b"1099 & 1098 PRE-PRINTED FORMS 1098 PRE-PRINTED FORMSIndividual Laser Packs Individual Laser Packs1099-S (PROCEEDS FROM1099-R (RETIREMENT) REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS) 1098 (MORTGAGE INTEREST)CORRECTED (if checked) T fh urisn iisnhfoeRrdme tvaoet nitohunee iISsn ebterevrniincagel 2a $ 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amountmined OMB No F .1545-0119 APEX LR3 7575 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-0997 8181 VOIDCORRECTEDOMB No. 1545-1380PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. Taxable amount not deter 13Date of payment 2023 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or1098-E (STUDENT LOAN STATEMENT) 1098-T (TUITION STATEMENT)$ 3Capital gain (included Total distribution 4 I R n Se s hu ta iranc 1099-R i o c Att s,, s ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 2Gross proceeds Form1099-S Proceeds From Realprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. Form1098 Mortgage8383 VOID CORRECTED DETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILINGINKSRESISTANT MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILINGUSING HEATON OCR LASERin box 2a) Federal income tax Doisrmtributions Frtioems-, (Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions (Rev. January 2022) Interest PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5Employee contributions/ contributions $ 6 withheld s securities Penrsreiinomgne ePn Clta oonnrs ,tP r Retc. $ For calendar year For calendar yearStatement 8484 VOID CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received forOMB No. 1545-1574s,AnnuIra MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSBOND PAPERMANUFACTUREDRESISTANTDesignated Roth SIMPLE in employered appreciation Report this income on your FederalTRANSFERORS name Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description For1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) Forprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Loan InterestStatementRECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 7 or insurance premiums IRA/SEP/ $ 8 Net unrealiz F Copy B FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN 3 20 Copy A RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN $20 Copy ARECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or2023 Studentforeign postal code, and telephone number $ 2expenses Tuition 9a Distribution code(s) % 9b $ Other 10 $ 4, attach this copy to your return. Street address (including apt. no.) 4 Check here if the transferor received or will receiveInternal Revenue2 Outstanding mortgage3 Mortgage origination date Internal RevenueRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E Statement STUDENTS TIN 3 2023 Copy Aedetax return. If this form showsral income tax witheld in BoxYour percentage of $ % Amt alocable to IR within 5 yrs. Service Center principal Service CenterForm1098-Ttotal distribution Total Employee ContributionsFile with Form 1096.$5 Mortgage insuranceFile with Form 1096. Copy A14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16State Distribution foreignforeign estate,For Privacy Act4 Refund of overpaidpremiums For Privacy ActBORROWERS name $ ForSTUDENTS name 4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants For Account number (see instructions)1st year of desig. Roth contrib. requirement $ $ City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 5property or services as part of the consideration person . . . . . . . . and PaperworkPAYERS/BORROWERS name$ interest $ and PaperworkInternal Revenue$ prior year $ Internal Revenue $ $ Check here if the transferor partnership, is a foreignReduction Act$Service Center Service Center11 12 17Local tax withheld 18Name of locality 19Local distribution (nonresident alien, . Notice, see theStreet address (including apt. no.)6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence Reduction ActFile with Form 1096. Street address (including apt. no.) 6 scholarships or grants7 Checked if the amountFile with Form 1096.or foreign trust)current General Instructions for7If address of property securing mortgage is the sameNotice, see the FORM1099R www.irs.gov/Form1099R $ Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $ Account number (see instructions) $ 6Buyers part of real estate tax Certain Information Returns. as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or entercurrent GeneralStreet address (including apt. no.) For Privacy Act andAdjustments to in box 1 includesFor Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Form(Rev. 1-2022) 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1099S Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code the address or description in box 8. Instructions for CertainCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Paperwork ReductionCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code for a prior year amounts for anAct Notice, see the CORRECTED (if checked)T fh uirsn iisnhfoeRrdme tvaoet intohunee iISsn ebterervniincagel $ $ 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amount OMB No. s 1545-0119 Do1099-SFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing OMB No. 1545-0997 Proceeds From Realmortgage province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED (if checked) FormInformationMortgageAccount number (see instructions) 41-0852411 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . . Act Notice, see theService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Checked if at least$ 9 Checked if a graduate$ beginning January 2023 Generalacademic period NotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPageCORRECTED (if checked)DoNotCut orSeparateFormsonThisPage Returns. 