b"TaxRight by ComplyRight: 1099-MISC & 1099-NEC KITSA Convenient Tax Form Solution for Small Businesses CORRECTED (if checked) $ 2 1 OMB No. 1545-0115 MiscellaneousPAYERS name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone no. RentsRoyalties 2015 Income$ F4orm 109-MISC Copy B CORRECTED (if checked)ComplyRight offers a suite of convenient electronic solutions PAYERS Federal identification RECIPIENTS identification $ $ 5 3 7 Other income $ 6 $ 8 Me For Recipient or foreign postal code, and telephone no. 1 Nonemployee compensation OMB No. 1545-0116 NonemployeeDETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP number number Fishing boat proceeds CompensationRECIPIENTS name, address, and ZIP code Nonemployee compensation dividends or payments interest in lieu of Thisinformation RECIPIENTS TIN Form1099-NECSubstituteis important and taxtois RECIPIENT'S name, stre , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code consumer products to recipient for resale For Recipient1099-MISC 1 $ 9Payer made or to moreadirect buyer ofsalesconsumer of10 $ $ Crop insurance proceeds the being furnished are a if PAYERS TIN t adres 1099-NEC $ 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more of3 Copy Bfor customers to conduct seamless and swift transactions. SOFTWARE13 $5,000parachute 12 an attorney proceeds paid to Internal If Revenue youfilebeSOFTWARE$ 4 Federal income tax withheld This is important tax Service. information and is being (recipient) for resale return,required toother furnished to the IRS. If you area negligenceproducts penaltyor negligence penalty or other Account number (see instructions) paymen goldents 14Gross sanction onmay you isit and the IRS determines that it imposed sanction may be imposed on Excess taxablethis and income thebeen you if this income is taxable not that IRS15a TAX KIT 15bSection 409A income 16 $ State tax withheld 17 $ State/Payers state no. 18 determines Account number (see instructions) TAX KIT $ 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. $ 7 State incomehas reported. has not been reported.Section 409A deferrals State incomeForm $ 1099-MISC $ (keep for your records) $ $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ $ Form1099-NEC (keep for your records) $ $www.irs.gov/Form1099NEC Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceEverything Needed in One Kit number RECIPIENTS CORRECTED $ $ $ 5 1 3 $ $ $ 5 2 Rents s OMB No.OMB 1545-011 No. 1545-0115 $ 6 $ 5 MiscellaneousB or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0116 Nonemployeeno.CORRECTED (if checked) (if checked)PAYERSPAYERS name,streetname, address, street address, city, state, city, ZIP state, code, ZIP and code, telephone and telephone no.2 Rents Royalties 109-M Miscellaneous PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP2021 CompensationRoy1alties 1515 Income2020 IncomeOther income F4orm 10I9S9C-MISC CopyCopy BOther3income F4ormFederal Federalincomeincometax withheld tax withheld For Recipient Form1099-NECPAYERSPAYERS Federal Federal identification identification numberRECIPIENTS Fishing boat proceed boat proceeds6Medical aMnded hiecaallt ha ncda hree aplatyh mcaernet spayments For Recipient PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 1 Nonemployee compensation Copy Bnumber identification identificationAll-in-one kit that includes 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC forms, number 13 $ $ 9 7 Payer9 1 $ $ 7 Fishingcompensation compensation8 eof $ $ $ Substitute payments in lieu of in lieu of 4 $ $ $ 8isThis being important ifare RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more of3 $ For RecipientRECIPIENTSRECIPIENTS name,address,name, address, and ZIP and code ZIP code 1 Nonemployee resale sales ofofsales 10 dividendsSubstitute Thisinformation or andtois and taxtois $ consumer products to recipient for resale This is important tax Nonemployeeor interest or payments interestimportant tax furnished to the IRS. If you are information and is being Softwarand 1e, Laser For099-MISC Tip Sheetms, Envelopes, file a Softwarand 1e, Laser For099-NEC Tip Sheetms, Envelopes, $5,000 or moredirect consumer dividends being furnished is youfurnished 4 Federal income tax withheld negligence penalty or othermadethe Internalinformation Revenue sanction may be imposed on (recipient)$5,000Payer to a buyermadeofbuyer consumer Crop10 insurance requiredIf to file If youtoaother 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. you if this income is taxable Service.Internal areCrop insurance proceeds proceeds theService. Revenue and the IRS determines that it Account number (see instructions) products(recipient)for resale 12 12 return,sanctionthisimposedrequiredbe may be Account number (see instructions) 15 Employees | 4 Part has not been reported. a negligence for or