b'1099 PRE-PRINTED & BLANK FORMSPressure Seal 1099|1098|5498 Forms1A This proof is submitted for your review and approval. It is supplied for content, layout, and version review and does not reflect paper or ink match. Please review your proof carefully. 9406363 APEX PS1304 1A 8102591 APEX PS814RBForm 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) 1 Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions From AA MW1304 PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $2a Taxable amount $ To Form24 Pensions, Retirement Annuities,or S2032B TFP 5503 S2032B TFP 5225RProfit-SharingTaxable amount 1099-R Plans, rIRAs,2bnot determined Contracts,aetc.InsuncePAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capitaldisttarilbutiincome on tax withheld 5 Employee in box 2a)gain (included 4 Federal/Designated contributionsRoth contributions or LRPSBinsurance premiumsRECIPIENTS name, street address (incl. apt. no.), city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 6Net unrealized securitiesappreciation $ 7 Distribution code(s) SS IRAP//E $8 Other %in employersIMEPL$9a Your percentage of total distribution 9b Total employee contributions$Account number (see instructions) 11 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $14 State tax withheld 15 State/Payers %$ state no. $16 State distributionReporttaxthisfederal income income If attach this onbox 4,form your This this tax 13 Date of payment12FATCA $ 10 Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years R $17 Local tax withheld $ $ 18 Name of locality $ $19 Local distribution $Copy B filing requirementPRINTED IN USAfederalto in return.return.www.irs.gov/Form109 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Serviceshowsyour withheld copy information is being furnished tothe IRS.PRINTED IN USAForm 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) 1 Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions Annuities,FromPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. Pensions, Retirement or$2a Taxable amount 24 Profit-Sharing$2b Taxable amount Total InsurIRAs,aetc.nceForm 1099-R Plans,not determined Contracts, PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capitaldistributincome ion tax withheld 5 Employee in box 2a)gain (included 4 Federal/Designated contributionsRoth contributions orinsurance premiumsRECIPIENTS name, street address (incl. apt. no.), city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $6Net unrealized securitiesappreciation $7 Distribution code(s) SS IIMEAPPL//E R $8 Other %in employers $9a Your percentage of total distribution 9b Total employee contributions$Copy 213 Date of payment12FATCA10 Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years R $ 17 Local tax withheld 15 State/Payers %$ state no. $16 State distribution $ $ O G O G O GO Account number (see instructions) filing requirement 11 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $14 State tax withheld $ 18 Name of locality $19 Local distributionG your this state,$ www.irs.gov/Form109 $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceFile return, income copy whencity, taxwithorlocal required.Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) $ 1 Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions Annuities,FromPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. 