2023 GeneralMarch 20242023 ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (see OMB No. 1545-1380 Check if box 1 does not include loan origination feesInstructions forhalf-time student student10 Ins. contract reimb./refund Instructions for RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or instructions) *Caution: The amount shown mayDETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILINGINKS MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILINGUSING HEATON OCR LASERINKSPAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.2aTaxable amount not determined13Date of payment R Formtrib 1099-R 7575 VOID CORRECTED 2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-0997 Form1099-S Estate Transactions 9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other not be fully deductible by you.1098 InterestForm1098-E t Cut or Separate Forms on This Pagebefore September 1, 2004tt or Separate Forms o Certain InformationReturns.iForm1098-T 41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1098T Certain InformationReturns.Total distribution Limits based on the loan amount Dis utions From FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing (Rev. January 2022) and the cost and value of the(Rev. January 2022) www.irs.gov/Form1098E Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceIns ities ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number $ FormFor calendar year Account number (see instructions) secured property may apply. Also,For calendar yearDoNo DCORRECTED (if checked) nThsPage Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PagePAYERS TINRECIPIENTS TIN $ 5 3Capital gain (included $ 6 4Federal income tax Petanirran ogce ePn lCta oo nu Ira R oAss,t-,, FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds 3 1099-S Proceeds From RealCopy B you may only deduct interest to the20 11 MortgageStatement 8484 VOID CORRECTED oNo Cu OMB No. 1545-1576 Studentforeign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED CORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1574 OMB No. 1545-1574 Tuition in box 2a) withheld Sehu re iin mns,Annrsn ,Ptrct (Rev. January 2022) 20 extent it was incurred by you,acquisition date Copy BRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or$ 1 Payments received for actually paid by you, and notMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSBOND PAPERetc. Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description reimbursed by another person. province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 8383 VOID expensesEstate Transactions 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)*RECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 9a $ 7 Employee contributions/ contributions 9b $ $ 8 in employered appreciation % 10Amt al Copy C FILERS TIN TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 4For calendar year . . Copy A For Transferor Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN $5 Mortgage insurance For Payer/RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orOMB No. 1545-1576 2023 Loan InterestFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or$ 1 Payments received for2 2023 TuitionStatementor insurance premiums IRA/SEP/ Net unrealizs securities TRANSFERORS TIN $ 3 20 ForThis is important tax41-0852411 PAYERS/BORROWERS TINwww.irs.gov/Form1098principal2 Outstanding mortgage Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service3 Mortgage origination date Borrower province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Form1098-E StudentStatement foreign postal code, and telephone number STUDENTS TIN 2expenses 3Form1098-T Copy BDesignated RothDistribution code(s) SIMPLE Other For RecRiepcieonrtd'ss TRANSFERORS name Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description information and is beingDoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPageDoNotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPageThe information in boxes 1RECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lender Loan InterestCopy B 2023 Statement14 Your percentage of % 15 $ Total Employee Contributions 16 $ ocable to IR within 5 yrs. 4 Check here if the5Transferor received or will receive property or services. . . . . . . . . furnished to the IRS. If8181 name,stret VOID, ortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $OMB No. 1545-1380 $ premiums through 9 and 11 isRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 2023 Statement For Borrower STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 3 4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants For Studenttotal distribution as part of the consideration (if checked) . Internal Revenuereturn, a negligencePAYER'S/BORROWER'S adrescity 4 Refund of overpaidimportant tax informationThis is important taxSTUDENTS TIN prior year Form1098-T Copy A This is important Service Center penalty or otherinterest and is being furnished to alien, foreignwill.receive(nonresidentimposed on you if thisRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or$the IRS. If you are requiredinformation and is being requirement $ State tax withheld State/Payers state no. $ State Distribution Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) or foreign trust). If checked, transferor is a foreign person estate, . . . . . . . . File with Form 1096.sanction may beprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. CORRECTED$ 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence penalty or other sanctionBORROWERS TIN $ 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E Copy A furnished to the IRS. IfSTUDENTS name $ 4 Adjustments made for a $ $ 7 Checked if the amountFortax information transferor received partnership, or foreignor foreignitem is required to bemay be imposed on you if property or services as part of the consideration For Privacy Act7If address of property securing mortgage is the samethe IRS determinesfurnished to the trust)Account number (see instructions)111st year of desig. Roth contrib.12 17 $ $ Local tax withheld 18Name of locality 19 $ $ Local distribution Street address (including apt. no.)Account number (see instructions) 5 Check here if the foreigna foreign and Paperworkreported and the IRSForm1098 Mortgagethat an underpayment ofBORROWERS name Forreturn, a negligenceprior year $ 6 Adjustments to5 Scholarships or grants Internal Revenueand is being City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code (nonresident alien, . $ transferor partnership, isforeign person estate,Notice, see the not been reported. the address or description is entered in box 8. InterestService Center sanction may befor a prior year Service Center IRS. This form (keep for your records) 6Buyers part of real estate tax Reduction Actdetermines that it hasas PAYERS/BORROWERS address, the box is checked, ortax results because youInternal Revenuepenalty or otherscholarships or grantsin box 1 includesmust be used to current General(Rev. January 