b'Federal and State Labor Law Posters Specialty Labor Law PostersEEOC: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission FLSA: Fair Labor Standards ActEqual Employment Opportunity ise g , 4, a E sXA pro NA s a plic d a G a al b vrn r e g n a ,ni u EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONCEALEDTHE LAW UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACTE i o c dm e E i yo R ne liey n FEDERAL LABOR LAW POSTINGS oRE v E E T /16 C n T s srousU w o D R o d T r I r e a T T e a I T AGE te E l G e p m r v E p h E ad l p T Private EmployersEmp,l oSytmateen at nAdg eLnocciaes l lfob A is yhe L tn e es L o i iec o I th s a A pt,m in e T r E S Er I th P T n o ab o m i t e h rd E r S ,N m D o ) a t g er o n p r ar -s a fr td S p m s m i r s s to p n m eo r o Laa m i o o c u r.c V tis E o eo l ae o D s i 2 ios ff c C g ng a n u I n N er 9 La fs A ob a ne G a le E l b RI e a dis m C nd f N n nts o L w loc m nd A .ego Soe c ri nts, Educational Institutions,ct C o d a a y A i le A t A a U a E a i E U t A f B E E A aC o a m b e N c O E o AtHVHn E p c T pO f To C In s C S I u C u St o w C P le n o RSim e a rr Ato expres A mm r ce p d FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE in dd pp lr r fuvu llo W U e o t o < uu S P 1 d oww nn o n rk k ww ww e f e o I d ss a o r 1 l 3 uoc o tt v o er ye R e rd r r p 0 lii in a aa o n c w e ov rk e s re s e i i eek. a T w r :1 o w - -8 8 .dd 6 le ia nyim m W e State Labor Law Postingsa ,de t l h r h t Florida Department of m O M L W m e F This cha c ctMinors 16 & 17 Child Labor F F d d * ** * p A s A M W v ro o aon ) Ne M u lic o ngobe gf re oe a ro at1e8 a hnodu rfse;d isi e eral l lers ow8 eheoku.r0 The federY NOal laT wWORK in Aitcatl (icFsL.SA) .o s o Se w. l.g ch e ot k.ssFair Employment 0 0 LA LEY DE LA FLORIDA 0 EJAinm E cT F d any employe E e e l in O i y re r r o sp0 p s ue w R R S R 3 a eeemdaa e he w r n y s Thet suml yo s f sb ) r ( y h te faoc tt EP n yo m g.u t FEDERAL LABOR LAW POSTINGS h U t bdu nt oc rhc oe t ca r y s . io E s W E wrN o EtrX t s rzE w h h r aiege r u P C Po oau hc o s d es fri T w a Yw per : 1w- tfs it da t ne c p n y l id n r u i a irr oo ausw a M r Gme T anm G pErco o A o T em T o SN SsiE I T y S a p yc T U R D A e o p e efabn Ifee W D em di a I E i orniqEotulthh I T o b l Teligpli T d d r RenreE aetp Rne hl ehvE e N ssap e m m i . tle p le Ov IeSD reCvii hHdo erx e A o is e Equal Employment Opportunity g esu hlbs dn ha a aesA.O,l N I s on tdaE loy V i o aioe dtimod n iEtkoy I e e 0 E sis n W an A eilT stm B fL t5ew uId h o e y fl irD e Dfrnw e ,C 0 ei4da fpan , o uc t veo c nm it tOa s a gest n Ff a ed i o ic it S - Ga D yto t dIN L e i nor u2 Y cV e o D ir,in 8 d o h g sio s t q L ie mhS or i A s d 0 in(mot acdin iR nn e Ra, b ni aw p,a i r o en dootn . c ve e inrslFI p E . gl lioic lscoi ll C ime g e c R C d l c t a m 08 ciAio l- . rd nf m o sfo er u ns E c in N i Y tisTcni yde 2 abie td m lu n0t2r ST sO g loRieLf A pl ioo d o tsG u a Iyr,toe n in r m 1 c I sm n g a U a n eo 0 io ic a t o esiorfO jI tioYn nuo loy r syec aam m i o n T nE t p .Sebr .L m h r ne t lo it i g on A n w a o t led tihs eP o m ub ein h uynmt c n itondobr L m n soilin h e niIe r e uetel ocrc yt p rV c 1 hla9o al ct ns,o Ic X enoDti am srl hoa f asia,re I u 3, in gtld uvaN n hreet ia aarn et a )f, beeht ld m ra E insait litsy a g n in e ie I s ae in SS p e g A o m oom r eadi n T lin m gaSR f o t,ion beenp itr eetd . Tup a p u Ict blndes a e, c s d ab m u F E loyde , p sp e igX se i le o ss. n aw ed a r h e o onug1 f 19 u i N t alilatp e,n l oee s ai e tat r 9s9 d 0bn,i 2n t sr aalpO, n i lw e d r a d y 0g oh d a r a te E sa o eneml lIOmi R dni d n ca aisa a t t 19 tsCn t m dga er s uplitint c q n e f AA N aloo saelon oai eg, ilo I a i um ynmco l w sptseje s t h om fla edts e ,oat is e .ei3 r e rba r Fedc go s S p o sfpvm a spfis eie o p:/ pt ro mrce c l epm li b c inda l s ertlso ndoym c g tsa w o w io C t . w d sorr,i es is t f g,u aa c cfa /09) s rf ian l nO dle o pD tm i FC il b e sspif. tle fo hsrio in dt, m a raolsuAi i p p nab l e anint iaoa t raoan ct r t tofa disill f ns a C c tnrc aoo tiaot hvi d spe war rviet nec l g o o i f tse s tCerisxie i c a ce tioinn ssi sf /wa t vi vrl e sis i cant r mallsc st o ti sab ne t o s u im nwip oieoi ig ta ddatiiit n nor h i O tn s h th n c is n r imm e c v o 1 c c et c e o fbofhea anpri m vi a m c , cpsse c eh im a a per,os io r i1 apnol9 fo6i4n loy n : p -fre natios ntoi ofonn ai . tfe mm y n r e nesasria m Eel l ssoo m ti, sn s,Emn i le go u L E Re p El m w E E e T A t Elin e B pus id A le W Two civeirl e h At eAaonzn ov T N p T O birohn a t foo m n AD nm hb m vU N i n e V he l Stoe w S I Co Camr teegs C o pm im e r nefi - E k Imp om loSu ic rsim i yne ye aw re l1 w insg y o l c w I L , yan ho fo llt ts y M n tEi m l d h m A t b n e o , reE f ta , y e m tB y M t u eme uefilheoPeA wm urerum rsgl ru m t sersl e r tre lo bylegyi ple toL o h imske r s in c ed employe bv e s h rio s rw tnpdo i a f nooga e te e.s,uw mldp hi ls tfdmilkam. y e reroee y s reTohdfr acteoi a r fil etp M FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act m eteu rlka r e e W ewr an ip m lif ye t er rius h e o r o1nod l eohtle rno w ee ,re re e wo 4 a ec be p onr a yev e tlyle k i n1 rt rhd c a ii fva gytua inr h t ld rm pee a ro e s f h iod dh o est ialrgiy amee r W w e VR e fien H IST m hethp eCl e 1 ust s. 0 IO ue M 88 p ldd/ c om ifoo e N EN r ym s no ingo ,r ecc T O tm m imo l erdptl s . jD acend /16 h r yfo ns w 3 o e e rnk i rrge h s endasr r mc m na eeortisahl to raa p t n e the n a ss al f ae k.a F v me s hoob N s. m r 9r m choir p u ot v rehhre.t r g2 l b t oow ille ers a y dd,o ic T ef w towra ) r cet t au e e . w R Y:w 11-w-8.r a pco dirsatunicn hi i o hne o m o d 2o s can readily see it. vhg d e 7o7 ce e ri f A o n e n ssfs m thL s j tb - o i te m b e t otch le il rdg v h b h esedom) m HANDGUNS PROHIBITEDAplicaangtesn tcoie asn dan edm lapbloyro oers anizations, N ed,O tect O anovernm O ed zationsPER HOURTitle VI of most priavre protected under Federal law froem dmiscrtims inaticoatn ioonn the folal institowing bases:utions, employment$7.25ate employers, state aEfM edp ilno yae ceosn asnpdic applicuous palnactse.RACE, COLOR, RELIGION X(S ithn D, amend e em TIof iarn1en ge p INand employes from discrimination in hiring, promotion,The law reqquires emplooyyers to disspla BEGINNING JULY 24, 2009 s iicicnu vlvltauarriaolu ues mnpolnono-ymmaennutf.facturing,Business & Child Labor Laws OC: U.S. Equal Employment Oportunity Commis Weapons Law Posters of the Civil Rights Act of 196deislcighioanrg, ese, xpa (yi,n cfrluindgien gb epnreegfitnsa,n jocyb) ,t roar inniantgio, nclaal sosirfiigciant.i oRne,l irgeiofeursr adl,i sacnrdim ointahetior na sipnceclutdse oasrf d feasmhilinippg.l otyom reeanst,o onna bthlye a cbacosims omf ordacaete,caonl or, orP cLoOnYvEeRn iNeOntT vEi:e Mwuinstg b bey p aol etm employes religious practices where the acommodation doe9s 0n,o ats i mampoe se eudn,d pureo httigeoc, ntc l atqosus atiflhiicfeiae tkdino ionnwd, irnvei fdpeuhryralsasil c,f aarlno domro dmtihseecnrrt imsl iplnimeatciitotsant io oof nns EaRstT 1IM tEtimmPeAs Y Ythe regular rateof pfay for all hp rs w cay this postter wherre e atmiopnl.loyees can readily see it.EPPA: Employee Polygraph Protection Act DISABIL , ef IC ITY sability dis incl uddiisseacbsh inlaitoritgy who aobpnealnicbaele itta sco, crjoo ebmm tmpralooindyiaene, baring undue hardship.fromhazardous by the Secretary of Laboiotrhr.cYcoeoeur << m r 4 we fic Professional The State of Florida and the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) FLORIDA LAW PROHIBE THE LAW tution EMPLOYEE RIGHTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 30.06, thfm eap bnlo aosytimhs eeornfw dt.ii sDseaib qualifiedmeriicnraaontmsio ownt ith a disabilit s , Apackatiyn,gisfr An employeTitle I and Title Vi loityf t ihne h Airincindrgiimv, pidual w ILD LABOR must be at least 16 years old to work in most non-farm jobs and at least 18 to work in non-farm jobs declared EMPLOYEE RIGHTS discrimination based t otiof n19, d67is, cahsa argmee, npdaeyd, f,r ipnrgoet ebcetns eafpitpsl, ijcoanbt tsr aainndin ge,m cplalos yiefiecsa t4io0n y, eraerfser oraf al, gaen do ro othldeerrnmp-l moCyiRenenirEnsDg ,o, nfnfI Totntnip-hpaezda reredmopuplso jyjyoebess w who mee uthsn1w4o arknkn d h o15u ryse ararersssst rorilcldt imomnasy.wDoifrkek reounttt s sriduele ss cahpopolylylhino uargrgrased on tips received by theirFlorida Regulation Protecting the Health, Education and Welfare of Minors in the Workplace PROHIBITS Private Employers, State and Local Governments, Educational Institutions,UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OCULTAS ARMAS FLRevision Date: 11/19The Age Discriminate iotnn.iang eE min phloiryinmge, pntr oAmc Ton s. Employers must pay tip taeitn certain conditions may claim a partial wage credit b The strirt summarizes the child labor laws of the State of sc redeenteincgto orrtdeusrtisn ge tithhere c ofuorrs p ansecdt tio WAGE O xy discrimination prohibited by Title VI RI , pof the Civil Rights Act, as amended, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended,mminpimlouyuemeswage obligation. If an emp eyydee rere mmsp p utulispoty ys e mceoasmkm aebucinapes dhthdh e iaditghihef f ft teohreeeefanaetc m eleep.p.alslsoty y$e2rs.1s 3ca apseh r rw whoaoguer oiof f t tahate ylyle acacslslat im$2 2 a.1 t3tip p p cecrr ehdoitu rarg gdaoin snsnto ttt h heeqiru alg ATTENDANCE Hour Restric er provisions must be observed and are denoted by bold letterinMinors 14 & 15Under 14 Florida and the Federayel ars old MAFair Labor Standards g. forye, Saturd untilDISCRIMINATION BASADA EN: A: Employe EMPLOYER NOTE: Must be posted in a ceos nasnpdic apopuslic palnactse.RiitsAlcehCA aVpErIgpleo, ichye,froCinvgi tciO aslR ehntps fL Employment Agencies and Labor Organizations lloianwin iogrs ifn, b eagratesipenctcooloetirn, on,CH leaLRsDTt thn-uehs RYStatsim FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE ymas endnutefc.alactreurdi ng, SE ofn e tmo pselEMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT prohibits sex discriminatiopon ninsi tbhileit yp, auynmdeern ts iomf iwlara gweso rtkoi nwgo cmonedni tainond s,m ine nth pee srfaomrme iensgt asbublisshtmanetinatl.y equal work, in jobs that requirethhU eemminSiIAmNm N uGrGrmeq qM MhuoiOreueuTrsr l yeHyHe mwEpapaRlglgoSey, e