b"1099 PRE-PRINTED FORMSIndividual Laser Packs1099-PATR (PATRONAGE) 1099-R (RETIREMENT)9797 VOID CORRECTED 9898 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions FromDETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1 Patronage dividends OMB No. 1545-0118 PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,1Gross distribution Pensions, Annuities,ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ Form1099-PATR Taxablecountry, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ Retirement or $ 2 Nonpatronage distributions (Rev. January 2023) Distributions2aTaxable amount 2024 Prot-Sharing Plans, 3 Per-unit retain allocations For calendar yearReceived FromForm 1099-R IRAs, Insurance Cooperatives $ Contracts, etc.$ 2bTaxable amountTotalCopy A PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 4 Federal income tax withheld 5Copy A PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN not determined 4 distribution For $ $ For3Capital gain (included inFederal income tax Internal Revenue Internal Revenue RECIPIENTS name 6 Section 199A(g) deduction 7 (Section 199A(b)(7)) Service Center box 2a) withheld Service Center $ $ File with Form 1096. File with Form 1096.Street address (including apt. no.) 8 Section 199A(a) qual. items 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items For Privacy Act$ $$ $ and PaperworkRECIPIENTS name 5Employee contributions/ 6Net unrealizedFor Privacy Act City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 10 Investment credit 11 Work opportunity credit Reduction Actcontributions oremployers securities and Paperwork Designated Rothappreciation in $ $ Notice, see the insurance premiums Reduction Act current GeneralAccount number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not.12 Other credits and deductions 13Instructions for$ IRA/ $ 8Other Notice, see the$ Certain InformationReturns.Street address (including apt. no.) 7DistributionSEP/ 2024 General Form1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023) 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service code(s) SIMPLE $ % Instructions for Certain Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDoCORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0118 City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributions InformationNot Cut or Separate Forms on This Page DETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1 Patronage dividends Form1099-PATR Taxable10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig. 12 14 distribution %$ 15State/Payers state no. Returns.ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $9797 VOID CORRECTED $ 2 Nonpatronage distributions (Rev. January 2023) Distributionswithin 5 years Roth contrib. requirement$ State tax withheld $ 16State distributionPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1 Patronage dividends OMB No. 1545-0118 Received FromCORRECTED (if checked)Taxable$ $2 Nonpatronage distributions Form1099-PATR Distributions Cooperatives Account number (see instructions) payment$ 17Local tax withheld $ 18Name of locality $ 19Local distribution Retirement or ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 3 Per-unit retain allocations For calendar year$ PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,1Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions FromDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKS$ country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.13Date ofPensions, Annuities,PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 4 Federal income tax withheld5Received FromCopy B Prot-Sharing Plans, RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres $ 3 Per-unit retain allocations (Rev. January 2023) $ 7Cooperatives For Recipient Form 1099-R 41-0852411 $ 2aTaxable amount 2024 IRAs, Insurance $ For calendar year$, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 6 Section 199A(g) deduction (Section 199A(b)(7)) This is important taxwww.irs.gov/Form1099R $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Contracts, etc.$being furnished to the2bTaxable amountForm 1099-RPAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 4 Federal income tax withheld 5$ Copy A information and isDoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPage DoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPage CopyB $ $ $ ForIRS. If you are requirednot determined 4 TotalReport this Internal Revenue RECIPIENTS name 6 Section 199A(g) deduction8 Section 199A(a) qual. items7(Section 199A(b)(7))$ 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items negligence penalty orPAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capital gain (included indistribution income on your Street address (including apt. no.) $ 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Service Center other sanction may be9898 VOID CORRECTED box 2a) Federal income tax federal tax $ File with Form 1096. income is taxable andDistributions From Account number (see instructions) $ 10 Investment credit 11 Work opportunity credit imposed on you if thisPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,1Gross distribution $ OMB No. 1545-0119 $ withheld Retirement orreturn. If this 8 Section 199A(a) qual. items $ For Privacy Actthe IRS determines thatcountry, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. Pensions, Annuities, form shows $ and Paperworkit has not been $ 12 Other credits and deductions 13 Reduction Actreported. RECIPIENTS name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code 5Employee contributions/ 6Net unrealizedfederal