2022) overstated a deduction forimposed on you if theacademic periodcomplete Form 8863 amounts for an FORM1099R (Keep for your records) www.irs.gov/Form1099R Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Account number (see instructions) $ 6Buyers part of real estate taxwww.irs.gov/Form1099S Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service VOID CORRECTEDStatement these points, reported inStreet address (including apt. no.) File with Form 1096. IRS determines that anStreet address (including apt. no.) 6 scholarships or grantsin box 1 includesFile with Form 1096. to claim education Instructions for8 Address or description of property securing mortgagethis mortgage interest or forunderpayment of taxAdjustments to $ 7 Checked if the amount beginning January March 20 For Privacy Act and credits. Give it to the For calendar year CORRECTED (if checked) T fh uirsn iisnhfoeRrdme vtaoet nitohuneei ISsn etberervinincagel $ 2a 1Gross distribution 2bTaxable amountmined OMB No.1545-0119 Form(Rev. 1-2022) 41-0852411 VOID CORRECTED Certain Information Returns. Proceeds From RealmortgageRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or20 Formyou didnt report the refundMortgageAccount number (see instructions) (keep for your records) VOID If checked, box 1 does not . . . . For Privacy Act and. . . results because youService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Checked if at leastVOID 9 Checked if a graduate$ 24 tax preparer or use it to boxes 1 and 6; or becauseDETACH BEFORE MAILINGDETACH BEFORE MAILINGRESISTANT MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSMANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSDETACH BEFORE MAILINGMANUFACTUREDDETACH BEFORE MAILINGUSING HEATPAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. Taxable amount not deter 13Date of payment Form 2023 Do1099-SFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing OMB No. 1545-0997 Estate Transactions RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) OMB No. 1545-1380 InterestCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 2 fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made beforefor student loan interest. City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ for a prior year studentamounts for an10 Ins. contract reimb./refund prepare the tax return. ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone numberwww.irs.gov/Form1099S Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $Copy Aof interest (box 4); orSeptember 1, 2004 include loan originationoverstated a deductionhalf-time student academic periodPaperwork Reduction Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, see the PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN $ $ 5 in box 2a) IRA/SEP/ $ $ 6 8 withheld s securities P income Copy 2 7575 VOID CORRECTED $ 3 Form20 $ 4 Check hereForm20 transferorForm1099-SCopy B Copy C 9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other $ 2 Outstanding mortgage$ 3 Mortgage origination date 1098 Statement Form1098-E t CutFormr1098-E rate41-0852411 ron This PageDo Not C www.irs.gov/Form1098E t. r. . . r . te .Fo . rms on Act Notice, see theiStudentStudentService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.)Form1098-T 8 Checked if at least9 Checked if a graduate2 $ beginning January 3 Instructions forTuitionTuition Total distribution 1099-R NotCutorSeparateFormsonThisPageCORRECTED (if checked)DoNotCut orSeparateFormsonThisPage PAYERS/BORROWERS TIN principal Forbecause you claimed aAccount number (see instructions) CORRECTED 2023 General(keep for your records) studentMarch 2024 2023 GeneralFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing 2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-0997 (Rev. January 2022) Account number (see instructions) 4 Refund of overpaidpremiums Internal Revenuenondeductible item. RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or Check if box 1 does not include loan origination feesDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1098-T foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED Certain InformationReturns.(Rev. January 2022) province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Instructions for www.irs.gov/Form1098T 1 Payments received for Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-157411 MortgageOMB No. 1545-1576 FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 10 Ins. contract reimb./refund3Capital gain (included 4Federal income tax R Distributions uFrRitoiAes, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number 1Date of closing 1099-SFor calendar year For Filer PAYERS/BORROWERS name$Service CenterCopy CDoNo o Sepa Foms 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was madeCertain InformationReturns. Loan Interesthalf-time student www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Statement MANUFACTURED ON OCR LASER BOND PAPER USING HEAT RESISTANT INKSON OCR LASER BOND PAPERSehetanirrseiinomgne sPn,ltaA onnrsn P, I romst-, FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-09973Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description (Rev. January 2022) Proceeds From Realinterest For calendar yearbefore September 1, 2004o Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 41-0852411 CORRECTED $ 2expensesacquisition dateEstate Transactions File with Form 1096.20 uDesignated Roth in employered appreciation ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone numberFILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds (Rev. January 2022) For calendar year 20 or State Copy Form1098$5 Mortgage insurance 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) For Recipient/www.irs.gov/Form1098E Sepaa ThsPage Statement Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageDo Not Cut or Separate Forms on This PageRECIPIENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 7 or insurance premiums SIMPLE Net unrealiz Insurance Contraetc.cts, FILERS TIN TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 1099-S Proceeds From Realreceive For Privacy ActStreet address (including apt. no.)the address or description in box 8. $For Privacy ActLender8484 VOID CORRECTED CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-1576 2023 Copy C FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or$ 1 Payments received forOMB