etrhrhset teom mpprpolovide reasonable break time for a nursing mother employe who is subject to the FLSAs a n gsee edSCHOOL Florida: May NOtions listed beloT work during school w. FLSA: NoOnFlorida & FLSA: May not work during school hours (some exceptionsBASED ON: DISCRIMINACIN for convenient viewing by all employe DIpSoAon,e seesxr(eilni rimin bia luibatatiyllii iftoiiynen dhdi niirisinc nEdrgiim,vm idipp gofNizm,ao,tiSisn oaEgt nsp ,ttih ncA al, d udd iisoescf bsah19ass feidic otepOpr,oe rNtee rfsc ALste a pFn lReicaaIdndGed on rlttIol Na celran wdlahs d eudn oda , baandr eece ensrmitm sf , nleodu my dmi aticonesa atioiennad,s re ioimnal in ccommodrr armdonu imOs the regular rate of pay for al $7.25 PER HOU urogsrr kiicnu in vltanuoralu- esfa mrnpomlonved by theirThese postings satisfy the requirements for employers to informPENAL CODE (TRESPASS BY The Employee Polygraph Protection Actequal skil rimin fG ort, and resf o rher rtinraitgcio, tserNommopnolodtiiysoencrrs, idm aisn pp IS es a Ac atoy o,fffg re2in0g0et8 i TI c peirnnofoetfreimtcst,sa tj iaoobpn pt lraicnaaidnn inststgr ,a iccntdllay se slimifmicpitlaosti ydoenise,csrlofersfouerrmreadloi, sacnrimd ointhtiirno nfao srbpmaescaettsdioonf. b vivrbrbetahrt thieiemraoceceoh h rmrm ete,iq,m mqtuheiarar tests u umicscse he hsh n netiemsme l nle l odoy rfefdreeoe rmhm afaf o ovsr ie e at hwne e ea aeendmd t t pforl eoeeeyeyxe fpfrerro o tetoms se eibnbxrtrpereuruaessssstisio s smn m b irfifrlkerkeo.a msEsmtmmcmopopilwlwloko yo feorokrkrse h h arar rrannnnalududsr r otsthi rnrneeg pq pcuuuuhbibirirleldedlic d dcf,o owtwrorohopicnrhoeo v v myidedaeayr ba aa epft telueluascsrcr e eeethd,he oeob tychh teihlrhrd e t hshsPERMITS TOWORK,hours unless they meet a criterion of theaply) rth information for all employees underDIRSAACBEIL, ICTOYL, OAGRE,, R EPRLEIGGINANCY OR MARITAL STATUS. RAZA, COLOR, RELIGIN, SEXO, ORIGEN NACIONALPolygraph Protection Act Af eGanE bl IogeyBdLI T disI.c Titlseagiluodusin pgr parcet oba1t9 rna6in4 ot making reasonab ctr imination inclrnioudengiifc iteod rthet sh dodtishecental limita EmIPpl oCyReErsD ofIT tip a ezbcearr eadtto arulesyaosjotfbL1s6 a bwyieothar.rYcse oorultdtaisnt BEGINNING JULY 24, 203a pe rw w haoaggeuerc ofeftdhati tely eb caalasste ii plyin a $ a.n1 3t i tppi pecs rr erhedcoi DE FUEGO PROHIBIDASNETFLSLe roef- eemmppllooyymmeenntt.onit eg eInI etfo e o Fati oremneattiioc nI nin ree r ot EL he IE rwU M vail lawfulO t w ploH yment pra gro s, or their family members; the manifestation f genetiacelicants,employe elsis oooourllrlat strtrsie ieoinpn etsh aoetetfetdtddh e eveaio t toFhlLa StotoSiAr ssse crcrhihioilds l ianbjouou r t.h Minimubuem a sswseas WORK limitations.p.m. eek.Flter 7 p unn Stil t7u pr.dmay. , Sunday and s y on school da WorkON, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN, INCAPACIDAD, EDAD, EMBARAZO, O ESTADO CIVIL., EMPLOYEE RIGHTS In ad scerXicm ts( inWoaft ioAemnGp bEloasSymed) of the Americans with Disabnialiirtlit6y7 ,w ahso a ims aennd aepdp,l ipcarontet ocrt s eamppplloicayentes, crrltale ycst slheiifeimpii , oinn atifotoeni bActik s,o cinf al, and otherpencts iymiee ws.Gum aEmg hoiOepoquires employers to display this poster where employe ro v isidey sueba raj pafctel uriag hdaeio n FnsLtSo tAt hees qiru al prohibits most private employers from usingGmepnleotyicm inefnotr. mGaItNioAnainlscoludes information about genetic tests of apccqahutaioisrignte ion , is .Sa licants, employe ice. URRED OC to act on yourovN Soismepesptmoartpetl a aolnlnayaytewtwe rtrsospikrnnconcoovrwriwdre etc chgterlye y d aciftflafaeersrs rseeeifmny c wpewe loobyryeekekteeewer psepes reraons t teeihcnetetdi i otet psoe; n n ebdmeecpnaltltuouo co r yp orofof avanisiyo mnsi.n HoHore ieiegmhtpelnonoeyeedede ec, i iavinl dm sounceheya apsesensaslmtmtieesn mtsa amy abye b aes ses ur,e uaryWHEN SCHOOLFlorida: Ma a.m. or later than y when 1 aforida: .m. and for no more than 3 hours a dar ol da7ls c Notn y bFser do not follo WHAT IS COVERED UNDER THE LAW: LO QUE EST CUBIERTO BAJO LA LEY: EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT lement, etc.)s t,s IexeCfdirrsmtec, naarienttmi di n nrnaIe ifntsoip orhonmi rnii r feassmtricnesa nwcyh)e, orertnhaet iaocncaolm ormiigeogeisdn, aRAtaecoytli, ng o frdfii kinc pawgt y ooc, ffomrn0 ieat8 iob ndpen s iait mpasce,o sjnc st a p ob t,rmai dpue hteas cr dt aqush ivinfedarubralylas l,a f alromjo9ibn63sat it, ohaansai bm araeqseenuddir ed e e FRLnSImAN reeqq MTHERS thonityh. t s who me ertsem otofentdhours worked over 40 in a workwe usros ir nreegquhethen rtimiteedsepc r,ivitnayl lm ph maybeet au trcsoe tedh , by hethe tsh a n iaienlsmsge osneeydof diseases or disorders in family members (family medical history); and requests for or receipt of genetic services by apbreast mil l tko. HOURS OFlorida & F.Ly SwA:o Nrk up to 30 hours per w a school day follo ida ntgion to the known physica rk ho 5um yrs re arss toroi nt-i faomrnmayswoobifrsfk r anou tts atriu delle ssastchp o1o8 thlin a irlflaamwsi lyp mroehimbbite crosv. ered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participatesTheer F FtDiOmeRpepRea,CaC araEtEnmMde e oEnEtthNh heTars s v aioulatahtoioiornitsy. The Department may li recover back wages atotnigngnda ot toeafn tat heneqdqd /um/umoaililrn nairimemecuouoomumn tmwtm ieaieang n leldi q ocuriri d dimomoavtineneeraradt l i dpmparemeom spaegaceyu sptpt iirionoo n nvi.n.n isEssEsimtomannpsclo o eosysyfeeotorhsfs emm law. Civil moneyIS IN SESSION 19 years old ot required, except the FLSA requires the employer to maintain date of biMay workw usp.tMo a1y 5w hoorukr us ppe t7 a.my.s o, when awyr ,, egm punlodyueee sh a4r0d syheipar.s of age or older from PROHIBlosyI TaereIeOogrNe jnSoebra alplyp plircoanhtib titoe dta fkreo amliree dquetiericngto or rt erestq, uaensdti fnrgor mof aientvrlaeowlsvu edltmoeedes inntoinetcpoa nrweooemrmkicpp ltlao acsensyti nopc rtiodhveei nsetio m(nth poleoff ytae, nery.m Sbtaetzez olerm loecnatl,elatwc.)n All o disc t b e doerean proceeding, o u rsH rsg eo ilioFed . Gobvernment wor eFed OC avl. Government section. Additional informationfoievrn i le ea mlalatcoioiehens s ce ec mhyi ilalpdy e alananalabasbsloot iererb vsvse i fofo aolrsaras s teeeioasascnsne h htd dhw fafioiotl fule dodirn rge eupnedaeted. eT hhFeL SlaAw. also prohibits retaliating against or dischargingHOURS OF WORK,Not before 6:30Sunday, and on nonschool daum of 3 hoursy nos, when school danot s cbheofa onwreosns,k ayalos.hmwo , 8. ohtlorh iarfyst sneor 7shn pr.mo.o Nl PUBLI CE AMCPCLOOYMMMEONDTATIONSEMPLEO lie ed Employee Polygraph Protection Acttilc hinefo GtiheorAird fam lawse pr age in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, clasification, refer folsrmation.fEmeapthrtF lohteOimyraecReoe Chr mmaihlodeye n laana templnoy Ieftthrpaseantyeo hfovsri ea tw he eae endmd tofp n t certain conditio diatgihnsef f t ehmoreef ay na elea.paimsloty$ae2 pras1. nd them p isiyaao pngsaesenioalttit eohesern tlmdisasa wcmy. h aaCbyeir LICENSE HOLDER WITH A and for no more than 8 hours a daansyc phelaomyrgpeirng, disciplining, or discriminating against an employe thh ective bargaining agrement which is more restrictiveThere are strict time limits for filing charges of employment discrimination. To preserve the ability of E doubled when the violations are determined to be wil 2022002,0yernr n oyrese sw (u MinNimotuicmetWo aEgme pinlo Fyeoersi dafor JatnippedWHEN SCHOOLdays when schotions. ol does not fol 9 p Al;i: wc Deaaetikiloylny m m oaaf xxbiimmothum st dua s age , wnu spc ohotoe ow: l odraky STATE EMPLOYEE WHISTLE-BLOWER RETALIATIONLUGARES DEATIVE DESPUES prisochsparegcitnivge, proheeinbteiintcsgt o morr o tdseuring the ct tpsri veaitthere e mfoprl opyreer-sem frpolmo yumseningtobrwo 1-uw8.t ition to sex discrimination prohibited by Title VI ciom o of the Civil Rights Act, as amen bnisdhemhetipena lotl.lEqyye ueeaqslufPraalo ymweelor,e vf raigcsnee;d nths e obettyiicastatt )ioant deru b netileaaltmeicdsehe moneh pehix EtapNce isTss e hnbtiems rlidpenaleo dos laint or miprpplopoloevydyidee eeremmsre tupaipsslotsyo em nceaaobskmel eab c m forao itnigdatetaw rk ttsm simberrilkeo f.oa sr Emt ma npiolkolu end criminal prosecution. Employers may be as employees and visitors that they are in an establishment that prohibitsCONFORME A LA SECCION 30.06 DEL WHAT TO DO IF YOU B school is scheduled the following daow, there are y. Federal, State and local governments are not afected by the law.strihcetr est panodlyagrrdasp cho tnecsetsr nairnegptherem ciotneddu,c tth aenyd a lreen sgutbhj eocft t htoenteusmte.www.eoc.gov or in most telephone directories in the mp oc.e ts or Subcontracts Spoemcimal o opnrowoeviasilitotohn sos fa PpPpuplelyr ttooowRwiocrorok.ers in American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the m (summer vacation;FLSA: No limitations.ALapSy.m.May work up bt ee8t7wahe.omeunr.s7orpae af.rm tde. aray 9n da p n.m.7d p u.m.; from June 1 to Labor DayIf you feel that you have been discriminated against,ACCIBANJO V ELNAG LEADE PRESENTYI VDE "SOPLAN" (WHISTLE-BLOWER PmRpOloHyeIrBs IaTreIO gNenSeral licant to take a lie detector test, and fromof involvement in a workplace incident (theft, embez ETALIATION sit ibtgoi, hpleintr y pN,oaoodtdeiieorns t imf ila tn , Msr ueehnInto du awAisicfnurlgoi em ro,m eitnefe nictt formi aneinntisgn st eircovhUoe,e y.ftRoihRuleessah EbaD oilucithlyda r oofenEoEtfa Odcti CsE cErtom aciCnt pa troioon mny,op pulat The Departmde oblntst hlteooaie ev ceom aolras o coasp rtv iieornbaeck tw magaeysl an a nequoalrarmecooumnt in liquidated damages in instances of minimum wage, no hour restriccertain private individuals engaged in national security-related activities. or any col ost ihce bave eaf onre tumebsetrin og, tf shpe reciigfihct t rio rghtesf, uisne oclur ddinigs ctohnet irnigue a tht toe sat ,I oerh h1ean-8lf 0d a0isndc-r6 it6mo9 i-pn6rato8i2toe0nc ( titsyooslulreigc hTtetTd t:Y oTnfhuileemaUb .epSrr.iEfvoqatru eia nlla dEiwmvisdupuiltoa, lyssmh woenuithltd Ohyepoaupr oiunrlgtt uiimmnaipttaye irClym onmeenemtds) ist. osEi,o EnyOo (CuEEsfOhieolCudl )d,o1fcf-oi8cen0t ai0n-cf6to 6Erm9E-Oa4t0Cio0 pn0 r ios( tmoalvlp-aftirllayeb ele)atworkers who file a complaint or participate in any proce , aab se ets r mrmapcultl s are not. e FinLniSiSmAu. mperefhofecturivIS NOT IN SESSIONFlorida: No limitations.imitations.uo st: beeek.ry