2a Taxable amount Pensions, Retirement or24 Profit-SharingForm 1099-R Plans, IRAs,$2bnot determinedamount Tiosttarilbutiond EmployeeInsurnceTaxableContracts, aetc.PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capital4 Federal income tax withheld 5/Designated contributionsRoth contributions orin box 2a)gain (included insurance premiumsRECIPIENTS name, street address (incl. apt. no.), city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $6Net unrealized securitiesappreciation $7 Distribution code(s) SRA $8 Otherin employersSIIMEPPL//E %$9a Your percentage of total distribution 9b Total employee contributions$Account number (see instructions) 11 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $14 State tax withheld 15 State/Payers %$ state no. $16 State distribution $Copy C 13 Date of payment filing requirement $ 10 Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years R $17 Local tax withheld $ $ 18 Name of locality $19 Local distribution $12FATCARecRecipients is being furnished www.irs.gov/Form109 (keep for your records) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceForordsto the information ThisIRS.FROM:PROOF 1 50 27 8510 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR OPENING INSTRUCTIONS SEE REVERSE INSTRUCTIONS SIDE FOR OPENINGFROM:Important Tax Document Enclosed First-Class MailFirst-Class MailImportant Tax Document EnclosedFACE; PERFS AS MARK; SCREEN 20%EccentricEccentric ZFold ZFold1A This proof is submitted for your review and approval. It is supplied for content, layout, and version review and does not reflect paper or ink match. Please review your proof carefully. 851019243 S2020 APEX PS356 1A This proof is submitted for your review and approval. It is supplied for content, layout, and version review and does not reflect paper or ink match. Please review your proof carefully. 851019246 S2020 APEX PS359h Instructions for Payer/Borrower c a n o c o n n s e y e ve a c t le erase you s.uec c uer B 9 tht B i B y B thoe m 2ao.tr iSotghna.og wIfe s th oterhig erine oacuitptesiedtan innt/ dlteihnnegdecprar ialenccnqidpuaailrr e oydentathrhe,e slomhaoonwr stign at htgheee macosa rloetgnf aJdgaaernupyaeriranyrc ,1 ips aohlofawthss eotchf atehle men oddaarttrg eya goeafer. IfB a 7 e n TFP 5116 8 e A B S r r Instructions for Student e : b e sy nbt,e nme nain yfsu ubrrneei rsa hwbehldeototo cu w yk laeuim sbyrae niam neb deuulricsgaeibtmiloeennts o w o e e 1 B T in the index to Pub. 970 to report a reductiong irna ynotsu ra eddmuicniasttioenre cd reandditoprr otuceits cesa eeledd nbudyca artth iyoenar d c g d x a c i) n o at c TFP 5117au ig sf eraon mgfina aygonea ul eanttisrtaut dt$ieo6 n0o,0ra bo guftsomfiurnrsishental tnuetai nitse,t andutco origxin croeuudc,i ta ootrion tnh FeornmeAo rppeorrsaotnio n(i)n cwluhdoi e in the c diailtdinlaeara year mus no ernsm agtnhedi s,insrth eem (innc ltuodci noogof perarhttai vitnre a phdooeinu ostrsin) gon principal as of the date of acquisition. Yd alpia te.omma ee lo igiub 5let.ioSenhd.ouwcast itohnea tl ointaslt iotuf tiaolnl s. cThhoel aarmshoipusn to ro f scholarships o thr eg raamntosu fnotrothf eth ion and feeesa bnys inoenses ,m roerctgeaivged h pa o tga gagaeb oonu t wthheic hpr tohpeerre are c m or e mortgage orig reinfautniodn (.or credit) for overpayment(s) of interest you A su8p sr ts1ito0un4tio 0wn oh iorn1 cw0a4hni0 cc-hSla Ryiom. u Ty haoiruse asetsna rtaeo lmdleeedpn, et onhrda es to yon tinformatio teod guitor, to e ifyou cId rP u:c YMW356 1098 1098-T MW359 6p3,y rand the Instructions for Form 1040. Also,otheIfryboour rroewceerisv,e fdu rthniiss hs teaatecmh eonf tt haesothtehe pra byoerrr oowf erersc owrdith o inn fao rmmoarttionBooxx43SDhoo nwost t dheed duactettohfi sathr 0sa).l.lI Nfo fyoothaued i jtubesomtxm iz4ee ndat m dtooe duynuotcu tori onpn rtsiho erinyOtehtahere (yrse)ia ntarc(xos m)r eyeotuulrin np(esa)io dif s ty hnoeeu crine tcesasrleearsnytd,.ayFroour or refuntf