b'INFORMATION FOR ORDERING 1099 FORMSVOID CORRECTEDOMB No. 1545-01129595 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0115 PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP Payers RTN (optional) Form1099-INT Interest PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1 Rents or foreign postal code, and telephone no.or foreign postal code, and telephone no.$ 2 Royalties Form1099-MISC Miscellaneous$ 1 Interest income (Rev. January 2024) Income(Rev. January 2024) Information For calendar yearFor calendar year$ 3 Other income 4 Federal income tax withheld Copy A PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN$ 2 Early withdrawal penalty Copy APAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 Fishing boat proceeds $ 6 Medical and health careFor3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations Internal Revenue For payments Internal RevenueCORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0115 RECIPIENTS name $ 4 Federal income tax withheld5 Investment expenses Service Center CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0112Service Centerof dividends or interest PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP1 Rents FormInformation $ 6 Foreign tax paid 79 interest File with Form 1096. $ Payers RTN (optional) Form1099-INT Interest or foreign postal code, and telephone no. PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP RECIPIENTS name $ 7 Payer made direct sales$ 8 Substitute payments in lieuFile with Form 1096. $ 2 Royalties 1099-MISC Miscellaneous$ 8 Tax-exempt interest $ Foreign country or U.S. territory or foreign postal code, and telephone no. 1 Interest income (Rev. January 2024) Incometotaling $5,000 or more ofFor Privacy Act(Rev. January 2024) Street address (including apt. no.) For Privacy Act Street address (including apt. no.) consumer products to$ 10 Gross proceeds paid to anand Paperwork$ 3 Other income For calendar year Copy B $ 10 Market discount $ 11 Bond premium and Paperwork2 Early withdrawal penalty For calendar year Copy Brecipient for resale attorney Reduction Act4 Federal income tax withheld City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Reduction Act 9 Crop insurance proceeds Notice, see the City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 11 Fish purchased for resale $ 12 Section 409A deferrals current General RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 Fishing boat proceeds $ 6 Medical and health careFor Recipient Notice, see the RECIPIENTS TIN For RecipientInstructions forCertainpayments current General $ 3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligationsPAYERS TIN Instructions for 13 requirement $ 14 Excess golden parachute$ 15compensation Information t adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7totaling $5,000 or more of$ 8 Substitute payments in lieuThis is important taxrequirement $ 12 Bond premium on Treasury obligations $ 13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond RECIPIENT\'S Certain tres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 4 Federal income tax withheld5 Investment expenses This is important tax Returns.PAYERS TINInformationReturns.payments RECIPIENT\'S name, stre Payer made direct sales$ of dividends or interest information and is2nd TIN not. $ 14 Tax-exempt and tax credit$ 15 State16$ 17 State tax withheldad $ 6 Foreign tax paid $ 7 Foreign country or U.S. territory information and is Account number (see instructions) name,streAccount number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not. $ 16 State tax withheld $ 17 State/Payers state no. $ 18 State income consumer products to10 Gross proceeds paid to anbeing furnished to(Rev. 1-2024)bond CUSIP no. $ 8 Tax-exempt interest 9 interest being furnished to the $ recipient for resale attorney the IRS. If you areDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service IRS. If you are $ $ 9 Crop insurance proceeds Form1099-INT$ return, a negligence Form1099-MISC(Rev. 1-2024) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ 11 Fish purchased for resale $ 12 Section 409A deferrals return, a negligence imposed on you if penalty or otherpenalty or other sanction may besanction may be imposed on you if$ 10 Market discount $ 11 Bond premium this income is this income is PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1 Rents OMB No. 1545-0115 Account number (see instructions) 13 requirement $ 14 Excess golden parachute$ 15 compensation taxable and the IRSVOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0112 Interestrequirement $ 12 Bond premium on Treasury obligations $ 13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond taxable and the IRS payments determines that itPayers RTN (optional) determines that it has has not been 9595 VOID CORRECTED PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIPnot been reported.reported.or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 2 Royalties Form1099-MISC Miscellaneous$ 16 State tax withheld $ 17 State/Payers state no. $ or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 1 Interest income Form1099-INT Account number (see instructions) $ 14 Tax-exempt and tax credit$ 15 State16$ 17 State tax withheld(Rev. January 2024) Information (Rev. 1-2024) (keep for your records) $ $ 18 State income 2 Early withdrawal penalty (Rev. January 2024) FormIncome (Rev. 1-2024) (keep for your records) bond CUSIP no. $$ For calendar yearFor calendar year Form1099-MISCDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 1099-INTDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service$ 3 Other income 4 Federal income tax withheld Copy A PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN$ 3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations Copy APAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 Fishing boat proceeds $ 6 Medical and health careForFor payments Internal RevenueCORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0115 RECIPIENTS name $ 4 Federal income tax withheld5 Investment expenses Internal RevenueCORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0112Service Center 1 Rents Service Center Payers RTN (optional)PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIPPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP RECIPIENTS name $ 7 totaling $5,000 or more of$ 8 Substitute payments in lieuFile with Form 1096. $ 2 Royalties Form1099-MISC Miscellaneous$ 6 Foreign tax paid $ 7 Foreign country or U.S. territory File with Form 1096. 