work up to 8 hours per day and up to 40 hours per week;RETALIATION AFTER FILING A CLAIMACCIN VENGACOMODO PBLICO oteXdheEerrM arilg,P ShTttaIstO eun aNdneSdr scr y prohibited from requiring or requestingwrit ahn yr ourse of employment. ednppilelseootiyaycm seeienessf noo.r rm rtpretnriteam Olpcet yo ur rnigmem inilyfbto esrmm esema.mptiooenyr esab rs(ofabl rsLIrE Ho gi seE oft uctq iglyue imsn SsrpeslooRs iaImy ioicnictoaeflshgts etnisooef taryc) ;p inalifncaodnr mtrip T ua inweg wnim paor H.A Te ea,qt eiumoesnpt ao nfodyercastfimogiisne,cly n rlomeestfuiecerr rd -6Arm9-40 o n na ils rticipatesa aienpnmo dfur pltollvo-atyien as vo ioaulilatpsaetioac srndhe iosns awt olruevlsDi orllretmo nedathn et adb hnyxe pfre rotesomsie nbxrpterb uession fm cow oty rietcsohe dns w (tiurhs abclnitel ittsorhsi ropliboye imn eM paayria pnrao Ivsislainondss, . and the cr imdiiwscnaarht gawiorenogs t er,A Also, the law does not aply to tests given by the Federal Government towX ithA rMespINecEt Eto R liIeG dHeTteSctor tests. estrainabout EOC, incluAdpinpgl icin loy onn din om ntrakan lified individuals with disabilities aqmuirenets. A DCeDrItTainInO oNcupLa ItiNonFsO anRdM esAtTabIlOlishNments are exempt from the minimum wage, and/or overtime pay provisions. wi YS r, spring breaks) FLSA: No limitations.ma pntoo t8 folwl houowr rmefods parent is al p to 40 hours per we etinvisit our web site or call us! A EN CONTTARR UNAA DE P QUEJARESENTAR UNA QU)di or job ap ejarevnccui noa titnagke ag a aitnessttaonrfeomr peloxeyercei soinrg that resulted in economic los hspm retse.ment which is more restrictivea rflefsAitaahcenTrries mdeTits nOrFot e a eiWvehabI iod,tndD hri,hbfto B iitrlt covere orrie insoiffdnivthgdu eaiUl S.v it hGo bhileveare ntiinun matelneytrnpspOeroreaenCdcst or Subcontracts(tolinvfoailrmabalte under special certificates is tparticipate i ea pito FwlrhLoi aStlolcurAfieo nsslede ooircrin fhir otged hul sl n iaendambjuteionrer rdy timph . oeTrufohmFvae niLws Slyioa aAwgnm.s ein .a oolsHroreo egpi esxae e y aemr aeynp otba paealil dyenemltitsls pldoyeptrXhoeEsrp MerciPgthivTtesI O uenmNdpeSlro ytheeefAocr t.refusing to take a test or for exercisingW Enxde cruetqivuei reOsr adfefirr m1 Emp ted under Federala lnaw iesrwoimtha Fceriderinala tgioonv eornn mtheen tf ocloonwtrinacg t boars esus:bcontractwnaeadrgrgteeeet me aa ai insnp pdfdue lclocli-ivavtileil rte er ssttitfui T,heia st comphuphnlenley lnln e w ststhihist eeheeyx xb aeaeormreth p a.t)c) taurael l ey netmitlpleldo ytoeoe tsh eue nFdLeSrA A tsh BREAKS WEEK Note: Hazardous occupations still apply for FLuSy not perfo FLSAp: .Nm.o limitations.Child labor Bul FLORIDA COMMISSION ONSi usted siente que ha sido discriminado, scpiploliyneineg , foorr r deisfucrsinimg i The law does not prempt any provision of any State or local law EeE0oO-c6.C6go9, vi6ncl rtemele TpTahonn neo t file aaw dpersivatpep mlsa fCw L On oR dniIs lctGr hln a nortunity Com meerotsl)is. Eeo Gion (EEveCrn mfOC), 1-80eeldn otsef or subf.co ontract ITIONAL INFORMATION e s ansp t m teScaptincnions;, m etn einrs rmunumswtwecaloathmge o,p falyntwhd/eio tth tnaoetts hheeunFmdLSienr Aimthsu e mmFinL wiSmAague. CONCEALED HANDGUN), A mlorida:MaThe Act permits polygraph (a kind of lie detector) tests to be administered and the right not to have test results disclosed to unauthorized persons. NDIVIDUALS afnotsm are taot iaprodtec ebmplocyhe employees, in addition to tips.than the minimum wageDAnte PERminors. may work until 9visite nuestra pgina web o llmenos! certain private individuals engaged in national security-related activities. ecsoplelectt tivo eli eb adrgeatencintogrategto the employer. when discrimination is suspected: The U.S. Equal Employment Op neranvmt conitrinact Spemerctiaeam ilsn o tpanorwctoec evilusaapwilatotshn i poso nfar sPpo puvaindelyrd ettogoersRtweaobrlkr.ish eermsm ienpnl toAsym aereepri creoaexn eedl tateiswcpeseoisfib , deaden cindant dw ucesoeopnr etnmkenmthpelo ypereivsa toefsseeccutorir,ty s usbejrevcicte t ofi rrmesst (raicrtmioonrse, dt oc acer, ratalairnm p,r aonspd egcutaivrde ),wxraitmtein nne licants may also bring their own court actions. RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN t al tirmee cdpaaetynene tptspss irs,so o ssttututeuecddtei i obobnnytytstltle e haanenerd DnDn eceororspsr,ar ar araetptcmptlryee nnctl a taioiocsesfefs iLsLfsfedno ididnr. . wdweoprekenrdes wnwt i ctcho ndndtitrsraaabctitiloiotries may be paid les wFaloge ridaofisat$lea8.5s6tper $5.5ho4AGRICULTURE Florida: No more than 6 consecutive days in any one w HUMAN RELATIONS LAHUMANAS DE LA Also, the law does not aply to tests given by the Federal Government to ected by the law.xahicAmet rsMeintae IpeoNndsl aEyhgaErdrves aR p caIho G tnneHucstmeTsr bnaSeinrre g oe ceociftneiddc ur,c itgthh eats ,d a inlreecl nsguutdhbin jeogc ft th thtoee rntigeuhsmtte .tExecutive Order 1 pRrtomosnoa d emmi SodE hXuibnitd,s e Njro FbAe dTdiseIOrcrailNm laAiwn ies friomth r a Fedtimberal gov.n i,ncdknriaviiodtnnl rqs fufnhdyerimafceai l eldh, doia a snrcir ri dsmhometidnnhaSetaarliet a t tst5i od 0heoni 3ssSa a bEoilslfR oita inreVes I qCaut uoarweryn e tptcsreh, o tly st dteicudflcfetaiseosrnieftnny scl e weaanro dbn recektorewrs REV 07 F LABOR 866l.48g88o97v59/w622h47d3note at bot concealed weapons. Each poster delivers an instant message to helpCODIGO PENAL (TRASPASAR and of pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors and dispensers. ENFORCEMENT Section 503 of thin 2t4iv6e,aasc taiomne tnod eedns, purroe heiqbiutasl ijtoyb o df isocprpimoirntauntiiotynionn a lthl aes pbeascitssoof f reamcep, lcooylmore, nret.ligion, sex or national origin,RSTIMOMENN REV wmitih nima ummini wmaugem in 66 7oo-l.84g88o97v59/5/w262h24243d7d Labor Rule Florida: Minors may work no more thwano r4k c,o nnoste ocunt tihvee hours without a 30 minute uninterrupted break. ir parents or guardians farm, must comply with the same4075 Esplanade Way, Suite 1 4075 Esplanade Way, Suite 1 an tdph loeofypperheivasar motefassceeeccuturtoicrit,aylohcea lA gcot.vernments are not af oerr,r sa taalnaidrnmdp,ri oaspnsdep negscuetiarvrse.d ),and the right not to have test results disclosed to unauthorized persons. RACE, COLOR246 R, aEs LaaImrGee pnIOdroeNtde,c ,pt atnts to tnIo S Aec rst mBougearfe,k1IL pnei9Ia7Tyqg ,3uIr , eaf eers e pefaoditcr, sctu,po rnjomoimtbtyeotcrio asNpieancsaisttsi oo of f r oaemnce tph, eloc oylolrl,o rmenwet.liggi obnas, eses:x or national origin,ued by the Department of Labor. WITH DISABILITIES FLSA: No limitations. Tehret aAinc te amlspol opyeerems oitsfpporivlyagtrea pfihrm tess wtinhog,asrueb jerecat stoon arebslyt riscutsipoensc,t eodf Tiohela tSioencrse atanrdy a osf eLsasb ocivr iml paey nbarltiniegscaoguairnts at cvtiioolnatso tors . rEmploye Disisaabbiilliittyyindi shcirr e Rehabilitation Ahatr ct gof 1973, as amended, protects qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis ofThriec em Inindiemxu. m wage rate is recalculated yearly on September 30, based on the ConsumerFlorida: Minors par FLSA: No lchool in occupations not declared hazardous in agriculture Tallahassee, Florida 32399COMISIN DE RELACIONESFLORIDA The Act permits polygraph (a kind of lie detector) tests to be administeredThietF eSOn necRroCettaEicre bMy oEeff NoLraTe tboer smtinyg, t brhe ring igchot turo rt aceftiuose ons tr do rsecsotrnatiinn ue a test,aniscsdata DbirbioelIilinqVti yine 3ihU ss ciorarfin Afimtf ation iaitnTlcicioHltt licant or ecme pn ieymhED, ANee oyamriuenn,agt u ndiviip. u eamsisp loofy ment.UNAGITE AED SND HTATEOS DUR DEPIA (Only aplies to certain employersseWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION or job ap Y:1 18867674887959622473 ohtaetel sFr weodife seer maqlp uclaoolyinf imgi,n partoiomn ointciolund, edsis nc ivteio nle vtol ebenefapcitpsc,advance in employment qua cbatriooriwnnng, rupenhfeydrusricaeal ,hlaaornrdd ms ohetiphn. etSare l aclimstpioietnac tt5iso 0on3sf eaolsmf oap nlroeWNAIGTE AED SNTD HATEOS DUR DEPIVAVA WHH108 T OF LABOR regtea.l i aRtei ghagtsa ipnrsott eacnt eedm bpyl othyee eS fa otreeCxoenrcsitsiitnugtioni si nocrludeerthrieg hritghot 102.(Exception: 12 and 13 year-olds may be employed with written parental consent or on a farm where the minor Voice Messaging: Tallahassee, Florida 32399firrumerses tr(rasi,c rtmdiiosontrrs,ei WNAGITE AED SND HTATES D onsst,te eor wdf WH1462violations and ascaynets ems aay nad jlso bob aring pthpeilri coawntn s ccouar that Federal contractors take af nagY dtj hSuseEt irmative action to employ and advan TECT RMED FORCES ding, orwhileFMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act of 19 PERSON LICENSED UNDER restrictions as in other ticipating in farm work. mea,k bpinialigtyy,rf rewianhsgooe nias balnea Y:w1w FLSA:No employment permitted during school hours.May work after s therwise qualified individual with a disability who is an apThe law requires employers to display this poster where employees and job applicants can readily see it. MIESDAABLE VD a nt, riinsv icdtluaudkaeinlwgafifttihhrem a e adtxiivesaecu atc .employ alnijcd amn tt orodarain teiiomngnp,ctloolya etshseief, rans who, whilere07/16c (Only aplies to certain employersse note at botom) may be employed with written parental consent on farms where employees are exempt from the federal minimum wr representage provsisioso employed; minors under 12 ns.) Correo de (850) 488-7082 Tehrhet aAinc tae w rmlspolo peyeeqruemsi ritosfes epporivlymagtreap flpirhomy teses rwts tihngoo d , asruebi jersepcat lsotaoy tn raebhlsytri s psicutspec hoerr e ejob ampppllicivil penalties against violators. Employet acetioands.ily see it.srequires af ft neLLam VmEpDEl Eo,rTym a RVEeEeRnttC,Aer iENna nfr spaot a amUig acmtiven xeActRu AtiAvsesT ilsEtevaneDlc,.eOAcTtH o ER7 4P, asO amended, 38 U.S.C. 4212, prohibits job discrimination andEMPLOYEE RIGHTSUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR www.dol.gov/whd orn eaxctpievaf ecinod NN cte TLY SEPARATED, OTHER PROTECTED, AND ARMED FORCES SERVICEFMLA: Family and Medical Leave Acto:cctt of1993 n about aneged noncompliance with lawfulwith an ** annotating Florida lawhe State of Florida has incorporated the 17 Hazardous Occupations (HOs) of the FLSA into the F Phone: (850) 488-7082 1-800-342-8170 TelfonVoo: z: 1-800-342-8170 OSHA: Oc OUR DEPIVARTISIMOENN T OF LABOR 1-86877-487-9243 NheW acped fficaesh oi irmative action to employ and advance in emploiwyzc eedit cdo)h ,vfaaeainmes (va edtiFt oFeoorrnarc, cnepesasssrw steicherriovivp icsacete eerms mv ieendde an OFCP proce tendu ribee y, sunderUNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT prevent people from entering the workplace with concealed weapons.POR EL TITULAR DE LA LICENCIA CON WH1462V 07 , RECE ansfro An eeivme ptlhoey emr inmimayu mno wtRESTRICTED OC.For more inCUPATIONS fo on H TOs,y not onl cony.ta.