b"1098 PRE-PRINTED FORMSIndividual Laser Packs1098-C (CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS) 1098-E (STUDENT LOAN STATEMENT) 1098-T (TUITION STATEMENT)7878 VOIDCORRECTED8484 VOID CORRECTED 8383 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-15742aOdometer mileage (Rev. November 2019) Boats, and2022 Loan Interest22022 StatementDETACH BEFORE MAILINGRESISTANT INKSUSING HEATor foreign postal code, and telephone no. Form1098-CMotor Vehicles,RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTUREDRESISTANTDONEES name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1Date of contributionOMB No. 1545-1959Contributions ofprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number OMB No. 1545-1576 Studentforeign postal code, and telephone number $ expenses Tuition For calendar year Airplanes Statement20 1098-E STUDENTS TIN 3 Form1098-T Copy A2b Year2c Make 2d Model RECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormCopy ADONEES TIN DONORS TIN 3 BORROWERS name $ Internal Revenue ForSTUDENTS name 4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants For Service Center prior year Internal Revenue Service Center BOND PAPERON OCR LASERDONORS name4alength transaction to unrelated partyCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code File with Form 1096. Street address (including apt. no.) $ 6 scholarships or grants$ 7 Checked if the amountFile with Form 1096.Street address (including apt. no.) For Privacy Act andAdjustments to in box 1 includesFor Privacy Act and Paperwork ReductionCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code for a prior year amounts for anPaperwork Reduction Street address (including apt. no.)4bDate of saleAct Notice, see the$ academic periodAct Notice, see theCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4cGross proceeds from sale (see instructions)Account number (see instructions) 41-0852411 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . . 2022 GeneralService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Checked if at least9 Checked if a graduate$ beginning January 2022 General March 2023 Instructions forCheck if box 1 does not include loan origination feesInstructions for half-time student student10 Ins. contract reimb./refund Certain InformationReturns. before September 1, 2004Certain InformationReturns. 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service5a$Copy AForm1098-E t Cut or Separate Forms on This Pagewww.irs.gov/Form1098E tt orDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service rtr iForm1098-T CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1574ForDoNo DCORRECTED (if checked)aeFomsonThsPage Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageoNo Cu SepaFile with Form 1096. province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 2022 Loan Interest DETACH BEFORE MAILING FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forOMB No. 1545-1574 2022 StatementDETACH BEFORE MAILINGINKSUSING HEAT DETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSBOND PAPERInternal Revenueprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number OMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received for RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orforeign postal code, and telephone number5bdonees charitable purposeofService Center 8484 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1576 Student8383 VOID CORRECTED $ 2 expenses Tuition RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orforeign postal code, and telephone number expenses5cand PaperworkRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E StudentStatement STUDENTS TIN $ 23Form1098-T TuitionCopy BFor Privacy Act2022 Loan InterestCopy B 2022 StatementReduction Act$ Statement For Borrower STUDENTS TIN 3 prior year Form1098-T 5 Scholarships or grants For StudentCORRECTED (if checked) Notice, see the155A BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 1098-E This is important taxSTUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a Copy A This is important DONEES name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP. . . . . . . . . 1Date of contribution. . . YesNocurrent GeneralAirplanes RECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormCopy A furnished to the IRS. IfSTUDENTS name $ prior year $ Adjustments to $ 7in box 1 includesFortax information Attachment Sequence No.MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTUREDON OCR LASERBOND PAPERor foreign postal code, and telephone no. OMB No. 1545-1959Contributions of$ information and is beingInternal Revenuefurnished to the 6a Did you provide goods or services in exchange for the vehicle? 2a.Odometer mileage FormInstructions forBORROWERS name Forreturn, a negligence4 Adjustments made for a6 scholarships or grantsService Center and is being1098-CMotor Vehicles,Internal Revenuesanction may be5 Scholarships or grantsChecked if the amountIRS. This form (Rev. November 2019) CertainBoats, andService Center penalty or otherfor a prior year academic periodcomplete Form 8863 Informationimposed on you if the$ amounts for anmust be used to 6b Value of goods and services provided in exchange for the vehicle2b Year2c Make For calendar year Returns.Street address (including apt. no.) File with Form 1096. IRS determines that anStreet address (including apt. no.) 6 scholarships or grantsin box 1 includesFile with Form 1096. to claim education $20 Account number (see instructions) September 1, 2004. . . . For Privacy Act and. . . underpayment of taxCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ Adjustments to $ student7 Checked if the amount beginning Januarycredits. Give it to the City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code www.irs.gov/Form1098E. 2022 Generalresults because youService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Checked if at least9 Checked if a graduate$ March 20 For Privacy Act andprepare the tax return. overstated a deductionfor a prior year academic period23 tax preparer or use it to 2d Model Paperwork Reductionamounts for anPaperwork Reduction 10 Ins. contract reimb./refund6csForm(keep for your records) 2 fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made beforefor student loan interest. Form1098-T 8 Checked if at leasthalf-time student beginning January Act Notice, see the DONEES TIN . . . DONORS TIN . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 1098-E If checked, box 1 does not include loan origination . Act Notice, see theService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) (keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1098T2022 GeneralDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 9 Checked if a graduate March 2023 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceAccount number (see instructions) 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . . Instructions for half-time student studentVOID CORRECTED Instructions for 10 Ins. contract reimb./refundVOID CORRECTED $ Certain InformationCheck if box 1 does not include loan origination feesCertain InformationReturns. FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forReturns.Under the law, the donor may not claim a deduction of more than $500 for this vehicle if this box is checked4bDate of sale Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service8484 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1576 1098-E StudentStatementDETACH BEFORE MAILING 8383 VOID CORRECTED $ 2 OMB No. 1545-1574 3 Form1098-T TuitionCopy CDETACH BEFORE MAILINGINKSRESISTANTUSING HEAT MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSON OCR LASERRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or before September 1, 2004OMB No. 1545-1576 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1098T expenses OMB No. 1545-15747DONOR'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 4alength transaction to unrelated party. . . . . Form1098-E t Cut or Separate province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number r itt rDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service rtr iStudentForm1098-T foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Tuition 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1098E DoNo FomsonThsPageDCORRECTED (if checked)aeFomsonThsPage Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageoNo Cu o Sepa OMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP orexpenses $ OMB No. 1545-1574 StatementCopy Bprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 2022 Loan Interestforeign postal code, and telephone number 1 Payments received for 22022RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orLoan Interest StatementForm 1098-C(Rev. 11-2019) L18CA 41-0852411 5901 www.irs.gov/Form1098C province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number BORROWERS TIN 2022 Loan InterestCopy C FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or$ 1 Payments received for2022 Statement or For Filer$4cGross proceeds from sale (see instructions)For DonorRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or RECIPIENTS TIN tadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormStatement For Recipient foreign postal code, and telephone number t adres 2expenses 34 Adjustments made for aForm1098-T TuitionCopy B StateCopySTUDENTS TINRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E StudentSTUDENT'S name, stre , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code prior year Statement For Privacy Act and 5aIn order to takeBORROWERSname,stre 2022 Loan InterestCopy BorStateCopy STUDENTS TIN 2022 5 Scholarships or grantsdonees charitable purposea deduction ofBORROWERS name $ $ Statement For Borrower PaperworkSTUDENTS name STUDENT'S name, stre STUDENTS TIN 3 prior year $ prior year Form$ 1098-T $ $ Copy A For Student Paperwork For Privacy Act and 5bofmore than $500 for thisRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 1098-E Copy A This is important taxReduction Actt adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a amounts for anThis is important Reduction Act Adjustments to5 Scholarships or grants7 Check if theamount in box 1 includes BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForminformation and is being6 scholarships or grantstax informationNotice, see 5cmust attach thisAccount number (see instructions) before September 1, 2004. . For. . . . Notice, see the General2022 Street address (including apt. no.) Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) half-time student $ 5 Scholarships or grants March 20 Internal Revenue the 2022 General contribution, youfurnished to the IRS. If4 Adjustments made for a for a prior year Forand is beingInstructions foracademic period penalty or otherscholarships or grantsin box 1 includesbeginning January furnished to the copy to yourInternal Revenue return, a negligence Instructions for 6 Adjustments to $ 7 Checked if the amountIRS. This form federal taxService Center Certain InformationReturns. $ 8 Check if at least for a prior year9 Check if a graduateamounts for an File with Form 1096. Certain InformationReturns.March 2023 sanction may beService Center must be used to or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-1959return.Street address (including apt. no.) 1098-E (keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1098E 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was madeService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) $ 6 Adjustments to $ studentstudent$ academic period10 Ins. contract reimb./refundcomplete Form 8863 to claim education Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . imposed on you if the7 Checked if the amount beginning Januarycredits. Give it to the File with Form 1096. IRS determines that an23 $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceDONEES name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1Date of contributionUnless box 5a orAccount number (see instructions)FormFor Privacy Act andunderpayment of taxForm1098-T 8 Checked if at leastin box 1 includesFor Privacy Act andprepare the tax return. Paperwork Reductionresults because you If checked, box 1 does not include loan originationDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service scholarships or grantsacademic periodPaperwork Reduction FormContributions ofCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 2 fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made before. . . . . . . . . overstated a deductionCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code for a prior yearwww.irs.gov/Form1098T9 Checked if a graduate amounts for an10 Ins. contract reimb./refund tax preparer or use it toDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTURED 1098-CMotor Vehicles,FormSeptember 1, 2004Act Notice, see theService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.)Form8 Checked if at leasthalf-time student beginning January Act Notice, see the5b is checked,for student loan interest.6a Did you provide goods or services in exchange for the vehicle?. . . . . . . . .2aOdometer mileage. . . . YesNo20 your deduction Boats, andForm1098-E 1098-E 41-0852411 5185 VOID www.irs.gov/Form1098E . . . . . . 2022 General StudentForm1098-T L18TA 1098-T 41-0852411 (keep for your records)9 Checked if a graduate$ March 2023 2022 GeneralTuition (Rev. November 2019) Airplanes Account number (see instructions) 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was madeInstructions for half-time student studentVOID www.irs.gov/Form1098TInstructions forcannot exceedDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 10 Ins. contract reimb./refundDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service6b Value of goods and services provided in exchange for the vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2b Year. . . . 2c Make . . . . s2d Model the amount inL18EA Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . Certain InformationReturns.Loan Interestforeign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED CORRECTED Certain InformationReturns.StatementFor calendar year box 4c.before September 1, 2004CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forOMB No. 1545-1574RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 5180 www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Serviceprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number expenses$www.irs.gov/Form1098E $ OMB No. 1545-15746cDONEES TIN DONORS TIN 3 CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-1576 2022 StudentStatement FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received for2022RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orforeign postal code, and telephone number expenses 2 province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone numberRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 2022 1098-E STUDENTS TIN $ 2 3 2022 Form1098-T TuitionCopy C1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormLoan InterestStatement7DONOR'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 4a. . . . RECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 1098-E Statement or Copy C STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for aForm1098-T 5 Scholarships or grants Copy B or For FilerUnder the law, the donor may not claim a deduction of more than $500 for this vehicle if this box is checkedlength transaction to unrelated party . BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormCopy B For Recipient STUDENTS TIN 3prior year StateCopyForm (Rev. 11-2019) L18CB www.irs.gov/Form1098C 5902 4bDate of saleBORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ For Borrower StateCopy STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants For Student Paperwork For Privacy Act and$ $ For Privacy Act and 1098-CDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceThis is important taxPaperworkprior year 6 Adjustments to 7 Check if theamount in Reduction Act information and is beingReduction Actscholarships or grantsamounts for anThis is importantNotice, see box 1 includes $4cGross proceeds from sale (see instructions)Copy CAccount number (see instructions) furnished to the IRS. IfInstructions for Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) $ 6 scholarships or grants$ in box 1 includesacademic periodtax informationInstructions for 5aFor Donors2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . Notice, see the General2022 Adjustments to $ for a prior year beginning Januarybeginning Januaryand is being return, a negligence7 Checked if the amount the 2022 