income $City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 10 Investment credit $ $ 11 Work opportunity credit Notice, see the$ 2aTaxable amount 2024 employers securities tax withheld in Prot-Sharing Plans, current General Designated Rothappreciation inForm1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023) (keep for your records) VOID www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service contributions orIRAs, Insurancebox 4, attach Account number (see instructions) 41-0852411 2nd TIN not.12 Other credits and deductions CORRECTED Instructions for $ Taxable amount$ insurance premiums IRA/ $ 8Other Contracts, etc. this copy to 13 Certain Information Form 1099-R (Rev. 1-2023) PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, $ 1Patronage dividends OMB No. 1545-0118 Distributions2bnot determined 7Distribution TotalSEP/ Copy Ayour return. $ Returns.MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGForm1099-PATR ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Taxablecode(s) distribution SIMPLE$ Internal Revenue ForThis information is Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDoCORRECTED (if checked) Nonpatronage distributions Form1099-PATR PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capital gain (included in 4Federal income tax % being furnished toNot Cut or Separa2Forms on This PagePAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, $ te OMB No. 1545-0118 (Rev. January 2023) Received Frombox 2a) 9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributions the IRS.ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 1 Patronage dividends Form1099-PATR For calendar yearTaxable Cooperatives withheld %$ Service Center 3 Per-unit retain allocations9797 VOID CORRECTED 2 Nonpatronage distributions Distributions$ 12 requirement$ 14 distribution 15State/Payers state no. $$PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country,PAYERS TIN 1 Patronage dividends $ OMB No. 1545-01184 Federal income tax withheld(Rev. January 2023)5Received FromCopy C RECIPIENTS name 10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig.State tax withheld File with Form 1096.16State distributionRECIPIENTS TIN $RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres RECIPIENTS TIN $ $ $ TaxableFor Recipient For Privacy ActStreet address (including apt. no.) $ Designated Roth$ $ employers securities18Name of locality $ Pensions, Annuities,ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 3 Per-unit retain allocations 5For calendar yearCooperatives or For Payer $ within 5 years Roth contrib.5Employee contributions/ 6Net unrealizedFor Privacy ActDistributions From PAYERS TIN RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres $ $ Form1099-PATR $ 7 (Section 199A(b)(7))Copy B StateCopy Account number (see instructions) contributions or$ 17 CORRECTED (if checked) and Paperwork19Local distribution, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 6 Section 199A(g) deduction appreciation in1Gross distribution OMB No. 1545-0119DistributionsMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKS2 Nonpatronage distributions4 Federal income tax withheld Received FromPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,Reduction Act (Rev. January 2023) country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.insurance premiums Local tax withheld13Date of 3 Per-unit retain allocations $ Cooperatives This is important taxand PaperworkForm 1099-R paymentIRA/ 8Other $ 2aTaxable amount Notice, see the Retirement or , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code For calendar year$ 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Reduction Act7Distribution$ $ Prot-Sharing Plans, PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 6 Section 199A(g) deduction8 Section 199A(a) qual. items7(Section 199A(b)(7)) information and isNotice, see thecode(s) SIMPLE 2024 IRAs, Insurance SEP/ 2024 General $RECIPIENTS name 4 Federal income tax withheld 5$ 10 Investment credit $Copy A being furnished to thecurrent GeneralCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code www.irs.gov/Form1099R $ $ % Instructions forContracts, etc.Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceForIRS. If you are requiredCertain $ $ $ $ $ $ 11 Work opportunity credit Instructions for 9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributions InformationCopy C Account number (see instructions) $ 2nd TIN not. $ 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items 13Certain InformationReturns. distribution %$ 2bTaxable amountForm 1099-R For Recipient's 6 Section 199A(g) deduction8 Section 199A(a) qual. items7Internal Revenuenegligence penalty ornot determined Returns.Service Center Total $ $ (Section 199A(b)(7))12 Other credits and deductions other sanction may be10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig. 12 requirement$ 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. $ 4 distribution Records10 Investment credit$ File with Form 1096. imposed on you if thiswithin 5 years PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN box 2a) 16State distribution11 Work opportunity credit income is taxable andRoth contrib. 