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.Minors 14 and 15 maThy not is poswteork in these occupations: a comlorida law and Childbination of those lawREV 07/16 .do-l.8g8o9v-/5w62h7d othoyev epraTl aoitAtiviod tidIinisA ucioshtn Tpay f,ror IOpgoerha wNi rtbohriic tiiercpheda l teaaeg adcasae i act,1C-8om0 adegtdae hu wrytaoh ysopioeel rsan tea iocont mfrhoooprt erlainh ment disabled veterans, recently sedpa dlaua l ansgtee awdravnwetsa re( rvart )nsi.e rn(wa an itsch awminhp otha, gri THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISIONWorking in or around explosives or radioacwt the UVet RA Minors under the age of 18 ma tive substancesork in below occupations:OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 otherwise op irmative a irccethil oeanao Re eamdjuspnlotment Asistance Act of cy1mt9e7de4n v, tea dste iasraambneles nd(dv veetdee,t er3ar8an nsU sw,. Srh.Ceoc. e s4en2rt1lvy2e s,d ep pdrouarhraiintbegitsa vjwoeabte rdr oaisnrc sri ni(m wa incitahatiminop tnha iargnendeEl Leave Entitlements 2a. w fIunlf morimni manumywpeargsoe requiremheenrt sp. oaleged noncompliance with**Operating motor vehicles , meat packing, processing, orincluding all power mowers and cutters LA LEY DE LA FLORIDA A safe workplace. upational Safety and Health Act of 1970 RAC wsirshsooeu onld pwp chooosne bt LS Weive niO nea A , oar bboyr c.p0-3lia9nc7e-6 2Pr51og (rtaomlion, icca itlet sloV s orrAIio mfc ttrahonyea f crrrmmind aboCr,P 2 m0 y alnsos tibtue in ed ardeoed ceunns epg Frro etudsdt sid againstacias l. preiog abtiTevleeche t eeE bn irlepttlihoat yvleoee f emians ecwahin ho1tl2sd - womroo p nt hcfoe pmr erae ioc tvoefof rreadtchhi eem ldfo pflllooorwy ead r cp raen tia otsona kenorsu:fops ttoe r1 ca rwee; eks of unpaid, job- SUBCHAPTER H, CHAPTER 411, yeehaqeru sVi rieoefs ded iidtiscuotnhya ,f ropgrea w rothicr aompamiga cby taaivdnegd ed a hudatvys)a ,bn oceteeh nein raueptmrhopotlreoizehdic)h,aannd A Armrmeedd F oForcrceess s eserrvivciecemmeeddala l wveaste arwaanrsd (veedt)e.m. i n iFmilue ma woamgep lraeiqntu iarebmouetn atsn.e mployer\'s al Oogging or sawmilling Oepoagerienrkttaianatbginlers r rzeeprsa ioring an establishment, machines, or equipment FCeCnP-t, PDubelpicar@tmdoel.ngot vof ing an OFC-sf re(Oe)F CoCr (P2)0, 2U) .P regional or district of6 S. 9D3-e13par7t m(TeTnYt o). f OLirmative action obligations under the authorities RETALIATION ipated in a U.S. military operation for w ding, orEMPLOYEE RIGHTS erting such rights.and vegetable slicers; slaughtering type mix in iigenn,setting up r meat co edtation, kingWarehouse and Storage,Job Safety and Health e-.Sm.a Gil aotv eOr gtodne, rDal elit iesvicmerimms aien dcoaiatintetorlnya :uctnodr erh aths veisoel aFteeddeitralnlaownsd.iscrimination or af ice, listed in most telephoRcioonnt iAar caAtional pror og,fagr arn To bond withlhoe emayeecpgei onlecoiewe o (leyensaejovquse lbs aa mus , tc taken wiatahl nn 1otlo wyme at maaillkiitfyiny gthmseee remiousmbpelr o hyeweahoelt uh i nscao tbndhlee ittoio n;perating power-driven meat processing machines to include meatrendering , adjusting, or cleaning power-driven meat orry- Job Safety and Health Retaliation is prohibited against a person who files a complaint of discrimination, participates in an OFCCP proce emploX. o fI nthfoer mSta atney C poenrsstoitnu toifo nh iasn odr t o as employer\'splusWrecking, demolition or excavation osivpe.s.i.s or pesticides Manufac slicers, gerihndc, or processing occupations where goods arePROHIBE All workers have the right to: ITS THE LAW! ftrho oir tlaec ItiXvi toife ts hwe hEi he df isitvuiaehbyt Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial As cusn oc eceiviTFpFeooo rrr fc otqahrureeamliff etoymhirp ent g ex s re ;pous yint eogsehhireious fo, r oehrie gpn dthiee cp yehoaitironhof st hha qe cuhilds birth or placement); Additionally, the poster service guarantees employers free replacementARMAS DE FUEGO OCULTA) PERSONAS lerss, food choppers, and cutters, and bakeAbhnoyevepO esfrfhsi oses discrimination under these Federal laws. UNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Mpining occupations Opering (some ex ned, or pTrroansporces iec,ee, n .C p nEtrtmOo, o hpLtoihrblOeo w iytpmhRsr oed,tNisne er e employiofim Nnit VO sIcro oimbRf isvaet GIN istance. pioriunm64ar, d oay sor criagbimjineme innctp ivteedro o ngT,es rVofoiIn vidingentialhe basis of disability in anyAn eemligipblleoy eemesp sloye ted tsesrsavricye omre omtbheerrw wiistehceunoldwfcFhooen dtbeaerclaitelCivmeosmn aet rcdaoiacntt etrClayoc: THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION erating power-driven bakeringy; metal-, paper producforming, punchints or hoisting g, andCook ms atingttuu rmriendogt,, miningo mr ivceptions apply) & ba Employers must: UAchu rcaection A Fmedenedr sodCfibvyraltaa,gnccacemo. m D the es f oems polof ytmhe ejontbaasee imruousp pouse, hochi ldis,ao cr opvaerreendt. servicemembers spouse, child, parent, or next of kin may also shearing machines; woodwork manufacN.W., Washington, D.C. 20210, 1-80 topr lihaansc evi oPrlaotgerda mitssn(OonFdCisCcPri)m, Uin.aSti. oDne opar ratfmiremnat toivfe L aabctior,n 2 o0b0l iCgaotniostnistu utniodne rA tvheen uauet, h oritiestential rights under Section 24, Articlemachines Working in occupations in ITS THE LAW! e-.Sm.a Gil oavt eOrnFmCCe Pt-Pubelic@ m el.ngov,f r by-397-6251 (tolregional or distric7 (Tt oficY). OFCCP may also be contacted byAn employe ke upops stttteoeor1 1c2a wrwee; ist him or her in as Manufacturing brick and tile products g, planting, orFLORIDA LAW DISCRIMINACIN yeoalauisr teee dam i snpajluofetye yrooor rirl l hnOeeSasHltsh,Awc, ooi reuprntobrwte iiatnhg work- Provide emplopzyaelrodeysse .e aItfw oisr o urikllegaagcleatn ofyr ree oetf a liaem terogtDiorabInVm 5 i0IoDr andhrOaaFls CsfinsCatPna nc8ic/ el.aVseirssitaonncs al efinntans coif al1 7 fo 972 prohibits employment discrimination on tehdi Aekner mitpe tl dooin,yee2jume6rywdp looeoeery sek ilnolesn seo mtfs s nFa.eye LtdAa ktoe leusleavaeevelein a inavt ees irinnmg leoitnt e1en2 t-bmlyloc oorkn.thoWn p eah errnieo didtuticsoemdca esrdceihc efoadlrluley t hnee. GOVERNMENT CODEanm bo alling an OF-freCCP) or (202) 693-13 e, listed in most telephone directories underns: the aecomuprltoeks of unpaid, job- ion; Operating circular saws, band saws, & guillotine shears Communications, and Construction (evicesxcept clerical); boiler or enginegcahoin gni e law, including raising adei9ns/0 g2F seliteehhs ica bwIbThe ilheirntoeHa, c t deDwiioisvcnitIeh riAsSmFAocinterBoadwfetIetLr i TIEeci as aa smolimn an en edisatdelry rconomiitabsf cictaotsrnd iam ety thmiieionnaps nFltte,iio tocduymeantnir ioa espn lnepta rwgrfodhoeihnisriccbcmrhi iy m t Employes may choose, or an employer may require, use of aca rued paid leave while taking FMLA All workers have the right to: RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX p e s gainstpriogog itTbTbTelehcte te ee bdbmd i rlepthlhloa v v yoeef e eiananas cwahi ho1l2d omwowomroo pnrnkltah cfo o epmre arei i nononcotd vo v ofefofor rararedtdchhi eeee m ldfo pflololooorw y yeaeaidnrnro go gc p arntenteio oa tsona or fo tttk liables.for intentionaly violel atoti ntgh em stianitme. u mTh w rn eq eyu iGreemneenratsloisr rking with compressed gases ex DISA apply nrdk ding in public messenger ser upations ntions still ot declaredBASADA EN: joebtc aehliiaavzteae rdind ag,o rianmincsalutt. iodin gan adl traazinairndgo uosn epatss t unenade er amt hah siln HA standnsU, syeoabu les hW d aith 1/09 Suplement OC-P/E-1 (Revised 1theaehiv ee.mIif paonpy&eleom rPysepro noelosy treaemrceeatlsoiu onpban sFsitdiMtu leLtaeAvs ele a poacvcelri,uc ieeedms .pplaoidye ler s must be restored to the same job or one nearly ing with electrical apparatus or wiring *HCLWoading and unloading trucks o Ativities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance An eligible employe y ecri vanild who has not received the lawful minimum wage after notifyingw hagise os rm haeyr ** Wooorrkking in or around toxic substanceeding 40 ces, cor exceptions) tions-dangerous animals RAZA, COLOR, RELIGIN, SEXO, ORIGEN NACIONAL Rueobqrksutpealnsactc eea snif iOn yoSyHuo uAb eri nlwiseopverek cpthltaieocrnee .oaf ryeo uunr safelth aznds edn plaostieset rds.USERRA: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Upon return from FMLA leave, most employe s vmeus fotr c FoMnLtiAnu lee ahveea,l tthhe in esmurpalnocyee ec omveusrat gceo ams pifl yt hwe ith Asafe workplace. P as saiedstnddanietcidoe,n . Eromo htphli hEicd ey itpsm rodetinsetccr ditmiisocinnrsai motiifon nTa tiotilonent VhisIe Icobofa vstehisree o Cdfrbivayil TR a sbpilsreto aagncrcaceom.m D omisf ocardniyamt iiinnoasntt,iit ocuant niois np p ewrrofhohiicrbmhi ttehdeine sasle natsipael cfutns cotfi oenms polfo tyhmee jnotb a. pep keer uiuousp t o oin 2j2ju6r yw oerere kilslslsn oeoefsf sF. barimngages and atgcitivoinng n ule yef r la1w5daagyasi ntsotraens oelvmep laonyye rc ltaoi mresc foovre ur nbpaacikdwagesthe** Wplowing machinery or any moving machinerrvestiny PROHIBITS ry registered with Chcitlionsd La.bor INCAPACIDAD, EDAD, EMBARAZO, O ESTADO CIVIL., nhaemhaletavh yecoa cnorneddpeirteniostinaelsn Y tOoatuiSvH ehaA cv oewn ithltla eck et inijuthry O oSr HilAne, oss e.rteyp coorntcinegr nawwiotrhk -yroeula toer dservice and:YOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRAemploye y eRe e wqhouire womrkens tfosr a covered employer mustt met thretaek cinriteleriaav ien; *o arndder to be eligibleposters whenever there is a mandatory law change that impacts theCON LICENCIA BAJO DEL SUB-** Operating or assisting to operate tractors over 20 PTO horsepower,tin cge rdtaoinr-to-door sales of products as employment (some cei, itglceho tVlos ArIiocf ttrhnoefatp1io9rim6na4al,raoyrs o iagbminje eincn tdpiveerod o,g frT aitthmlees VofinrI ao anfc cttiihavel i taiCsessivi sirlet aRcniecgiehvit nsisgA pFrcetod voeisfr i1ao9ln 6f ino4fa,ancsi al