tomore adirectpenalty may other 7 State income a youproducts imposedreturn,sanctionon negligence1096 Transmittals, envelopes and optional software 15a $ Account number (see instructions) $ 15bSection 10 Employees | 4 Part $ $ $ $ $ $ $ e Gross proceeds $ $ $ State $ $ has penaltyor Form1099-NEC (keep for your records)$ -NEC Copy A (5 Sheets) e 109-NEC Self-Seal Envelopes (15)Excess 14 taxable and thistheincome onincome is you if parachut an1 attorney determines IRS 1099 $ it that IRSisitSection 409A deferrals 15b1099-MISC Copy A (5 Sheets) 17 an attorney proceeds paid to paid to taxablethatandnot been $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service15aSection 409A deferrals 16 pa1y3menExcess pgoldentasymengoldentparachuts 17 Gross determinesthe www.irs.gov/Form1099NEC etest)s)10999State tax withheld State/Payers nothas been reported. reported. 1099-MISC Self-Seal Envelopes (10)Form 10$99-MISC Section 409A income 409A income $ 16State tax withheld 1099 18 income11009999-NECCsCoptaB((51 0S hSehts)1099 -&N EWC- 2T iFpil iSnhge Setoftware 10999-MISC Copy B((51 0S hSeheetest)s)state no. state no.18 State income1096-T NraEnm pyylC(3 Shee 1099- &M IWSC-2 T Fiipli nSgh eSeotftware 1100996-TM raISnCsm Citotaply ( 3C Sheets) State/PayersCoitForm 1099-MISC (keep(keep for your forryourecor drecos) rds) DepartmentDepartment of theTreasuryof the Treasury - Internal - Internal Revenue Revenue Service Service CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0116 NECC6103LE0S21156C6103LE0S71901PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked) $ $ 2 1 3 OMB No. 1545-0115 Miscellaneous PAYERS TIN t adres RECIPIENTS TIN $ 1 Nonemployee compensation 2021 Nonemployee Compatible with todays leading payroll and accounting PAYERS name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone no. Rents 2015 Income RECIPIENT'S name, stre , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Form1099-NEC CompensationRoyaltiesOther income 109-MISC Copy B 2 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more ofCopy BF4ormFederal income tax withheld For RecipientThis is important tax $ $ For Recipient information and is being software PAYERS Federal identification RECIPIENTS identification $ $ 5 9 7 Fishing boat proceeds 10 $ $ 6 8 Medical and health care payments This is important Account number (see instructions) $ 3 consumer products to recipient for resale $ furnished to the IRS. If you are number number negligence penalty or other RECIPIENTS name, address, and ZIP code Nonemployee compensation dividends or payments interest in lieu of 4 Federal income tax withheld sanction may be imposed on Substitute you if this income is taxable theinformation and taxtois 5 State tax withheld 6 State/Payers state no. and the IRS determines that it has not been reported.$5,000more Crop insurance proceeds being furnished$ $ 7 State incomeproductsInternal If Revenueyouto fileare aService.required1 Payer made or toforaresalebuyerdirect ofsalesconsumer of 12 $ return,sanctionmay Form1099-NEC NECLMB(keep for your records) NEC5111 $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service(recipient)a negligence www.irs.gov/Form1099NECpenaltyor otherimposed on you be if and incomeAccount number (see instructions) 13 paymen goldentsparachute14 an attorney proceeds paid to taxable thisthe is 15a $ Section 409A deferrals 15b $ Section 409A income 16 $ $ $ Excess 17 $ Gross 18 $ $ determinesnothas reported. that IRS beenitFree tip sheet includes minimum requirements, Form 1099-MISC State tax withheld State/Payers state no. State income(keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Servicepenalties, common errors and employer dos and donts1099-MISC Kits with TaxRight SoftwareSet No. No. of Employees No. of 1099 Forms No. of Self-Seal Envelopes No. of 1096 Transmittal FormsC6103ES10 10 10 (4-Part) 10 3C6103ES 50 50 (4-Part) 50 3Kits contain 1099 & W-2 Filing TaxRight Software and one ComplyRight Employer Tip Sheet.1099-MISC Kits without Software Set No. No. of Employees No. of 1099 Forms No. of Self-Seal Envelopes No. of 1096 Transmittal FormsC6103E10 10 10 (4-Part) 10 3C6103E25 25 25 (4-Part) 25 3C6103E 50 50 (4-Part) 50 3Kits contain one ComplyRight Employer Tip Sheet.1099-NEC Kits with TaxRight SoftwareSet No. No. of Employees No. of 1099 Forms No. of Self-Seal Envelopes No. of 1096 Transmittal FormsNECC6103ES15 15 15 (4-Part) 15 3NECC6103ES25 25 25 (4-Part) 25 3NECC6103ES 50 50 (4-Part) 50 3Kits contain 1099 & W-2 Filing TaxRight Software and one ComplyRight Employer Tip Sheet.1099-NEC Kits without SoftwareSet No. No. of Employees No. of 1099 Forms No. of Self-Seal Envelopes No. of 1096 Transmittal FormsNECC6103E15 15 15 (4-Part) 15 3NECC6103E25 25 25 (4-Part) 25 3NECC6103E 50 50 (4-Part) 50 3Kits contain one ComplyRight Employer Tip Sheet.6"