doasrnayofcc lrqaeuidmailt i,f fioearnd d atu nfio teiro dnhue calapnt idion nr ec claarlteceuddliat .et Rinxpgee tatnhisn efo tahr mims oosurtaefT ehyionstusfr otcrar nye, menrstee icesorPredusqb.u . Tir9oe7 ds0 e,t For mqualiofdistribution of amounts reported on this form. Each bor eower is entitled to deduct only theoowmeers a shareamount. It is a www.irs.gov/Credits-Deductions/lndividuals/Qualified-Ed-Expenses and www.irs.gov/Education. (including those not reported by the institution) may redu caen tFioencrd ulducedateatisiol sns, o scmereeedPoit rua ban.ldl9 oc7f e0trh.teainsm achnatb maolrorouowwnate brrele pairsdt e aad nd iden d pbuoocixtni tos4n. p. aEidac bhy btohrero sweel r rm thayathraevper etsoe nint cleuadcehibno inr made in eaedtpour iloien rc1 lyu e(dFaeor r opmarry1te 0pb4o 9rt3e6dainn dth Iitse mboizxe, ditDmeadyu qcutioanli fyR etoc obvee trrieesat iend Pausb d. e5d25uc. tible mortgage Your institution must include itysanlasom ien,c aluddder ecsosn, taancdtininfoforrmmaatitoionn f ocor nat ascetr vteiclteeiop pnhrsoo nvaeibdoeur.t Bd ediat ytoioounu m aclal aayis msbie sfo taarbn tlcheee toy(ien iancsinl tuco scholarships or grants for of atohreuenoat mf eaonuymft stoh rwetge asrgeu ebs suiindbtyes.ri deSiszeete.d Athblsyeo ,n agency, you may not be meaoaryre hSiancvhfo Saremne aa ttimhoeno ,uc nsatel eeisn Pd reaur year Schedule A (Form 1040) instructions and Pub. 936. number on this statement. It maof the afofuexcc 6t t.tih oSenh aaolmw aoss suainsdttj uaonsf ctamen eyinn alt r.roedaimnsgeeP inthe etlhecG oryamenabtsrin )i te idifst vhraeel cuseetui vodefeda. nprior year. This amount mayableI0 f )toy fo odur erh dmouwcotrtttgoha egr eeap mpoarotyu tmnhteei f sogrtor uvmcetoriornenm sien nffoot romuart iopnro, tesceteio r Schedule A, C, or 3E6 ( Pu, tbh. is9 formanodrmF ntoexr est.NI f ot al points are reportable tsoid eyonuce.Btohaxt6a sreh orewqsu piroeidn ttsoyboeu r oepr othrete ds etlole yr opua. idG tehnise ryaelayr, oenplyo rttheedlyaosut rf ocuorm dpigleittseoTfI Nyo tuortTheINIR(SSS. NC, aIuTtIiNon, A ITfI Nyo, uorrTEININ i)s.Hnootthism B0 o4x0 7-nX. S gfhor th owable tuition and fees deduction or education credit that you104 ox 56Pub. 535. a owers tatp xflpoeauteryedTriI N fio cIuaRrti STo.nIN n (uSmSbNe, rIT (ITNIN, )A. TFIoNr,yor EIN). However, the isn p to igned to for the purchase of your principal re rinthcek emdo, rotgr abgoexis8thhaes s baemeenacos mthpeleted. Although the filer or the service provider may be able to answer ceprtalaayinnacqltaiuoienmss.rimsuear yh asshow claimed for the prior year. You may have to file an amended income tax return(pFeoriromdPayers/Bor sy t.show an acgidi tsto notfth iount or other unique number the lender has as p3 e sbea psiosi notfsyaoreu rf urelsyi ddeendcuec. tiObleth einrpthoein ytes anro pt areidp,o brutetd y ionu b moxu s6tsmuabytr aalcst os eblele rd-epdauidc tpibolien.t Ss efreo mPub. thtequ udsiteraenmtteemsn ettsan xt,f podaro y( aennro dtidhceoonnwttia fticoct a ftithgieoun rfe il)ne aur nmoyrbteehrde u (scTaeINtrivo)i.cn Fe c oprrer odyiovt iudtrhe apr tr fooytore uec xtimosenhv,oer, nt h ifenothis box, your begin Jwprrior ayrer cathhre. 