TFTFTTFTTTooooooooorr r b bc b c ctaohrndeeef f f owmwmripip p ttlhlhhlhho eyayay e e ecehimspl lp lpdol o ow(ylene a a a aeqvqvqsueueusa sasasmplplifoususyint g geb ,s e e cece hitrtrtrtiaiouslkdkdke, noh h hrw e paiaiatatlhtrhieiein nc c c1t1tondwyehoiaitiriro oo honafststststh h h haae tqcmumumumhiaalllkdidikdkfyeeyesisn n nb b bgti hi hrseteteeh r e eioousmr p pp l l l olhayecececeeaeaeemlmlmlt hue nncncatototb)b)b)bnd;le i i itttttioforklifts, earthmoving equipment, and ha DISCRIMINATION leems were not on leave.Spray paintingorneys fe EXEMPTIONS Age RestricEmployers must:yees a workplace free fromemploymentwe, or where employment discriminatspitoaronn chceiab.uistse es morp mloyaym ceanuts edi dscisrcimriimnaintaiotnio on ni nt hper obvaidsisin og fs eserxvi cine se udnucdeatri osunaclh p proroggraramms s. epFepFpepmomoerrrr p p fqoqoqlourururuymymaeli i i fefetyhhsine ne e esg p e e ousemxipipgleleleloeoe, n n n yccececehiieelldssdssss, rj j rjooeoeoeoblrlrlra ; ; ;tptptpeadr e e tnonononot .the foreign deployment of a military member who is thebring a civile aAgteoto enforceapply until 18 yrs.) served in the Ucy diploma.S. Armed Forces BASED ON: At times, someLO QUE EST CUBIERTO BAJO LA LEY: rigro uhut toionur r a hnba evOeha SylHfo.Au ri nrespperecstieonnta atinvd eRospitalizations, amputationsworkaner sTHE UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT inevninn elgtvi mocearpdll itotrnoyy e iiantrngwymtipoatyr husocnoeeqeuit e FidvMninatlegLe Arunfe ndtle rpeaaev ywre,oi, btoher np raepenloa fisindttsien, daigvnditaodnutyoah lpethsrFaFeMrMc teiLcLmAeA pm. lriogayhdmets eu onnltratrweerftulamlsi ab tayendtahg ceao inFndMst LitsiooA,mn ose.ro nbee infogr (HANDGUN LICENSING LAW), oit la ec ItXiv toi f tshu racetcieoinve A Fmeednrdael efinntsn oacifa 1l 9s7a An employer foundt hvei oLlaetgioisnl,a tpuarye abmayactionMinors who hold waivers from a public school or Child Laborinors who(from age requirements; hazard restric faoetapmloitpriltey tsoww iOtithSh iHanlA l 8aaphlp owliucroasbr,k lea-rn eOdlaS ta an USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment Hour Restrictions- (from hour restrictions only; hazard restrictions still Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of disability in anysubjer cto ftofi caia fl indee soifg n$a1t,e0d0 0b pyethe la Complianc The Florida Child Labor law is designed to serve and protectm Minwosrps a inpe thre edFe lelonivrtieedrary (10 years old)t ainment industemption from age and hour restriLUGARES DEATIVE DESPUES PaaSrrtHtiiccA iippaaontteen retaliated against forof an eye within 24 hours. positions to undertake military service or certain ty icants to the uniformed services. forHFWHMaaoLvvreeAk y, in s worksite. eus s er fotvm:icrpe la oti nylee rtha hseta11s 22atmm leooannstt hss5; 0b eeforpel oyes within 75 miles of the hazardous work for their parents in ocINDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIESwho is a covered servicemembers spouse, child, parent, or next of kin may alsoinors who are or have been married RACBEIL, ICTOYL, OAGRE,, R PERLIEGGINOANN, SCEYX O, NRA MTAIORNIALTA LO SRTIGATINU, S.R auisr ee ma spalfoeyteyroorrhOeSaHlthA ,c oonr creeprno rwt iat h work-y rerocovigdnei zeemd phlaozpalordyse.e I tf oisruil a s ein gg alaton yre otfa tlihaete irpersonselwoieirtv hea c dytioisvaui btyhi aliwtviehes i cbehwe hreon ,cd ewiisvcitrhis m oFrien dawteeitrdhal o afuignta arinnescatisa ionl nalement OC-P/E-1 (Revised 1/09) W en s were not on leave. For details, se Section 24, Article X of the State Constitution and Section 448.110, Florida Statutes. Minors who have either graduated from an accredited high school, orPages in thelegislatureby ccat.seA bll other minors may requestACCIN VENG EMPLEOACOMODO PBLICO Filee ak incs o(mbpypriv lapahinteotntwoe i, tthhoe nOl iiSnnsHe poAercwbtotr mi aza hina il)FhaR inrno a dmelraisnngteanuntaldyg.ed iaspndlay v othcisab puolastrye rt hin ethy ecIf you: Medical System. USERRA also prohibits employers from discriminating against past andpes of service in the National Disasterreeasdo gibmiliplto a w leat otle arvaak eesloc. tdT1ahf,ot2eiro 5 et0nh m ewhou phleeomrryesepletoo h ymfthen ppta medi lo yleqp dudlauo ly ustaick noss or wil be d for FMLA leave. If it is notnd, e dposting during the service term.CAPITULO H ,CAPITULO 411 ,CODIGO mtihneimum wage.PARTIAL W t may authorize an ex if you leave that job to perform service in the uniformedIf you leave your job to perform military service, If ryo oguram istance, you should immediately contact the Federal agencyta snsnr pmelomomomitytptptpeeleoedoedods,y,y,y ememememeema a a ypydpypo o olococoehooyse noess etm , n n oaoaoaoaeyretatdadatdan kt oeoeoeem mleusleusleuslepaevlvlvlo eley eaiaiaianrvt t eememe rinmnanamay i oio io otrntnteeeqn uitbtllylrylryloc e e o, rkrus . .o o oWeWeWno oahahaf e e eranec dcitruru uiciciseeeeee mddmdd epespespecdcdcdahiiiicdcea dlelya nvnvne.e.e.e cwehisar yta a okrin n n og t t thFhFhFMeMerLwAis ehold a high school equivalen WHAT IS COVERED UNDER THE LAW: Provide required training to al present members of the uniformed services, and applHEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTION employef service requirements apply to airline flight crew employeMLA leave in a single 12-month period to care for the servicemember withMinors who are enrolled in high school work programs coiunrComplianc REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS you have the right to elect to continue your existing*Special reroceviidveins gF esudcehr aals fsiinstaanncciael .as Minors wAIVERSho haveors and encourage them to remain in scho You have the right to be reemployed in your civilian jobemployer-based health plan coverage for you and your reolated injurya ionrs itl. lness, without beingriggahitnss tu nand eer mthe law, including raising aOC 9/02 and OFCP 8/08 Versions Useable With 1/09 Sup thmaev ee.m Ifp alony eeeeeermrmrmsp noloyremea sl u u u pbasitdtdtdtitu letaevsea a apcocorluiuicieeds .paid leave for FMLA leave, the employe must comply withanu astp wdpTIES el.iIf the minor is attending a K-12 public school, a waiver may be obtained and granted by the local school distri asis.employed minors. ACCIN VENGADE PRESENTIVA EN CONTATRR UNAA DE P QUEJARESENTAR UNA QUEJAif you have be A.t cs. itations isued towoscrkte of pOlaSceHth.Aecaitlaetgioends v aito loatr inoenasr. theyou have five years or less of cumulative service in theEven if you don\'t elect to continue coverage during yourGequnereas its,r ohrahit oyeves must give 30-days advance notice of the ne otreobcvle to perform his or ioant aton MAY NOT ENTER THIS PROPERTY PENAL caotionnst rbayt ec othnatta ccting the Child Labor CompliancPUBLI CE MACPCLOOYMMMEONDTATIONS To qualify, applicantspla you ensure that your employer receives advance writtenmilitary service, you have the right to be reinstated inensesirbalelertain requirements of Florida leaw.W neaeivde rto ap bpe lwicaatiivoends.a Erme rpeloviyeewrse dm aunsdt k gereapn a te dco opny a o cf pasaertial waivers ofor verbal notice of your service; dependents for up to 24 months while in the military.ite hs asl. applicable OSHA standards.idepenosoothus second degree misdemeanor. STATE ERMETPALLOIYAETEIO WN HAIFSTTELRE- FBILLOINWGE RARCLEATIAMLIATION BAJO LA LEY DE "SOPLAN" (WHISTLE-BLOWER) njturuy andnd etrah smeu weredo hi programs in every state. uniformed services while with that particular employer; your employer\'s health plan when you are reemployed,em tmi cneagh nfFaatm niMsiLleyn mAem leave w loevt eiy ous mesibFtuiMfty m LthAusept u r sluro pytphearo tri tfho inthgse p tnhiteea elizdea eftoidornlefo oarrv le ecao isnv etf.noi Iuirftnah geR reetaceliaivteed in afgorimncalutidoinn ga nadlh traazinarindgo uosn h heitahlt h OSanHdA s, aofr etryep coornticnegr nawwoithrk y-roeula oter dUSERRA: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Wehinele f feieitms p&lo yPyPyeroes t t aercet oioioionn FsMLA leave, employers must continue health insurance coverage as if theWORKERer maS COMPENSAy be subjeTIONFct to up to double the compensation otherwise payable under y provision of the Child Labor laws of Florida, an t, wheretoSi usted siente que ha sido discriminado, you sinrgae nymyo upOr loSryiHger ckalp larcdse E ASOclilttoi fnaanyts iodaulnn tma doet rci odopn ireuremnac-t lty, you return to work or apply for reemployment in generally without any waiting periods or exclusionsfumclcpupdtllooinoae ,t ofo gloivwe3th0e- deamysp noloyteicres , usanu ael mpproceeam re stas hwoaendiln l e b mfor pre lsdopineysoeeglniigesn iiibabf itilleiihttdieye.s ne emplotidiyoeenr . e anouSs usfoofigchien in nasft o ipornmfoarm herio jo b tc oul DE GOBIERNO (LEY DE LICENCIAS (e.g., pre-existing condition exclusions) except for job hazards,w nin dploatsiseens tTHE UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT employe s m er te bmep rloesysymtmtoerereenenendttteor mthse a a asndam ceo ndjobit t t tioiorn osos.ne nearlyPOSTING REQUIREMENTSFlolorida: AlI f eam npinlojyuers of minors must post in a conspicuous place on the proper ry under U.S.visite nuestra pgina web o llmenos! cqoredst, o ctrekoilspplnts ileeacstshes o,a l tfao hizedrgd esm ipS lSIoaSHvyTaAeAilrasN-sbCu, lepwE pt ithotoortosimdue a timely manner after conclusion of service; and ENFORCEMENT plaint, or 1fo-r8 6a6ny- 4o-thUeSAr i-nDfoOLr-Om r so it can detercpmeleosmsinyabeerrye. snoceevs t i odino fef avpees t edinrnaefo ilocyrerrmact icfettrchiivetaiittf ieieieodmns, p .nao o rundsMheeLr Ai stehleeliga FMle nen non thticaetmindaiyc aqtuinalgif y employ rida:red minor is employed in violation of an disqualifying discharge or under other than honorableservice-connected illnesses or injuries.m 2601 Blair Stone Road If you feel that you have been discriminated against, LA COMISIN DE RELACIONESThis poster is available free from OSHA. you have not been separated from service with aThe U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employments do not have to shairft re Eahcmasad for leave is for a reasoinojumryp olyrwilYOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRAUpotnic arael tutor nitfwroitmh eFeFeqMqMuiLvAa lelenatv pepepe,a,a,a mymy, bobobesestn eeeeeemfmfmfitpspsp,l oayndem it may be easily read, this poster notifying minors of the Child Labor laws. Toll-F Florida Workers Compensation laty or placde of employmen Labor Program