No. 1545-1574 2023 Copy C14 $ Employee contributions/ contributions 15 $ Other 16 Filestatewithin 5 yrs. TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 4For calendar year 5hereifEstate Transactions . . . . will. For Transferor . and Paperwork (Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN(Keep for your records)6 Points paid on purchase of principal residencePAYERS/BORROWERS TINwww.irs.gov/Form1098principal 2 Outstanding mortgage Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service3 Mortgage origination date stet , or or or State Copyprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number t , country,andZIPorforeign OMB No. 1545-1576 Form1098-E Form1098-E Copy B For Recipient foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED 3expenses $ prior year 2023 $ Form1098-T Copy B or For Filerand PaperworkRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description oras PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enterReduction ActRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN Form8383 VOID STUDENTS TIN OMB No. 1545-1574 StatementDistribution code(s)this c,ocitypy w, oitrh l oycoaulr $ thereceived7If address of property securing mortgage is the same 4 Refund of overpaidNotice, see theRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or$ 2023 Loan InterestFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or 1 Payments received for 9aYour percentage of 9b % 10Amt al when tax re qreturn,uired. FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN 3Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description theCopy A furnished to the IRS. IfReduction ActCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code adrescitytown,state or province,country,andZIPforeignpostalcode $current GeneralFor Privacy Actprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number cityortown,stateorprovince, postalcode $ 1 Student loan interest received by lender Statement orStateCopy foreign postal code, and telephone number STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants StateCopy5 Mortgage insurance Checkiftransferor partnership, is a foreignreturn, a negligencecurrent General9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other CORRECTED (if checked)$Instructions for CertainReduction ActBORROWERSname,stre rescityortown,state BORROWERS TIN 1 Student loan interest received by lender Loan InterestThis is important taxPaperworkSTUDENTS TIN STUDENTS TIN2Form6 Adjustments to Statement This is importantPaperwork Account number (see instructions)111st year of desig. Roth contrib.12 requirement 17 $ $ $ total distribution % 18 $ Total Employee Contributions 19 $ $ $ ocable to IR LR3 TRANSFERORS name (Rev. 1-2022) 5 4Check here ififthe$ transferor. . . . . . . . $ . property or services as part of the consideration information and is being This is important tax person estate, . . . . . . . . . . . Notice, see themortgage PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname, $ interest Form11 Mortgage$ premiums Interestand PaperworkRECIPIENTS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN tad BORROWERS , name,stre or adres country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ 2023 Student. . . . . For Borrower . . For Privacy Act andSTUDENTS name STUDENT'S name, stret adres $ 3 expenses $ prior year 2023 $ Form1098-T $ TuitionFor Student For Privacy Act and 5Transferor received or will receive property or servicesForpenalty or otherInstructions forRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state ornot be fully deductible by you.1098 InformationMortgageNotice, see theBORROWERS TIN province, 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E Statement furnished to the IRS. IfReduction Act 2023, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a 7 Check if theamount in Reduction Act State tax withheld State/Payers state no. State Distribution (nonresident alien, . foreign foreign province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.instructions)8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (see 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residenceOMB No. 1545-1380 Returns. current GeneralNotice, see the1098-T Copy A tax informationNotice, see as part of the consideration (if checked)or foreign trust)Internal Revenue*Caution: The amount shown may alien,willforeign personService Center Certain Information Returns. Limits based on the loan amount(Rev. January 2022) Instructions for CertainCopy A Instructions for 4 Adjustments made for a $ scholarships or grantsbeginning Januaryand is being the 2023 General Account number (see instructions) If checked, foreign received transferor partnership, or 6Buyers part of real estate taximposed on you if this7If address of property securing mortgage is the sameInformationinformation and is beingfor a prior year5 Scholarships or grantsacademic period box 1 includes amounts for an trust)is a receiveFile with Form 1096.sanction may besecured property may apply. Also, foreign estate, (nonresidentand the cost and value of theor foreignitem is required to beas PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enter property or services as part of the considerationFor Privacy Actyou may only deduct interest to the the address or description in box 8.FORM1099R www.irs.gov/Form1099R Local tax withheld Name of locality Local distribution Street address (including apt. no.)Account number (see instructions)Form1099-SCheck herethe 6Buyers part of real estate taxand Paperworkdetermines that it hasAccount number (see instructions) extent it was incurred by you,For calendar yearStatement Returns. BORROWERS name Account number (see instructions) $ 2 Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees return, a negligence penalty or otherGeneralService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Check if at least5 Scholarships or grants in box 1 includesFormust be used toInstructions forreported and the IRS8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (see www.irs.gov/Form1099SaDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service reimbursed by another person. March 2024 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code (nonresident alien, . transferor partnership, isforeignReduction Actnot been reported. actually paid by you, and not20 acquisition