Generalfurnished to the penalty or otherCertain InformationReturns.sanction may be8 Check if at least9 Check if a graduateamounts for an March 2023IRS. This form Certain InformationReturns. half-time studentfor a prior year studentacademic period10 Ins. contract reimb./refundcomplete Form 8863 must be used to Records Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . imposed on you if the$ March 2023 $ to claim education before September 1, 2004IRS determines that ancredits. Give it to the FormIf checked, box 1 does not include loan originationunderpayment of taxService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 9 Checked if a graduatetax preparer or use it to 5bdonees charitable purposeofForm1098-E www.irs.gov/Form1098E Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1098-T 8 Checked if at leastwww.irs.gov/Form1098T 10 Ins. contract reimb./refundDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceAccount number (see instructions) 2 fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made before. . . . . . . . results because youhalf-time student student$ prepare the tax return. overstated a deduction for student loan interest.5cinformation is ThisForm1098-E L18EB (keep for your records) 5186 September 1, 2004Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1098-T L18TB (keep for your records) 5181 www.irs.gov/Form1098TDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Servicewww.irs.gov/Form1098E.being furnishedVOID CORRECTED VOID CORRECTEDto the IRSRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orOMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forOMB No. 1545-1574VOIDCORRECTEDunless box 7province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number foreign postal code, and telephone number expensesDONEES name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP 1Date of contributionis checked. Student$ TuitionDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSor foreign postal code, and telephone no. OMB No. 1545-1959Contributions ofLoan Interest22022 StatementForm1098-CMotor Vehicles,20226a Did you provide goods or services in exchange for the vehicle?. . . . . . . . .2a.Odometer mileage. . . Yes(Rev. November 2019) Boats, and1098-E Statement Form1098-TNoAirplanesFor calendar year RECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormSTUDENTS TIN 3 Copy C$6b Value of goods and services provided in exchange for the vehicle2b Year2c Make 20 BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ Copy C STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants or For Filer2d Model For Recipient prior year StateCopy6c3. . . . . . . sorStateCopy For Privacy Act and DONEES TIN . . .DONORS TIN . . . . . . . . . . . For Privacy Act and$ $ Paperwork PaperworkAdjustments to 7 Check if theamount in Reduction Act Reduction Act6 scholarships or grantsamounts for anNotice, seebox 1 includes DONOR'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 4alength transaction to unrelated party. . . . . Account number (see instructions) Notice, see the General2022 Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Check if at least$ for a prior year beginning JanuaryInstructions for7 Instructions for 9 Check if a graduateacademic period the 2022 GeneralCertain InformationReturns. 10 March 2023Certain InformationReturns.Under the law, the donor may not claim a deduction of more than $500 for this vehicle if this box is checked4bDate of sale Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceCopy DForm1098-E L18EC www.irs.gov/Form1098E 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . Form1098-T L18TC half-time student student5182 $ Ins. contract reimb./refundForm 1098-C(Rev. 11-2019)L18CC(keep for your records) 5903 www.irs.gov/Form1098C Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Servicebefore September 1, 2004 5187$4cGross proceeds from sale (see instructions)For Donee5a For Privacy Act 5bdonees charitable purposeofand PaperworkRequired Envelope: Required Envelope:Reduction Act Notice, see the 5ccurrent General Instructions for CertainAPEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WSInformation Returns. 6a Did you provide goods or services in exchange for the vehicle?. . . . . . . . . . . . .YesNo 6b Value of goods and services provided in exchange for the vehicle $ 6cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Under the law, the donor may not claim a deduction of more than $500 for this vehicle if this box is checked. . . . .Form 1098-C(Rev. 11-2019) L18CD www.irs.gov/Form1098C 5904 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Required Envelope:APEX: DWMR or DWMRSTFP: 77771 or 77772APEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack50s500s100s1000sFORM DESCRIPTIONL18CAN/A5901N/A1098-C Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 1 FormL18CBN/A5902N/A1098-C Donor Copy B1 Page Equals 1 FormL18CCN/A5903N/A1098-C Donors Records Copy C1 Page Equals 1 FormL18CDN/A5904N/A1098-C Donee Copy D1 Page Equals 1 FormL18EAN/A5185N/A1098-E Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsL18EBN/A5186N/A1098-E Borrower Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsL18ECN/A5187N/A1098-E Recipient Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms50S500S100S1500SL18TAL18TA50051805180B1098-T Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsL18TBL18TB50051815181B1098-T Student Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsL18TCL18TC50051825182B1098-T Filer Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms36"