code 17aState income tax withheld Payers state tax no. $ For Internal Revenue perjury, 17bI declare that, to the best 17cof Name of state and belief, the name, address, and taxpayernumber that IService CenterUnder penalties ofmy knowledgehave furnished 13cAddres (number and stret) correctly identify me as the recipient of this payment and any payments from identical wagers, and that no other person is entitled to any part of these payments.13dCity or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code Signature: (Rev. 12-2023)Date: FormW-2G Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service| For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. and ZIP or foreign postal code Form1042-S(2024) 1Reportable winnings 4Federal income tax withheld Form W-2GENVELOPES & FOLDERSPages 45-51 3232 VOIDCORRECTED $ $ 2Date won OMB No. 1545-0238PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country,3Type of wager Certain Gambling 5Transaction 6Race Winnings(Rev. December 2023)7 Winnings from identical wagers8Cashier For calendar year20Youve done the work . now present it with pride! PAYERS TIN PAYERS telephone no. $ 11 9 WINNERS TIN 10Window For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act WINNERS name 12 Notice, see the current General Instructions for Street address (including apt. no.) 1314State winnings Certain Information Returns.$City or town,state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 15State income tax withheld16Local winningsFile with Form 1096$ $17Local income tax withheld18Name of locality Copy A For Internal Revenue $ Service Centercorrectly identify me as the recipient of this payment and a Iny payments from identical wagers, and that no other person is entitled to any part of these payments. I Under penalties of perjury, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the name, address, and taxpayernumber that have furnished Signature:Date: FormW-2G(Rev. 12-2023) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceBUSINESS GUIDE| Pages 52-60 Explore this section for assistance in addressing numerous inquiries, key terms and conditions, and tools for precise tax reporting and compliance"