3Capital gain (included inFederal income tax1099-PATR $ $ For Privacy Actthe IRS determines that$ $ CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 withheld Distributions From(Rev. 1-2023)8 Section 199A(a) qual. items 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceStreet address (including apt. no.)Account number (see instructions)Form$ 12 www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR and Paperworkit has not beenPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,1Gross distribution $ 19Local distributionCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 10 Investment credit $ Other credits and deductions 13 Reduction Actreported. Account number (see instructions) payment$ 17Local tax withheld $ 18Name of locality $ $ Pensions, Annuities, $ country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.13Date of$ Retirement or Form1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023) (keep for your records) VOID www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Notice, see the RECIPIENTS name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code 5Employee contributions/ 6appreciation in11 Work opportunity creditAccount number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not. $ 12 Other credits and deductions $ CORRECTED Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ 2aTaxable amount 2024 Net unrealizedcurrent General13 Instructions for Designated RothProt-Sharing Plans, Form (Rev. 1-2023)LPA ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ Certain Information DistributionsForm 1099-R LRA 41-0852411 5140 www.irs.gov/Form1099R $ $ contributions or$ 1099-R$ employers securitiesPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Patronage dividends OMB No. 1545-0118 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service IRAs, Insurance 41-0852411 5166 $ Returns.insurance premiums Contracts, etc.1099-PATR www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service TaxableFormCORRECTED (if checked) Form1099-PATR 2bTaxable amount Total IRA/ 8Other CopyB ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 2 Nonpatronage distributions For calendar yearPAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN not determined7 Distribution code(s) 4 distribution $ Report this PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, $ OMB No. 1545-0118 (Rev. January 2023) Received FromSIMPLE This information is 1 Patronage dividends SEP/3 Per-unit retain allocations Taxable Cooperatives 3Capital gain (included inFederal income tax income on your PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 2 Nonpatronage distributions Form1099-PATR 5DistributionsCopy C box 2a) 9a distribution withheld %$ 9b% being furnished to the IRS.$ 4 Federal income tax withheld Your percentage of totalTotal employee contributions$ (Rev. January 2023) Received Fromfederal tax PAYERS TIN RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres 3 Per-unit retain allocations 5For calendar year7Cooperatives For Payer RECIPIENTS name, stret ad $ 10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig.$ 512 requirement$ 14State tax withheld return. If thisDistributions From , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 6 Section 199A(g) deduction $ (Section 199A(b)(7))Copy B For Privacy Actres, city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code Employee contributions/ $ Net unrealized 15State/Payers state no. $ 16State distributionform shows RECIPIENTS TIN $ 4 Federal income tax withheld orStateCopy within 5 years Roth contrib. Designated RothCORRECTED (if checked) federal income 6 Section 199A(g) deduction For Recipient and PaperworkAccount number (see instructions) $ VOID $ 17 $ 6appreciation in tax withheld inPensions, Annuities,$ DETACH BEFORE MAILING MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKS$ $ $ $ This is important taxReduction ActPAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, contributions or$ IRA/ employers securities box 4, attachRetirement or RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 8 Section 199A(a) qual. items $ information and is current General Form country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.insurance premiums SEP/ $ 1Gross distribution18Name of locality $ 19Local distribution IRAs, Insurance OMB No. 1545-011913Date ofLocal tax withheld this copy to Account number (see instructions) $ 8 Section 199A(a) qual. items $ 7 (Section 199A(b)(7))9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Certain InformationReturns. (keep for your records) 7payment$ SIMPLE 8Other 2aTaxable amount your return.Prot-Sharing Plans, $ $ 10 Investment credit $ 11 Work opportunity creditbeing furnished to theNotice, see the 1099-R Distribution$ $ % 2024 Contracts, etc.$ IRS. If you are requiredcode(s) $9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Instructions for www.irs.gov/Form1099R Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceThis information is 2nd TIN not.12 Other credits and deductions 13 9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributions Form 1099-R Copy 2negligence penalty or2bTaxable amountbeing furnished to the IRS.10 Investment credit$ 11 Work opportunity credit other sanction may be12 requirement$ 14 distribution %$ not determined $inTotalTo be Filed withimposed on you if thisdistributionForm1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023) $ 12 www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR $ 13Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 10Amount allocable to IRR11PAYERS TIN State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no.16State distribution Recipients State orincome is taxable and Account number (see instructions) Other credits and deductions the IRS determines thatwithin 5 years 1st year of desig.RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capital gain (included 4Federal income taxLocal Income Tax$ it has not been$ Roth contrib. $ CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 withheldReturn, or Copy 1box 2a)Form1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023)LPB(keep for your records)5167www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Servicereported. PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,1Gross distribution18Name of locality 19Local distribution For State Tax$ Distributions From PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1 Patronage dividends OMB No. 1545-0118 Account number (see instructions) res $ 17Local tax withheld $ 5Designated Roth $ $ Pensions, Annuities,Departmentcountry, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.13Date of Retirement or VOID CORRECTED RECIPIENTS name, stret ad payment$ $ Net unrealizedZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. $ 2 Nonpatronage distributions Form1099-PATR TaxableForm 1099-R LRB 5141 , city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 2024 6appreciation in2aTaxable amount Employee contributions/$ Prot-Sharing Plans, www.irs.gov/Form1099R insurance premiums IRAs, Insurance contributions oremployers securitiesDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceContracts, etc.3 Per-unit retain allocations (Rev. January 2023) Distributions$ code(s) Form 1099-R$ 8Other Copy C $ Received FromIRA/For calendar yearCooperatives 2bnot determined SEP/ For Recipient's Taxable amount7 Distribution distributionTotalSIMPLE Records$ PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 3Capital gain (included in 4Federal income tax %PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 4 Federal income tax withheld 5Copy C box 2a) 9aYour percentage of total$ 9bTotal employee contributionswithheldRECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 6 Section 199A(g) deduction $ 7 (Section 199A(b)(7)) or For Payer RECIPIENTS name, stret ad 10Amount allocable to IRR11Roth contrib. $ 12 requirement$ distribution % $ $ 16State distributionStateCopy res 1st year of desig.14State tax withheld$For Privacy Actwithin 5 years 5Employee contributions/ 6Net unrealized 15State/Payers state no., city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code$ $ and Paperwork$ contributions or$ appreciation in$Designated Roth $ 8 Section 199A(a) qual. items $ 9 Section 199A(a) SSTB items Reduction ActAccount number (see instructions) $ insurance premiums IRA/ $ employers securities18Name of locality $ 19Local distribution10 Investment credit 11 Work opportunity credit Notice, see the 13payment$ 17Local tax withheld $Date of current General$ $ Instructions for Form1099-R (keep for your records) 7Distribution$ SEP/ 8Other Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceAccount number (see instructions) 2nd TIN not.12 Other credits and deductions 13Certain InformationReturns. code(s) www.irs.gov/Form1099R % This information is SIMPLE$ being furnished to $ 9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributions the IRS.Form1099-PATR(Rev. 1-2023) LPC www.irs.gov/Form1099PATR 5168 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service distribution %$10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig. 12 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no.16State distributionwithin 5 years Roth contrib. requirement$ CORRECTED (if checked) $VOID$ PAYERS name, street address, city or town, state or province,OMB No. 1545-0119 Distributions From Account number (see instructions) $ 17 1Gross distribution18Name of locality $ 19Local distributionPensions, Annuities,country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.payment 13Date of$ Local tax withheld $ Retirement or Required Envelope: Form 1099-R (keep for your records) LRC $ $ 2aTaxable amount 2024 Prot-Sharing Plans, $ IRAs, Insurance www.irs.gov/Form1099R 5142 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Contracts, etc.$ Form 1099-RTaxable amountdistribution Copy 2APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN 2bnot determined TotalTo be Filed with3Capital gain (included in 4Federal income taxRecipients State orbox 2a) withheld Local Income Tax Return, or Copy 1For State Tax$ $ DepartmentRECIPIENTS name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country and ZIP or foreign postal code Employee contributions/ 5Designated Roth6appreciation incontributions orNet unrealizedinsurance premiums employers securities$ $IRA/7DistributionSEP/ 8Othercode(s) SIMPLE$ %9aYour percentage of total 9bTotal employee contributionsdistribution % $10Amount allocable to IRR111st year of desig. 12 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no.16State distributionwithin 5 years Roth contrib. requirement$ $$ $ $Account number (see instructions) 13payment$ 17Local tax withheld 18Name of locality $ 19Local distributionDate of $ $Form1099-R (keep for your records) LR2 www.irs.gov/Form1099R 5143 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceRequired Envelope:APEX: DWMR or DWMRSTFP: 77771 or 77772APEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack50s500s100s1000sFORM DESCRIPTIONLPAN/A5166N/A1099-PATR Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsLPBN/A5167N/A1099-PATR Recipient Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsLPCN/A5168N/A1099-PATR Payer Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 FormsLRALRA50051405140B1099-R Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 2 FormsLRBLRB50051415141B1099-R Recipient Copy B1 Page Equals 2 FormsLRCLRC50051425142B1099-R Recipient Copy C1 Page Equals 2 FormsLR2LR250051435143B1099-R State, City or Local or Copy 21 Page Equals 2 Forms12"