date Copy BFormwww.irs.gov/Form1098E Internal Revenue ForCertain InformationReturns. Street address (including apt. no.) Form1098-T $ prior year $ 6 Adjustments to 9 Check if a graduate7 Checked if the amount Internal RevenueCertain InformationReturns.or foreign trust)foreignforeign person estate,Notice, see theinstructions) and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made sanction may behalf-time studentscholarships or grants studentService Center complete Form 8863 current General1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s)* Service Center imposed on you if thefor a prior year amounts for an10 Ins. contract reimb./refundIRS. This form furnished to the Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) (keep for your records) VOID CORRECTED Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TINmortgage9 Number of properties securing the PAYERS/BORROWERS TINwww.irs.gov/Form109810 Other $Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceFor Payer/Street address (including apt. no.) 1098-E before September 1, 2004IRS determines that anService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) scholarships or grants$ 7 Checked if the amountacademic periodDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceAccount number (see instructions) 6Buyers part of real estate taxwww.irs.gov/Form1099S Instructions forL18A 41-0852411 5150 2 Outstanding mortgage3 Mortgage origination date Borrower File with Form 1096. underpayment of tax6 Adjustments towww.irs.gov/Form1098T File with Form 1096. credits. Give it to the Certain InformationDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service beginning Januaryto claim education LSA 41-0852411 5160 $ 1Date of closing Returns. principal The information in boxes 1Account number (see instructions) For Privacy Act andresults because youCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 8 Checked if at leaststudentin box 1 includes$ March 20 For Privacy Act andprepare the tax return. FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 2Gross proceedsOMB No. 1545-0997 OMB No. 1545-0997 PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stretadres,cityortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $$ premiums through 9 and 11 isCity or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code VOID September 1, 2004 .include loan origination. . . . . . . overstated a deductionForm1098-T 8 Checked if at least$ for a prior year 9 Checked if a graduate24 tax preparer or use it to Paperwork Reduction Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone numberwww.irs.gov/Form1099S 11 MortgagePaperwork Reductionhalf-time student amounts for an10 Ins. contract reimb./refundFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceForm1099-S Proceeds From RealAccount number (see instructions) 4 Refund of overpaid5 Mortgage insuranceimportant tax informationForm1098-E (keep for your records) 2 If checked, box 1 does not. Act Notice, see theService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) (keep for your records) VOID beginning January Act Notice, see the acquisition date fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made beforefor student loan interest. academic period2023 GeneralMANUFACTUREDZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED (if checked) Form(Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022) $ interest and is being furnished toAccount number (see instructions) 41-0852411 5185 www.irs.gov/Form1098E . . . . . . 2023 General StudentForm1098-T L18TA half-time student 5180 9 Checked if a graduatewww.irs.gov/Form1098T 1 Payments received for Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-1574 Tuition Instructions for March 2024Required Envelope: FILERS TIN 1Date of closing $ 3 1099-SFor calendar year Copy C $www.irs.gov/Form1098 the IRS. If you are requiredForm1098-E L18EA Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . CORRECTED Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service foreign postal code, and telephone number CORRECTED CORRECTED Instructions forStatement10 Ins. contract reimb./refundProceeds From Real6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence penalty or other sanctionprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Certain InformationReturns.FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP orexpenses Certain InformationReturns. RECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was madeOMB No. 1545-1576 student$(Rev. January 2022) 20 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service before September 1, 2004Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Loan Interest41-0852411 www.irs.gov/Form1098T Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Servicemay be imposed on you ifwww.irs.gov/Form1098E $TRANSFERORS TIN2Gross proceeds For calendar year Estate Transactions For Filer 7If address of property securing mortgage is the samethe IRS determinesCORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-1576 2023 Statement FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or2OMB No. 1545-1574 2023Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal descriptionthat an underpayment of APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN $ 3 4 Check here if20 transferor received orreceiveCopy B or State Copy VOID as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, the box is checked, ortax results because youRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state or$ 2023 Form1098-EStudentCopy C foreign postal code, and telephone number STUDENTS TIN$ 1 Payments received for2 3 2023 Form1098-T TuitionCopy CTRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code the address or description is entered in box 8. overstated a deduction forprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number expensesTRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal description 5. . . foreign. . .and Paperworkmortgage10 Other 8 Address or description of property securing mortgageFormthis mortgage interest or forMortgageRECIPIENTS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN tadres,cityortown,state BORROWERS TIN ZIPorforeignpostalcode 1 Student loan interest received by lenderFormLoan InterestFor Recipient STUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ 4 Adjustments made for