conditions. TION and T istawnceeb sini ftielin agtha tctopm:/w.dol.gov/vets. Emppllooyyeerrs d ceatner rmeqinuiers that the cvisit our web site or call us! If you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restoredand resolve complaints of USERRA violations.suebqsuteasntc aensiOn SyHoA inspectur workplaiocne . of yourP Report to OSHA al work-relatedUSERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment pes of service in the National Disaster An employer may not interfere with an individuals FMLA rights or retaliate againFnFMsMsMtL L L sAom, oero bnbneeeeei i i infog r rFor information on FTallahasselorida laws contace, Fl32399-2212t: Florida DeparTelephone 850.488.3131; tment of Busines and Pree 1.800.226.2536 HUMANAS DE LA FLORIDA Contact OSHA. We can help.not been absent due to military service or, in some cases,For araining Service (VETS) is authorized to investigateifnd hatp r la otadnhydee eit rmFioM ReptlLo sAaylpse, rooth n bepse roiecbvmoilimide aare pare that an employe vbe, L and or. IfFi fMsoe,A ho e lemwpal vmoey ueandechis, WITH A CONCEALED HANDGUNrofesional RegulationChil to the job and benefits you would have attained if you hadmation on USERRA, contact VETS at FLORIDA COMMISSION ONRIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINA An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewed a comparable job. or visit its or uramify u believe there are l ke eep unsafeof an eye within 24 hours. positions to undertake military service or certain ty using or tryingtpor ocuseeee e FdMinLgA Au ndleaevre ,o ororo prpepepololatstsieieindgtaon yt h hper aFcMticLcLeA m. ade unlawful by theFor information on federal laws contact: U.S. DeparGoWvernment; orking Together for Floridas Workforce 4075 Esplanade Way, Suite 1 AND RETALIATION If you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable toEmencleigeible, mus nal informatioptlen ioseys ie a certificaeqtruitioifrnice daotr.i opne is incomplete, it must provide a writ Required by: TX Penal Code30.06 ETX2G1 7.15tment ofLabor, Wage & Hour Division, listed in the telephone directment of Labor arve eaap papsliet dorf pr emseemntb meresmhipb einr ofh teh uen uifnoirfmoremde sde srveircve;ic oer; resolve it, you may request that your case be referrednot eligible, the employer must HUMAN RELATIONS at ht w.dol.gov/elaws/usera.htm.O coonddeitniotniasl Y OouS HhaAv ew tilh P faotsalpititieasliz watiitohnins ,8ahmopuursta, taionnds a al l w Medical System. USERRA also prohibits employers from discriminating against past andrinlivoglivbeilid tinyaReny quirementse o ew.e d employer must met thre criteria in order to be eligibles. Workers Compensation 4075 Esplanade Way, Suite 1 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 1-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-87-89-5627www.osha.gov are obligated to serve in the uniformed service; VETS to the Department of Justice or the Office of Specialavfppoell oorwyyceielerlem sbs em usd t ino gnatift yec doit msa s peFlmaMinpLlto Aw leitha vteh.e U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, or mayr a ww t o w f L . a d - b )a o 4 orT l. i IW S a v n hd ERFED Item No. E8077XX* PARAPORTAR ARMAS) ,NO DEBENTexas Concealed Weapons Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the United States Depar then an employer may not deny you: Counsel, as applicable, for representation.wournkphlaacleteh co inr oa vliadneg rueaqguei raendd t vroaicnainbgu latory a tlheyo crkane r spresent members of the uniformed services, and applicants to the uniformed services. HW m artkiosinnti here theeemp Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Correo de (850) 488-7082 initial employment; U.S. Department of Labor You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civilmnaetys file a (1-866-48 1-86 raglrt or mstear tteWA /w w pprroohivoidbmeitspin glga reidniasttc:erimr fainmatilyio onr o mr seudpicearl sleedaeve a rnigy sttas.teCarrying a Handgun is You must post both the English and Spanish posters.right to have a representative contact retention in employment; Tihrceaction against an employer for violations of USERRA. bring a private lawsuit against an employer.reemployment;rigshttasn lisetes y vary depending on the promotion; or .Thhee rte exmt aof this notice was prepared by PaSrtHicA ipoante y (oourr h baevhe aylfo.ur reppreecsteionnt aatnivd eF P unrodmerisnteanntldy.display this poster in theREEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS HEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTION fonr eFHeFMmavLpeAlow wyleeoaearv kewee.ho dT fho ewewroethrmrhkespspelfoomomyrep ealocymyoeusvrvre eftror:ere lao tiyn lee tra h hshseta 11s1s2 222atmmm leooannnstttthhhh 5ss0; ;b eefmorpelo o tyaekeins gw wleitahivnen; ; *7 5and miles of thePhone: (850) 488-7082 1-800-342-8170 TelfonVoo: z: 1-800-342-8170 Revision Date: 07/162016 ComplyRight, Inc. because of this status. 1-866-487-2365 VETS, and may be viewed on the internet at this address:ohr eloc FMal LlaAw d oor Fecsoolletcd atidvfiftee icobtnraaangl iya niniffenodgrem aeoen ont tlaho fiale a ctGE d Hour Division Wage and Hour Division WH1420 REV 04/16any benefit of employment http://www.dol.gov/vets/programs/userra/poster.htm. Federal law requires employers to notify employees of their rights under USERRA, and employers may meet R i 3 participate) in an OShHeA i ninsspector. r wosrtk pOlaScHe.A citations at or near theectif you leave that job to perform service in the uniformed If you leave your job to perform military service,and yoyu. w E e pos E r w E ee w i r e g E u h elu aa cc d pt uu W ib rr baleb yed y yy d e e y, employe ii oo orequirementts st c tterrr hhe if a t oore ir apply to airline flight crew employe rre e p lyl o l ir iin d sii d for FMLA le aasv v v pepeo.o. IsIsfs iiiiibtbt leisnoandt ,a Ys empmplo Unemployment Insurance m R.07T/-1839 R In addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyonethis requirement by displaying this notice where theyU.S. Departmen 7-9243 -U TY: go 1-877-889-5627 Specify state when ordering. Replace XX*ProHibited R ETX2G2 7.15Voice Messaging: including testifying or making a statement in customarily place notices for employees.You have the right to be reemployed in your civilian jobyou have the right to elect to continue your existingHaovperelkoayate t le e eaasas l lsocwt 1,250 hours of servic assisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights, U.S. DepartmentSpecial Counsel the Guard and Reserve ge aspileea ak incomprpivlaaintettwo itth OSeH Aorwbyit hmina il)po lace of the aleged violations. service and: dependents for up to 24 months while inorthyeou militar *Special hours of servicei s must give 30-days ade eddeiuiuia a a rmgenouss. tsno even if that person has no service connection. of Justice Office ofEmployer Support ofENTRAR A ESTA PROPIEDAD connection with a proceeding under USERRA,OSHA 3165-04R 2015you ensure that your employer receives advance writtenemployer-based health plan coverage f Requesting Leave vance notice of the ne Publication DateOctober 2008 1-800-336-4590or verbal notice of your service; Even if you don\'t elect to continue coverage during yourIMPORTANT NOTE: The FMLA only applies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer. you have five years or less of cumulative service in themilitary service, you have the right to be reinstated inGeneralif 0y oduay hs a(vbey b peheon nere, toanlialinted against forFREE ASSISTANCE to identify and cor uniformed services while with that particular employer; your employer\'s health plan when you are reemployed,ge m oy ley yetetet, osfsfodgdgdl ive ew s r r mfm , btuiftymthuse te mpmpropopoplvoidyeereanous sooghn information to the iciei fioormn thi insf f f oooooorrrr m mheaeaetri o ojon b c ouldTo Employees: using your rights. md . easure hazardst hazards is available to smal and mediumna-lty,you return to work or apply for reemployment in generally without any waiting periods or exclusionsfn Eem f asp oe3tt0hth0 eh-h-h-hd aeavmymyes ppt t tnoololo ysthehehicrcarcaeesrsre, e,e,eusa a a anu umaeaelm e pdpriocclcloaylelql ualifies for FMLA protectio o otono.pSeueueufrfrf fy en notice indicatingour E loyele es, yuenard is rere coer thgevie steFlredoredri bda wy Re tithhe te Remhep Floeloympmrilodeaynm tDep Aessistant aArtssistmnecneat o Lncef aRevw . ProgTehnis ramuem ae,safonas trnm eehrmalt ypYloyoue,r Federal Poster Only with your states abbreviation. (e.g. E8077FL).Requir NO CONCEALABLE you have not been separated from service with aservice-connected illnesses or injuries. emnpppppellllloyer so it can determine if the leave See any OSHA citations issued tosized employers, withoudtcciotantsiounlt aotri opn e a timely manner after conclusion of service; and (e.g., pre-existing condition exclusions) except form m ap o no leave wasitp ifnirc eoa dti pmploo ta e iasfsfoi i lyoyoyor mrm ra wcwc ttthiiihiilvlvl e eibtbt ieeems su, ponononlaroro bytleheperor rift intnthget tnhnhee e ende efodrfleoarar vleea a ivs e ef.o.o.o Irf tath ewho is liab isetannt Coce taxmpeenss afintioann Pce trohgeram ben. efits paidy l taow e, cligaiblennot un beem deployducteded PORTANDO UN ARMA DE FUEGOmdisqualifying discharge or under other than honorableENFORCEMENT myoeuqru eemstp clooypeier.s of your medicalphroroguragh msO iSnH eAv-esruyp pstoarttee. conditions. , in some cases,The U.S. Department of Labor a.htm. iucn esd cetvhtficc eqtruied m flousd e coerr tciefirctaiftftieiodn. sup hat hospitalization or continuingknowmplon as Unymeentmp aloys Texas Ced boncealed y: TX Penal CWeapons Spanishode30.06in njuy andthe workplaceIf you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restoredand Training Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate , Veterans Employmentm ncnctididicicicioeal l n nl isnstnsnst,r,r,r, f f oeoeoethraramamatamt i i i nanaeag g g nf tatata m m mnis i i ilelelnynym e emcpeelosmsyabebeberreyeyey .r.r. t tEh Ehcmamatn ptnohlhoeyt eious epeperiodicd You must post both the English and Spanish posters.to the job and benefits you would have attained if you hadand resolve complaints of USERRA violations. Eem c e ircccee rymetcke r Reeed workilplnlaess l a comparable job. For as p:/ istawnceeb isni tfeil inagtaht ctpo:m/ plawinwt,. odro f1lo.g-r8o a6vn6/yv-e 4ot-tshU. eS rA -inDfoOrL-mwhich qiqFinuiMesrsLe etAtAt ha aion is kern workers. Those taxes are paid by your employer and, bre ctohr s, tests cthe,a taong not been absent due to military service or mation on USERRA, contact VETS atem ny forrr s srsitd ioceantenenar r lrl rmieienformat vion is incomplete, it must provide a writAND RETALIATION An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewedmpolllooo o oamThis poster is available free from OSHA.RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION T or visit itswww.dol.gov/elaws/user le u O u E m nceper l loaoathnhny e eee rFmFmF MRepLlLoAsyp,e,e totrtro h hbnbese iceceiecbomilimpteleleoise y seaeswr amruse tth noat tainfnfnyetmhep leleomyepelosy neneneeeeee e eifdfdh hfeoeoeo ro ler asvhvhvheeisisissfeolelei g gFibMler a reLe afAfAosr.or.oro.InInfFfFfMtthhLeaAt t e m m mmleaapyvl o o oeqy uaeaendaelif is,ysy,ys, t y. ofrom e 3. 