2 a02m4o. uSnet einPbuobx.197 in0c fluord heos wam too ruenptso rfto trh aense a caamdeomunicts.anse wuahye-tMheA mctinguish your ac , oer rleinsteoonfcarneyd iot.b Tlighaist ioanom wosneucnumortgage.sSuch amounts are deductible by you m B he6to n cghbu age. discotxcin og1uu. niSst hhno uywomsu brteh are B ecMouyt.sahow eannts a rceccoeuivnet do rb oy tahen r euligible educatioquestions. Box 8. Shows whether you are considered to be carying at least one-half the normalAiscountwwdh efothr eyro yuoru c oaurers ceo onfs isdtuedreyd a tto t hbeereenprodasyreshpoortne oudnm ylyob uethrr e.cMolamaun nrlu /d peen rdpteyo,r i nidntusc,lr iungdgoiv nteghr enamymeeaonrrt.t g sTauhgbises,idy Boyx er.s/fIbigf otuhrrreeowtahededr asre,m sesoi tuohnfe ttr h yteoh ueprbcooapxnerhdtyaes ds ubecectue. ineg m tbh from any source for qualified tuition and related expenses les any reimbursements or ful-timetSe w hdooerwgksrlo ee, graduate-level certificate, or other recognized eimPRINTED IN USABox 1. Shows the mortgage interest received bty rd etodhe ebs y rn erocetipa ilineeaibnybJoaxn u1a. ry 15, B Booxx89ISf hmo Iowf roesnttlhhye ao nan edod npreero sppsre oorptry ed rsteyes cscuerripcetusior enths eo t hf loteha elno ,ap tnrho, isps ehbrootwyxssme thcaeuy r blaeen rmk .oof rptgronp, esrutciehs a sse rceuarilng the school was not abc. total pym Brroaexdd eu9na. tial. xopteanl saems made by anb oiliuintnysu tf rooerfr.h nTh orltiendg i nin sat itpu rgotiorgarnda. uma lteea-ldeivneglteod uacational t payments, or sel int le taonprovide it. Contact your schonoilq iuf ey onuu mhabveer nthaelinfilsetrit uatisosnig inne 2d 0t2o4hmomoeu net qinuictylu dloeasn er pa spstarubs d ionnte aresbt uiynd tthhiescparelepnadida irn yteeraer stth mat aayc bceru eindc liund efudl esootarxt tg1ea 0tg.ae xT.es, or insurance paid from escrow. Booxx32RReeserved for 2024 thaet .relate to those payments received during 2024. fo ount of reimbursemeat abou dns ofrfund).PRINTED IN USA yer eyeyee daaumrd eofv ethcr ereq duita ybliuofiuersd ceamne ncltasi morforerf tuhnedsonly in certain ciIofrfcytuhomueymnpecetisn eq.uent year,he interest recipient may use this box to give you other informatioof refunds masdeerv ddu rfinogr ffuuttuurreeuusse. Box 10. Shows the eea narn tms i.na Fcyro erre atdhseue c inelatttehasext laiinamformation nts or recfouauntiolopments related to Formqu However, you canot d iendculucdt ethde in p breopxa 1id. amount in the calendar year paid w F acuoqtxuu i1rse1it .di oIefn vt.heelo rpemcipeinentst./l eFnodr etrh ea claqtueisret din tfohrem matoiortng aagbeo uintdtheev eclaolpemndeanrt sy erealra,t eshd otwo sF othrem d 1a0te98 andF Box 4. Shows any adjustment made by an eligible educational institution for a prior year f T o h e tuiat iotrh n(emacanaydlerrneedslaualrtteydinteructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to w Feven though it may be xpe Future developm nte o f1098-T and its insIf you hold a mortgage credit certificatoerct gta atnhgdeec,i nahtneo rmcelaesitmepq authidietyo mnlo oaarntcg,q aougries li itniinoetn eo irnfe cdsrte ebcdrtieet ddsniete, cssusere,e ad F nbodrym a itsrw eiwne s.Fitrrsiul.eg.o ctions, rsmu1c0h 9a8s. legislation enacted after they were published, go to yei rasq ru(aammliafoiyeu dnr ett sumuitlaito yin nreaandnud i cnreec lraaentaeysd ealio nwtaanbxs leeli ase bdtihluitayct a fwotioer nrte h cerr eeydpeiotar trt heoadfto thynoe u arecpflruaiionmrd e)y.de S afeor erFt"ohrreem c pa1rpi0otu9rr8e-"T. ew er. aiFrli slt.eagx oP vpr/orFegoprramarma1t0.i o9Gn8o,Tet.o-f iwlinwgw, .airnsd.g doivre/Fcrte deeFpiloes tiotosre pea ify myoeun qt oupatliiofyn fso.r no-cost online83u9a l6imf.i eIadfyt rhbeeesiidnsuteenbrcjeeesc,tt ywtooa usa cpdaaendid ou on ctlnyioadn e mldimuitation. v/Fo ferwdeyo e-filing, andG doir etoc wt dwewpo.irssi.tg oorv /pFaryemeFeinlettoop tsioenes .if you qualify for no-cost online federal tax preparation,RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, stret adres CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-1380 Mortgage, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number deductibleForm1098 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 1Payments received for qualified OMB No. 1545-1574Caution: and The by the you. amount cost Limits and shown based value may of on the not the securedbe loanfully* amount property paid to may the by apply. extent you, Also, and it was not you incurred reimbursed may only by you,deductby (Rev. January 2022)year Intmereenstt tuition and related expenses CORRECTED (if checked)interestFor calendarStateactually another person. 