a $ Statement or For Filerthese points, reported in For Transferor CORRECTEDboxes 1 and 6; or because thewill This is important taxFor Privacy ActRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orOMB No. 1545-1380 BORROWERSname,stre orprovince,country,and Statement prior year Form1098-T 5 Scholarships or grants StateCopyproperty or services as part of the consideration you didnt report the refund Check here if the foreign ainformation and is beingReduction Act9 Number of properties securing the province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no. of interest (box 4); orInterestBORROWERS TIN Form1098-E Copy B orStateCopy STUDENTS TIN 3Copy B For Privacy Act and 4 Transferor received or will receive property or servicesfurnished to the IRS. IfNotice, see the1098 1 Student loan interest received by lender For Privacy Act andPaperwork foreign estate, because you claimed a 5alien, foreign. . . $ (nonresident alien, . . . . . . transferor partnership, is. personcurrent GeneralAccount number (see instructions) 20 nondeductible item. BORROWERSname,stretadres,cityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode $ For Borrower PaperworkSTUDENT'S name, stret adres, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4prior year 6 scholarships or grants7 Check if theamount in Reduction Act as part of the consideration (if checked)or foreign trust)return, a negligence(Rev. January 2022)6Buyers part of real estate taxpenalty or otherFor calendar yearStatement Notice, see theAdjustments made for a This is importantthe 2023 General$ 2bTaxableamount Total 12 OMB No. 1545-0119 $ 2b 1Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount 12 OMB No. 1545-0119 APEX LR4Form1099-SAccount number (see instructions) 5161 If checked, transferor is a foreign person (nonresident or . foreignsanction may beInstructions forForm1098L18B 5151 $premiums 11 MortgageCopy CAccount number (see instructions) www.irs.gov/Form1098E before September 1, 2004. . . This is important tax. . Reduction Act 2023Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) $ Adjustments to $ Adjustments to $ March 2024 For Student Notice, see acquisition datetrust)partnership, foreign estate,Certain Information Returns. 1 Mortgage interest received from payer(s)/borrower(s) For Recipient/information and is beingGeneral 8 Check if at leastfor a prior year5 Scholarships or grantsacademic period box 1 includes amounts for anand is beingInstructions for imposed on you if this item is required to bebeginning January tax information Form 1099-R 1 CORRECTED (if checked) 2023 Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) 2023 Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) $ www.irs.gov/Form1099S Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service $or State Copy furnished to the IRS. If Instructions for6 scholarships or grants$ in box 1 includesCertain InformationReturns.Account number (see instructions) 6Buyers part of real estate tax reported and the IRSreturn, a negligence9 Check if a graduate7 Checked if the amount 10 Ins. contract reimb./refundfurnished to the IRS. This form determines that it has Annuities, Retirement orAnnuities, Retirement orDepartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service(Rev. 1-2022)RECIPIENTS/LENDERS TIN(Keep for your records)PAYERS/BORROWERS TINwww.irs.gov/Form1098principal 2 Outstanding mortgage Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service3 Mortgage origination date Check if box 1 does not include loan origination fees . Certain InformationReturns. academic periodmust be used to Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions,Taxableamount $distribution Distributions From Pensions,TFP 5175 (Rev. 1-2022)LSB (keep for your records) VOID www.irs.gov/Form1099S not been reported. PAYER'S/BORROWER'Sname,stetadres,cityortown,state or province,country,andZIPorforeignpostalcode 4 Refund of overpaid$ 5 Mortgage insuranceLender Form1098-E 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was madeForm1098-T 8 Checked if at leasthalf-time studentfor a prior year studentamounts for ancomplete Form 8863 .penalty or other sanction may be Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,Total Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,FILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, 1Date of closing OMB No. 1545-0997 interest For Privacy ActAccount number (see instructions) 2 fees and/or capitalized interest for loans made before. . . . . . . . imposed on you if theService Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) half-time student www.irs.gov/Form1098T $ beginning January Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceIRS determines that an Insurance Contracts, etc. Insurance Contracts, etc. CORRECTED Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service to claim education notdetermined $distribution FATCA Filing13Date of payment notdetermined FATCA Filing13Date of payment ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number Form1099-S Proceeds From Real$and PaperworkForm1098-E L18EB (keep for your records) 5186 If checked, box 1 does not include loan originationunderpayment of taxForm1098-T L18TB (keep for your records) 5181 $ 9 Checked if a graduateMarch 2024 credits. Give it to the results because you requirement requirement overstated a deduction10 Ins. contract reimb./refund tax preparer or use it to PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. 6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence Reduction ActSeptember 1, 2004for student loan interest. studentprepare the tax return. RECIPIENT COPIES 2Gross proceeds (Rev. January 2022) Estate Transactions $ 7If address of property securing mortgage is the sameNotice, see theVOID www.irs.gov/Form1098E. Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service foreign postal code, and telephone number VOID www.irs.gov/Form1098T 1 Payments received for Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue ServiceOMB No. 1545-1574current GeneralCORRECTED OMB No. 1545-1576 CORRECTEDRECIPIENTS/LENDERS name, street address, city or town, state orFILERS name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or $ PAYERS TIN 3 6 (included total 4Federal Form 1099-R 1 $Roth CORRECTED T % (ifchecked) $ $ 3 6 2a) OMBNo.1545-0119 2023 $ Form 1099-R 1 $ $ 5Roth CORRECTED $ (ifchecked) OMBNo.1545-0119 2023 FILERS TIN TRANSFERORS TIN $ 5 4Check here ififthe transferor. . . For calendar year . . . . .Copy C 9 Number of properties securing the 10 Other as PAYERS/BORROWERS address, check the box, or enterInstructions for Certainprovince, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone number t , postalcode $ 1 Student loan interest received by lenderForm1098-E or StudentSTUDENT'S name, stret adres STUDENTS TIN $ 23 expenses $ 2023 or Tuition $ Capital 2a) securities $7 income $ RECIPIENTS TIN $8Other 2aTaxableamount PAYERS TIN Distributions From Pensions,income RECIPIENTS TIN $8Other 2aTaxableamount 12 Distributions From Pensions,TRANSFEROR'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 20 or will receiveFor Filer mortgage the address or description in box 8. InformationRECIPIENTS TIN BORROWERS TIN Loan InterestForm1098-T Statementgain Gross withheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums Capitalgain(included Federal Grossdistribution Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums Annuities, Retirement or3Address (including city, state, and ZIP code) or legal descriptionor State Copy 8 Address or description of property securing mortgage (seeReturns. 2023 Statementinbox tax distribution5 inbox Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,taxwithheld Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,instructions)Annuities, Retirement or 4Net employe appreciation Distribution 2bTaxableamount $otal Net 12 Insurance Contracts, etc. Taxableamount distribution% Insurance Contracts, etc. receivedFor Privacy ActCopy C Copy Cin unrealizedrs code(s)determined distribution inemploye requirement 13 $7 code(s)determined Total FATCA Filing13Date of paymentSEP/ FATCA Filing Date of paymentDistribution2b SEP/IRA/ securities IRA/not SIMPLE unrealizedrs appreciation not SIMPLE requirementFor Filer9aYourpercentageof distribution PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. property or services as part of the consideration and PaperworkAccount number (see instructions) acquisition date BORROWERSname,streadrescityortown,stateorprovince,country,andZIPorforeign For Recipient , city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code4 Adjustments made for a 5 Scholarships or grants StateCopy% 9bTotalemployee$ contributions 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution % 9bTotalemployeecontributions Check herethe transferor is a foreign personReduction Act11 MortgageStateCopy prior year For Privacy Act and Notice, see the RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code (nonresident alien, . foreign partnership, foreign estate, current GeneralFor Privacy Act and$ Paperwork or foreign trust)Instructions forPaperwork6 Adjustments to 7 Check if theamount in Reduction Act $ $ 17Local tax withheld 18 $ PAYERS TIN 3 (included $ total 4Federal RECIPIENTS TIN $ 5Roth contributions or insurance premiums 1 PAYERS TIN $ 3 6 (included $ $ $ State distribution7 $ 4Federal RECIPIENTS TIN $ 8 5Roth contributions insurancepremiums PAYER COPIES Account number (see instructions) 5162 $ 6Buyers part of real estate tax Certain Information Returns. Form1098 (Rev. 1-2022) L18C www.irs.gov/Form1098 5152 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Account number (see instructions) www.irs.gov/Form1098E 2 and/or capitalized interest, and the loan was made. . . . . . . Reduction Act 2023 Service Provider/Acct. No. (see instr.) 8 Check if at least$ scholarships or grants$ box 1 includesNotice, see Account number (see instructions) 15 1 $ 6 Capitalgain $ 10 $7 incometax 14 withheld $8 Employeecontributions/Designated % Capitalgain 10 incometaxwitheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor % Form1099-S(Rev. 1-2022) LSC www.irs.gov/Form1099S Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Check if box 1 does not include loan origination feesNotice, see the General half-time student for a prior year amounts for an the 2023 Generalinbox2a) inbox2a) academic periodInstructions forbeginning January 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years Account number (see instructions) 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. Amount allocable to IRR within 5 yearsIRA/ Other Instructions for 9 Check if a graduateMarch 2024 Certain InformationReturns. 14State tax withheld Netunrealizeds appreciation Distributioncode(s) IRA/ Other 15State/Payers state no.securities Distributioncode(s) SEP/ before September 1, 2004Certain InformationReturns. student10 Ins. contract reimb./refundState/Payers state no.inemployersecurities State tax withheld Net employer appreciation SIMPLE16State distribution SIMPLE in unrealizeds 16SEP/Name of Locality9aYourpercentage19$ofLocaldistribution 9b17 employee$ contributions 18Name of Locality9a$ Yourpercentage19oftotal distribution 9bTotalemployee$ Form1098-E L18EC 5187 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form1098-T L18TC www.irs.gov/Form1098T 5182 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service distribution $TotalLocal tax withheld Localdistribution1 File this copy with your state, city, or Department of the Treasury $ 1 File this copy with your state, city, or Department of the Treasury $ Required Envelope:local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue Service local income tax return, when required. Internal Revenue Service Required Envelope:www.irs.gov/Form1099R % www.irs.gov/Form1099RRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code %RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeForm 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2023 Form 1099-R CORRECTED (if checked) OMB No. 1545-0119 2023Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions,Grossdistribution 2aTaxableamount Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement orAnnuities, Retirement or $ 2bTaxableamount $distribution $ $ Account number (see instructions)12FATCA Filing13Date of payment11st year of desig. Roth contrib.