2 5. 1 4. Y Y Yoouuu m m muuussst t t regbape tpisteloyta follr yfr oo ive reemployment assistance benefits if you me n t the Our Federal Poster contains everyEmployers may prohibit concealed weapons in the workplaceWEAPONS ALLOWEDIf you: at ht EmIf you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable to arvee a a ppapslied for membership in t resolve it, you may request that your case be referredOnd rio cevi i odoefraig g hretass s aondn f orers s ipnoenligsiibbiiiillliiitttties under th You mamploy be yeeliegibles w taog recees.ha t or present member ofh eth uen iufonirfmoremd esde rsveircveic; oe;r to the Department of Justice or the Office of Specialno following requirements:Contact OSHA. We can help.then an employer may not deny you: ch You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civilif etpl i pligegelioiolbiygygyleeieb,r,rle sm ,m usthusetet ae lnosmopt pifploryry oy oyievtvtvsisirdememem usap p pnotlo o py eleesasa v v ief .leave wil be designatANTI-FRAANTI-FRed as FMALUD REA leavWe,ARD PRARD P and if RsoOGRAM, how muchYoou must have a histo artially une.mse: employmployment and wages. Posting St ENCWA 3.13are obligated to serve in the uniformed service; Counsel, as applicable, for representation. initial employment; action against an employer for violations of USERRA. Emave wil be designated as FMLA $25,000 Reward its at ht ployonneedfloridano f.au.clt oomf .your own.reemployment; y vary depending on thebbrinenp g glF oMaMy epLerAsisvadtoeeollective bargaining agre on or to fi $25,000tment of FinancialYoue m duaey t foil le aack o clat. fe re orfk af sunt dwff iciwwtp//cthcrou 0 fine th. ird-degree n Arkansas Weapons Law EAR2G South Catutarolina e: SC StWeapons Laat. 23-31w-235 retention in employment; irecu rmigshttas nlcisetse.d T hheer tee mxta of this notice was prepared bynd Dbr er pwyoork aAv t.mgy.chfloridaom promotion; or VETS, and may be viewed on the internet at this address:Enforcem emnatytyels s af wnoiles uiatatatc foaoafegmcacatipipn alaasntnin yatn fwe dedeimtehrp patl ohll oheoeoypr e reU Urso.t.tviding inSa.t SereDper leleavices leading to the arreswpwsons committing insurance fraud, including a rpftormation to the Deparrmohienbt i toinf gL adiscrrrim ay be paid to persons ,o srta a mtea ybenefit amoun eaniltable for work. if signs are posted that such conduct is prohibited. because of this status. Federal law requires employers to notify employees ofTrm Rewards of up to $25,000 mabis , Winaagteio at and con seivdveis ioann,y tim You must bimeAfobler p atorti wal unemployment fhoar at wneye wk aere leek yoss tu whoarkn y leoss tur wheaenkly fullIn addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyonehttp://www.dol.gov/vets/programs/userra/poster.htm.or local law orF F cor additional infforrmati ment emplodes greateverage. Per medain woravkeer rsirgt hts. f work if your wages during t mandatory postingFederal n o rH Hsuouperr r viction of any benefit of employment their rights under USERRA, and employers may meetTh at pryoervis who illegally ily or sons m rtment atassisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights, this requirement by displaying this notice where theythcompensation co r famfail to obticala ley repo Yolonu my wusitht rep a mort aaximll euamrnin pegns waltyh oilef 5 cla yeimars iingm bperinsoefitsnm. eFant ilaure nd toa $ d5o,0 so0 is acustomarily place notices for employees. le a csuspected fraud to the depaomplaint:connection with a proceeding under USERRA, 1-86 24 6-4-USWAGE1-800-378-0445 45ffeecct teudn wtiilt hawseot rakm moauyn resut of wlt inages have be1-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-877-889-5627www.osha.gov including testifying or making a statement inVETS U.S. DepartmentOffice ofEmployer Support of (1-866-4 w 87 w -9 w. 3 d )https I ://www. myfloridacfo.co ion m/Division/DIFS/WCor online at ERFEDDi withsch aa prgeens realtylat pwe ereidmo todp l AomNyisconmD eremntd.e u acin t cino en edisqualification Posting Statute: AR Stat 5-73-306Revision Date: 07/162016 ComplyRight, Inc. even if that person has no service connection. U.S. Department of Labor of Justice Special Counsel the Guard and Reserve U.S. Department of Lab TTY: 1-877-889-562son is n7 ot subject to civil liability Vaorlunnetda rwilyith q uneit uinngtilaa jo sbe tw aitmhoouutn gt ooof dw acageuss eh aavtri bbuetaenb lee atron tehdeweimthp nloeywer e mmapylo reymsuelt innt. Minimum Wage, Equal Employment Publication DateOctober 2008 1-866-487-2365 1-800-336-4590 ol.gov/whd for furnishing such information, if suchFraud/ disqualificationOSHA 3165-04R 2015A per Wage and Hour DivisionorWage and Hour Divisrson acts without malice, fraud pe WH1420 REV 04/16IMPORTANT NOTE: The FMLA only applies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer. or bad faith. If yoau hrtmaveen at onf yE qcouen stions regpaordinrtungity re, Reeempmloyploymemnt eanssistt Assistaancen bcee Pnerogfits,ram co antat:ct theDep omic Op69L-6.007, F.A.C. Compensation NoticeD R Thismplopo DepaDirtment ofA -2s0s4isj-obs.2tanc418orgOpportunity, OSHA, Family and vision of W Ecorkonofomicrce S Oepporte Prvrogriceunitsa myReemplowwyme1w-8.ntflorida0Federal and StateRevision Date: 11/192020 ComplyRight, Inc. (FFervSau i-sFed4 dr-1e M5pao4rr8tcinhg 2 0lin1k0 updated February 2019) EMPLOYER NOTE: Must be posted in a conspicuous place for convenient viewing by al employes and aplicants. Ree noticyemen mustt A besistasntedceiPrn acogrcaomrd Laanwce.with Section 443.151(1) Florida Statutes, of the FloridaE10FLL Medical Leave, Employee Polygraph Labor Law Poster Kit Protection and USERRA Military Noti\x1f cation. Available in English ComplyRight Federal and State Labor Law Poster Kit make it easy to comply with mandatoryand Spanish. Remote Workers Binder for labor law posting regulations at the federal and state level. Our comprehensive poster setsERFEDEnglishinclude all mandatory labor law postings as required by federal and state employmentNon-Traditional WorksitesERFEDSSpanishregulations, issued by as many as nine separate government agencies. ERFED8BilingualHave little or no wall space? Our binder service is perfect or mall E50XX*English kiosks, food trucks, mobile service technicians, construction sites *Replace XX with your states< Scan for compliance verification. ALL EMPLOYEESForA VToEtNingCIN A TODOS LOSand other places with limited wall space.NY Revision Date: 04/19 ATENTION Time Ofabbreviation (e.g. E50FL).Section 750. Definitions. Corection Law VACATION TIME: This notice must betoposted N.Y. State ina conspicuous New York where to 1.3.s Ntaw Yef t m sh w I o t A r tes1o trk Shati:mtae ate El th ork e p f t al b r t wm l o ork r e ea h, t an a yt h m te a he e s b lewcteid eon Lmaw Sployeecets tion 3o v-1ot1e0r s e h e a gre io t ti nt l no e d e e w eqs d. o ew uc e hs t wo2.3.L 1.ea Sm m p n ton v d v p de libr U dA aif lug aisb nsl e v c al e m aig n ifo l drdnmee me o q ica s d e e a e EMPLEADOS e s o e eta s u u e t m rn aolmeep d , e d e aed z ce l lel or a a n o osisn o sldorea erel lood e s ele LICENSURE AND EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONS PREVIOUSLY State Labor Law Postings 3-1 2.or h Th 0. T tep t reod vo toot ateter m ny eoas wylu, wersci, tatll eiitothnnoko.e oabut lle hofof sss oo im fEs3tp-a1lede1o d0a. Tde Noccin 3s pieum-e1avp1ra Yo p0 da ve leoortark esa Lmritietdy Eao a lblece qlectorual de:ARTICLE 23-A Fringe Benefits And Hours egor u ing thimr m rdaiodrtasa de tnte re sodo eeugeil tldsto drieamde hop, po qasuta teue nde srees hicn esorite as, NEW YORK CORRECTION LAW FRINGE BENEFITS AND HOURS giso v751. Applicability. CONVICTED OF ONE OR MORE CRIMINAL OFFENSES SICK LEAVE:The Following Information Constitutes Employers Policy on Fringe Benefits. paucy fe eeh w moptloinyg oee shnly aall bt te ahe bl giend tninime glibre para votar solo al prinpreviously convicted of one or more criminalindividual has previously been convicted of onePERSONAL LEAVE: 4. e off for v N o p ng d isep ml ette i pe or sh ploe rye hce sh ith tf t ahn te hime ee4.deu ra vmpotaler eadn co se luae plqueierr emitlier t,cenin tsporiaeio o aes qrigmonu.pccin.dcc s as ntes 752. Unfair discrimination against persons(1) There is a direct relationship betweenor end of his or her working shift, asSi esul e ut uo r mpl e nte ltr, a mor more criminal offenses, unless:offenses prohibited. one or more of the previous criminal offensesHOLIDAYS: thehe e eermployoeyur etme ruaaleylyq daesignate, ll niunng toletiismfy s edisposic ar a s tars l abajieompo 754. Written statement upon denial of license orand the specific license or employment sought orHOURS: Pursuant ConsolidatedplaceLaws Chapter 31, Articleare 6,customarily oiffls or h o vn to oie k s oen ept p lofm titoeen duires workaus ty orai lo p oete p un d seta su ra v pls d eadal o equoriero coe t legs ean e Item No. U1200CRWXX*753. Factors to be considered concerning aheld by the individual; orprevious criminal conviction; presumption. license or the granting or continuation of theeco v ccor eyorer ndae to abmdapor pelleecs aaedor lso dinta tto es lebiea mpo (2) The issuance or continuation of the employment. property or to the safety or welfare of specifichrovisions of this section. eleccin qol esnouoes dee a e sdctaadua e ses relabdcmo cocorpileann llea.755. Enforcement. individuals or the general public. f ttiioemployment would involve an unreasonable risk to 750. Definitions. For the purposes of this753. Factors to be considered concerning aevoet lry eess tlechtaion tn, een wvery eorkimng dployaeyr shs beaforlllibre para voi e r d iien, ca ar vfollowing meanings: previous criminal conviction; presumption. de caarticle, the following terms shall have thesection seven hundred fifty-two of this chapter,noticesemployeesSec. 