20$ 2 24 Tuition1Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)* Copy BRECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN 2 Outstanding mortgage principal $ 3 Mortgage origination date For Payer/Borrower FILERS employer identification no. STUDENTS TIN 3 $ Form1098-T StatementO G PAYERS/BOROWERS name, stret adres, (including apt. no.), city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Refund of overpaid interest $ $ 5 Mortgage insurance premiums $ The11 is important furnished in boxes tax to informationthe 1 throughIRS. If O G STUDENTS name, street address (including apt. no.), city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4Adjustments made for a 5Scholarships or grants This isCopy B9 and informationFor Student7PAYERS/BORROWERS$ the same as taxandyou is being required penalty that an underpayment or on other to file return,$ 6 prior year $ 7Checked if the amount - be used Thisinformationmay are be imposedthe IRSa6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence negligenceyou a if sanction Adjustments to in box 1 includes tax andimportantdeterminesscholarships or grants furnished is to beingresults for because this mortgage you overstated interest orofa IRtheS.If address of description property address, securing is entered the mortgage box in box is checked,is 8. deductionbecauseboxes 1the O Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instructions) 8C hh ae lfc -tikmeedisf taudt leenatst $ 9 for a prior year $ 10 amounts for January periodan \x1f Formto form must O G2018, All rights reserved.and for these points, reported inacademiccompleteor the address or description orof property securing mortgage 6; or claimedCheckedMarch 2025education you of interest a you nondeductible (box didnt 4); or report becauseitem. graduate if studenta Ins. contract reimb./refund Give it credits.to the8 Addressrefundbeginning8863 to claim9 Number of properties securing the mortgage10 Other 11 Mortgage acquisition date G Form 1098-T (keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service tax preparer use the it taxortopreparereturn.Account number (see instructions)Form 1098 (Rev. 1-2022) (Keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1098 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServicePROOF 2; 7-6-2022 19243 8510 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR OPENING INSTRUCTIONS PROOF 1 8510019246 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR OPENING INSTRUCTIONSFirst-Class Mail First-Class MailImportantImportantReturnDocument Tax EnclosedReturn Document Tax EnclosedFACEFACE PERFS AS MARKED.ZFoldAPEX -Sheets per packTFP Forms per pack500s500sFORM DESCRIPTIONPS1304550314" Printed 1099-R 3-Up Horizontal Copy B, C, 2EZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 Form PS814RB5225R14" Blank 1099-R 4-Up Box w/ Instructions1 Page Equals 1 Form PS356511611" Printed 1098 Copy BZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 Form*PS359511711" Printed 1098-T Copy BZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 FormPS379N/A11" Blank 1098-TZ-Fold Simplex1 Page Equals 1 Form24'