$ $ 10 $ $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years$ $ 14 12FATCA Filing13 15 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10 $ $ Amount allocable to IRR within 5 yearsAPEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS APEX: DWMR or DWMRSProt-Sharing Plans, IRAs,Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Total Account number (see instructions)Insurance Contracts, etc.1notdetermined Total 14State tax withheld Insurance Contracts, etc. 2bTaxableamount $distribution State tax withheld requirement Date of payment 16State distributionrequirement 15State/Payers state no.notdetermined State/Payers state no.16State distributionPAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no. 19Local distribution theService Required Envelope: Required Envelope:17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distribution 17Local tax withheld 18Name of LocalityPAYERS TIN 1 Payer's - State, Local or $ FileCopy $ 3Capital 2a) OMBNo. DepartmenttheService 1 Payer's - State, Local or $ FileCopy OMBNo. Department Treasury TFP: 77771 or 77772www.irs.gov/Form1099R InternalRevenueofInternalRevenueof Treasury www.irs.gov/Form1099RForm 1099-R CORRECTED(ifchecked) 1545-0119 2023Form 1099-R CORRECTED(ifchecked) 1545-0119 2023$ 3 6 Capitalgain(included $7 4Federalincome RECIPIENTS TIN $8 Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedor Taxableamount PAYERS TIN 6 (included $7 Federalincome RECIPIENTS TIN $8Roth 2aTaxableamount RECIPIENT COPIES 12 Distributions From Pensions,APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WS APEX/TFP: DW19W or DW19WSinbox2a) Gross withheldRoth 2a insurancepremiums inbox gainDistributions From Pensions,Gross withheld Employeecontributionscontributions/Designatedorinsurancepremiums Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs, tax distribution5 Annuities, Retirement or 4 tax distribution5 Annuities, Retirement or Prot-Sharing Plans, IRAs,amount Other distribution % Insurance Contracts, etc.inemployesecurities not IRA/ inemploye requirement Distribution2b$ not SEP/Taxableamount Total Insurance Contracts, etc. code(s) determined requirementNetunrealizedrs appreciation Distribution2b$ code(s)determinedOther distribution% Netunrealizedrs12FATCA Filing13Date of payment Taxable SIMPLE Total FATCA Filing13Date of paymentSEP/ appreciation IRA/SIMPLE securities$ 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.$ PAYER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and phone no.9bTotalemployee$ contributions 9aYourpercentageoftotaldistribution 9bTotalemployee$ contributionsRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $ RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $% %PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN PAYER COPIES3Capital 2a) (included 4Federalincometaxwithheld5Roth contributions or insurance premiums 3Capital 2a) (included 4Federalincometaxwitheld5Roth insurancepremiumsinbox gain Employeecontributions/Designated inbox gain Employeecontributionscontributions/DesignatedorAccount number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib.$ 6 $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ 7 Account number (see instructions)$ 8 % 1$ 6 6 1st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ 7 IRA/ $ 8Other %in unrealizeds appreciation 14 IRA/ Other Net employersecurities State distribution SEP/$ 14State tax withheld 15 $ Net employersecurities $ Distributioncode(s) $ State tax withheld $ 15 $ in Your unrealizeds appreciation $ Distributioncode(s) Total SIMPLE contributionsSEP/State/Payers state no. 16State distribution SIMPLE State/Payers state no. 16$ 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality9aYourpercentage19$oftotaldistribution 9b17 employeecontributions 18Name of Locality9a percentage19$oftotaldistribution 9b employee$Local distribution $TotalLocal tax withheld Local distributionCopy C For Recipients Records is Service. Department of the Treasury$Copy B Report this income on your federal tax return. %$www.irs.gov/Form1099R % in box 4, attach this copy to your return. Department of the TreasuryThisinformationbeingfurnishedtotheInternalRevenue Internal Revenue Service LR4 If this form shows federal income tax withheld www.irs.gov/Form1099R(5175)Internal Revenue ServiceRECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code RECIPIENT'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal codeAccount number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years Account number (see instructions) 11st year of desig. Roth contrib. $ 10Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years $ $ 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16 $ $ State distribution theService $ $ 14State tax withheld 15State/Payers state no. 16 $ $ State distribution theService APEX LR4R 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distribution 17Local tax withheld 18Name of Locality 19Local distributionPayer's - State, Local orFileCopy Department TreasuryPayer's - State, Local orFileCopy Department Treasurywww.irs.gov/Form1099R LR4R InternalRevenueofInternalRevenueof www.irs.gov/Form1099R5176 TFP 5176Required Envelope: APEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per packAPEX: DW4MW or DW4MWS 50s500s100s1000sFORM DESCRIPTIONTFP: 61611 or 61612 L18EAN/A5185N/A1098-E Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsL18EBN/A5186N/A1098-E Borrower Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsAPEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack L18ECN/A5187N/A1098-E Recipient Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms50s500s100s1000sFORM DESCRIPTION 50S500S100S1500SLR3N/AN/AN/A1099-R 3-Up Horizontal Recipient Copy B, C, 21 Page Equals 1 Form L18TAL18TA50051805180B1098-T Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsLR4LR450051755175B1099-R 4-Up Box Recipient Copy B, C, 2, 21 Page Equals 1 Form L18TBL18TB50051815181B1098-T Student Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsLR4RLR4R50051765176B1099-R 4-Up Box Payer, State, Local or File Copy D, 1, 1, 11 Page Equals 1 Form L18TCL18TC50051825182B1098-T Filer Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms50s500s100s1500sLSALSA50051605160B1099-S Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 3 FormsLSBLSB50051615161B1099-S Transfer or Copy B1 Page Equals 3 FormsLSCLSC50051625162B1099-S Filer Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 3 Forms50s500s100s1000sL18AL18A50051505150B1098 Federal Copy A1 Page Equals 2 FormsL18BL18B50051515151B1098 Payer/Borrower Copy B1 Page Equals 2 FormsL18CL18C50051525152B1098 Recipient/Lender Copy C and/or State Copy1 Page Equals 2 Forms42 43"