1 Interest income Form1099-INT Interest or foreign postal code, and telephone no. or foreign postal code, and telephone no.Street address (including apt. no.) Payer made direct sales$ of dividends or interest For Privacy Act$ 3 Other income (Rev. January 2024) Information $ 8 Tax-exempt interest 9 interest For Privacy Act$ 2 Early withdrawal penalty (Rev. January 2024) Incomeconsumer products toand PaperworkFor calendar year Street address (including apt. no.) and PaperworkFor calendar yearrecipient for resale 10 Gross proceeds paid to anReduction Act Reduction Act City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 9 Crop insurance proceeds $ attorney Notice, see the RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 Fishing boat proceeds $ 4 Federal income tax withheld Copy B requirement $ 10 Market discount $ 11 Bond premium Notice, see the RECIPIENTS TIN $ 3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations Copy Bcurrent GeneralCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code current General11 Fish purchased for resale 12 Section 409A deferrals Instructions forCertain6 Medical and health careFor Recipient Instructions forFor RecipientPAYERS TIN13 requirement $ 14 Excess golden parachute$ 15compensation Returns. t adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7 Payer made direct sales$ 8 of dividends or interest This is important tax2nd TIN not. $ 12Bond premium on Treasury obligations $ 13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond RECIPIENT\'S Certain tres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 4 Federal income tax withheld5 Investment expenses This is important tax Information payments PAYERS TINInformationReturns.payments RECIPIENT\'S name, stre totaling $5,000 or more ofSubstitute payments in lieuAccount number (see instructions) $ 14 Tax-exempt and tax credit$ 15 State1617 State tax withheldad information and is Account number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not. $ 16 State tax withheld $ 17 State/Payers state no. 18 State income consumer products to$ 10 Gross proceeds paid to anbeing furnished to(Rev. 1-2024) bond CUSIP no. $ name,stre $ 6 Foreign tax paid $ 7 Foreign country or U.S. territory being furnished to the $ $ recipient for resale attorney information and is$ 8 Tax-exempt interest 9 interest IRS. If you are $ $ 9 Crop insurance proceeds the IRS. If you areDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ return, a negligence Form1099-INT Form1099-MISC(Rev. 1-2024) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ 11 Fish purchased for resale $ 12 Section 409A deferrals return, a negligence imposed on you if penalty or otherpenalty or other sanction may besanction may be imposed on you if$ 10 Market discount $ 11 Bond premium this income is this income is 13 requirement $ 14 Excess golden parachute$ 15 compensation taxable and the IRSrequirement $ 12 Bond premium on Treasury obligations $ 13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond taxable and the IRS payments determines that itdetermines that it has has not beennot been reported.Account number (see instructions) $ 16 State tax withheld $ 17 State/Payers state no. reported. Account number (see instructions) $ 14 Tax-exempt and tax credit$ 15 State1617 State tax withheld18 State income$ $ bond CUSIP no. $$ $ $Form1099-MISC(Rev. 1-2024) (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1099-INT(Rev. 1-2024) (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceOUR BASIC 1099-MISC FORMAT PACKAGED SETSForm 1099-MISC is one of the most common variants of Form 1099,Our packaged sets offer everything you need in one convenient used to report miscellaneous income. There are three parts to thepackage for 25 to 50 recipients or 20 to 100 recipients. These sets 1099-MISC: Federal Copy A, Recipient Copy B and Payer Copy C and/ contain all the forms required to process information as mandated or State Copy. All copies (A, B and C) are printed separately andby your reporting agency. The type of laser form needed depends must be collated. Each sheet of our basic 1099-MISC form containson your software. If your software only prints the variable data information for two recipients. Forms are available in packages ofon the forms, you will need pre-printed forms. If your software 50 (8-1/2" x 11") sheets, yielding 100 individual 1099 forms. Bulkincludes laser form files that print complete 1099 form copies, you packages of 500 sheets, yielding 1,000 forms, are also available.will need blank perforated paper. Forms are available in packages of 50 (8-1/2" x 11") sheets, yielding 100 individual 1099 forms. Bulk 1099-MISC BLANK FORMS packages of 500 sheets, yielding 1,000 forms, are also available. FOR YOUR SOFTWAREBlankformsareavailablewithorwithoutCopyBbacker informationpre-printed.Blankformsarealsoavailablewith multiplebackersandcanbeusedforvarious1099forms(i.e. 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-R). You can choose from a 2-Up format with or without stub.PARTS DESCRIPTION 1099 & 1098 FORMS 1099-R 1099PAYERS COPIES PAYERS COPIESCopy AFor Internal Revenue Service Copy AFor Internal Revenue ServiceCopy 1For State, City or Local Tax Dept. State/Copy 1For State CopyCopy BFor Recipient to file with IRSCopy CFor Recipients RecordsCopy 2For Recipient to file with State, City or Local Tax Dept. RECIPIENTS COPIES Copy B Transferor, Debtor, Recipient or BorrowerCopy 2For Recipient to file with State 1098PAYERS COPIES 5498Copy AFor Internal Revenue Service PAYERS COPIESState/Copy 1For State Copy Copy AFor Internal Revenue Service Copy CFor Recipient/Lender\'s Records Copy CFor Trustee or Issuer RECIPIENTS COPY PARTICIPANTS COPYCopy BFor Payer/Borrower/Student Copy BFor Participant52'