195.5posted.pf w prconshpiecre iuot causlyn b in e sthee pehn alaeicr ps e lacef t No mden ubrlabiu lcc car en u uer d ico l rabauoe, umpn l ceioe neos s l (1) Public agency means the state or any1. In making a determination pursuant tooostork wlocal subdivision thereof, or any state or local the public agency or private employer shall department, agency, board or commission. consider the following factors:company, corporation, labor organization oras expressed in this act, to encourage theemoplvorklsioyl, a ne ones os cootlceihmoe scie or g d uag fnty Sil t no torhe cth th nhloe soe otice fae e yaae p r dde tae e n ver cuga tabn. Dl ijo d aaonn le tdnduge l ho aviso s(2) Private employer means any person,(a) The public policy of this state,s sect as disjpoibsl cierie eassociation which employs ten or more persons.licensure and employment of persons previouslyohf wnature of criminal conduct for which the personconvicted of one or more criminal offenses.Federal and Statewas convicted has a direct bearing on his fitness necessarily related to the license or employmentYYOUHAVE Ame lanats uendrrn pas eul dblicaa dde lo haas esta elecciones. Replace XX* with your states abbreviation. (e.g. U1200CRWFL). (3) Direct relationship means that the(b) The specific duties and responsibilities license, opportunity, or job in question. sought or held by the person. or ability to perform one or more of the dutiespreviously convicted will have on his fitness orRight To Knowor responsibilities necessarily related to theoffense or offenses for which the person was (4) License means any certificate, license,(c) The bearing, if any, the criminal laws of this state, its political subdivisionsability to perform one or more such duties or permit or grant of permission required by the responsibilities.or instrumentalities as a condition for the(d) The time which has elapsed since the lawful practice of any occupation, employment, occurrence of the criminal offense or offenses. trade, vocation, business, or profession. for the purposes of this article, include any(e) The age of the person at the time of Provided, however, that license shall not,(f) The seriousness of the offense or license or permit to own, possess, carry, or fireoccurrence of the criminal offense or offenses.any explosive, pistol, handgun, rifle, shotgun, offenses. RIGHT TO KNOW! o a Each three-ring binder is 11 x 17.Printed in full color. or other firearm.(g) Any information produced by the person, (5) Employment means any occupation,or produced on his behalf, in regard to his vocation or employment, or any form of(h) The legitimate interest of the public purposes of this article, include membership inrehabilitation and good conduct. vocational or educational training. Provided,agency or private employer in protecting however, that employment shall not, for theproperty, and the safety and welfare of specific any law enforcement agency. section seven hundred fifty-two of this chapter,yofofuuer co tefsmthapenlo dh yeheaarlz mtahr udsstinform Poster Kit Retail Cards Federal & Statearticle shall apply to any application by anyindividuals or the general public. Luo c s y i on etfytooxuircsubstancesw o buctm ct: a i b s ,751. Applicability. The provisions of this2. In making a determination pursuant to person for a license or employment at any public the public agency or private employer shall also or private employer, who has previously beenissued to the applicant, which certificate shall convicted of one or more criminal offensesgive consideration to a certificate of relief from any person whose conviction of one or moredisabilities or a certificate of good conductorksite.in this state or in any other jurisdiction,create a presumption of rehabilitation in regard and to any license or employment held by754. Written statement upon denial of license granting of a license, except where a mandatoryto the offense or offenses specified therein.criminal offenses in this state or in anyor employment. At the request of any person other jurisdiction preceded such employment orpreviously convicted of one or more criminal forfeiture, disability or bar to employment isshall provide, within thirty days of a request, executive pardon, certificate of relief fromoffenses who has been denied a license or imposed by law, and has not been removed by anemployment, a public agency or private employerta tnldisabilities or certificate of good conduct.for such denial.earo b rmauoortrnNothing in this article shall be construed to a written statement setting forth the reasonsaouo n n acxjei eoocn. respect to an intentional misrepresentation inthe provisions of this article shall beFnfory staaffect any right an employer may have with1. In relation to actions by public agencies, connection with an application for employment 755. Enforcement.Poster Sets canmade by a prospective employee or previously enforceable by a proceeding brought pursuant toName THE RIGHT NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHTO KNOW LAW WORKS FOR YOU.made by a current employee.752. Unfair discrimination against personsand rules.previously convicted of one or more criminal article seventy-eight of the civil practice law offenses prohibited.the individuals havingNo application for any been previously convictedpursuant to the powers and procedures set forthLocation & Phone Numberlicense held by an individual, to which the2. In relation to actions by private license or employment, and no employment orbe enforceable by the division of human rights provisions of this article are applicable, shallemployers, the provisions of this article shall be denied or acted upon adversely by reason ofconcurrently, by the New York city commission on of one or more criminal offenses, or by reasonin article fifteen of the executive law, and, CRPS04 \x1f Federal and State Poster Set of a finding of lack of good moral character s a to ae$81 1 8 r $ r2 N $ 0 ye 1 .2 2. human rights. 5 s)on Miscel it m yl/2l e $ $ aneous1 6 .9 5oor r$ 1 $ 8 1 .2 1. 0 s)45 Fair Employmentwhen such finding is based upon the fact that the Minimum Wagebe purchasedLarge Employers (1 or more emplo AtIntednutistry Employees Minimum Wage hourly rates efective 1S2/3a1E0m1p8l o y1e2rs/3 (01/020 o1r9 l es employeew York CCRSP05Federal (Bilingual) andin a convenientMinimum W A tim ursst e $15.00 Minimum Wage $13.50 Tipped worker Over geafter 40 hours $2.50 Overtime after 40 hours $20.25Overtime after 40 hl $1 . 5 o 75 Tipped workers houas rst 10.20.35 o Overtime after 40 tAWeLsotncgh eIssltaenr dC oaundn ty NReewm Yaoinrkd Stateer ofState (English) Poster Set retail card. Minimum Wage w w m a ipa r geds. m s h yas baT k ad : p c umar t us a g emtn t ti p re p s s ag l rs g tuo w s A tt re adtor n Y te toa w yre b hyo r u youor m o aa es u $12.00 u my e rrat ui m d e nl p r ir is e hE h e e C p w Erocfee mo xbr oMinimum Wageo en ao I f np f tyiia e edt O f a rs i t v o d e ad e upi d erlaikneayl c t y ad imala aiys e na$11 d fter f au o h yl s .reb d $ tte he a r h 1s 8 3e .4m .9 0 5oor .10 r $ $ 1 9. 5.0 Tipped worke Overtime after 40 hours$18.0 Tiped worke tilm e aisnrstt ,p l e $40 hours $16.65e after 40hl o e u asst $ $9.05 or $10.20Overtime after 40 houArt visit4515.05 or $16.20 nt to file a compla OvertimIf you have questions, ned more information or w: a 1-8 e ow 8-469-7365wage w.labor.ny.gov/minimumwage or calyouoTaTwrimh pnpi may tan coYt eaeolf eua dtoi lyr e ipo dscyi sum Yflim pl poyluesr ayw nyo aub movaey: bdpaali sinshomwntlo a snaislatrraietidv e stafCreditsoss aau iss hboelv nd oAwl o thwe amnicn eteoimrod rn mitled.yauyi gy redewuicastge ed e s.eea t ra xteoOtpasrvave yes rP (h rp4ntsi0omtsiioo(leenonss ra: s 4l sOY 4th, v ofoauoenrrrm ft iaormerums eesitodxuisbee enncntuottiv reeqs1d ioytibmn eto eoevs set ). o)y fe o murwrineegiemuklulaymrhroatuers o ftha wtc ainredd a fdomrand imumCRSP06Federal Contractor Poster Set t yn a suem apgeeeiant gfroi eretsl,sh eiyteleuormpddatoi a gt hleoas t s tdh nveaaoerinlyts adca phbnrlreeaodrqvguoie oto ymu e ntswmahaglolpressl-io e nr yo aewpf teraep .aesy key nlydIt ssft ayhyloeaouu rmy ghoiisno ti mmmo uewo rmeeoartkwrhl yaaag,ns e y 7so cra5uhtetmeimei you lrtety onre atxetr ais Meals wa ldihnamdg ill poanotf t yu aoueomraipwven.tl i oamlygeaueesmrstm f ota yer hou aet dnti aitnley. dcloayeuai ,tm la sa nlodn glo weadi.n gshTiiwnhctheeyhr hearaene.Sqpuyurearsla,eotdyoountf i ehmo hautouyr sreenanc unrwo h ereukx empultmoyysu . plrwTao hyoan.weggeTewnhre rauetehtn ediakfanl. yoi rmra,t eyso u LS 207 (12/18) are available online.aeddettoliy o aIr t tlyo w Post in Plain ViewE10NYLUnaifom main tled btoRevision Date: 04/192019 ComplyRight, Inc. Minimum Wage Poste EMPLOYER NOTE: Must be posted in a conspicuous place for convenient viewing by al employes and aplicants. Weapons Law Cling Poster State Poster OnlyDid You Know? Every business is required by law ComplyRight Weapons Law Cling Poster provides a simple clingto conspicuously post up-to-dateposter to inform their employees and visitors that the business Compliance isnt optional. state labor law notices. This posteris a weapons-free establishment.If businesses do not have current state and federal labor law posters displayed in thecontains all state-required postingsItem No. E6005*appropriate locations within their facilities, they may risk the chance of beingto keep employees informed. Size: 11 x 8"cited/\x1f ned for noncompliance, and penalties, and damages from lawsuits. Item No. E10XX*English Additional posting requirements apply in AR, DC, IL, KS, MN, MO,MS, NE, SC, TN and TX. Ask about our state-speci\x1f c posting solutions (laminated) *Replace XX with your states abbreviationif your business operates in these states.When should I update or replace my labor law posters?(e.g. E10FL). Self-adhesive Weapons Law You will need to update your posters in order to stay compliant with the law whenever federal,Cling Poster is perfect for state and OSHA agencies make labor law changes. State and federal agencies may change theirdisplaying at your entrances.labor law regulations at any timeand often do so without notifying individual businesses.6Labor Law PostersLabor Law Posters7'