b"W-2 PRE-PRINTED FORMS W-2 BLANK FORMSAlternate Laser Combined Format Blank & Combined Laser FormsEmployers State, Local, or File Copy22222 2023 1545-0008 Employers State, Local, or File Copy22222 2023 1545-0008 APEX L4UPAR APEX APEX APEX APEXAPEX L3UPR a Employee's soc. sec. no. 1 Wages, tips, other comp. OMB No. a Employee's soc. sec. no. 1 Wages, tips, other comp. OMB No.b Employer ID number (EIN) 3 Social security wages 2 Federal income tax withheld b Employer ID number (EIN) 3 Social security wages 2 Federal income tax withheld L4BL L4BLNB OCRLASERBONDPAPERUSIN DETACH BEFORE MAILING INKS HEATRESISTANT MANUFACTURED G ON L3BL L9BL5 Medicare wages and tips 4 Social security tax withheld 5 Medicare wages and tips 4 Social security tax withheld TFP 5405A6 Medicare tax withheld 6 Medicare tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP code Front Blank Front Blank TFP TFP TFP TFPSe instructions for box 12 d Control numberSuff. d Control numberSuff. with W2 Instructionswith W2 Instructions5209 5221 5211 5174 e Employees name, address, and ZIP code e Employees name, address, and ZIP codeon back side. on back side.7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 910 11 10 11See instructions for box 12 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay See instructions for box 12 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay12a 12a2023 12b 14 Other 12b 14 Other12c 12c12d 12d15Local wagesr, tip.s state ID #s, etc. 16 Local income tax 17Locality name 15 State Empl 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income tax18 State Empl 19State wages, tips, etc. 20 State income tax 18 Local wagesr, tip.s state ID #s, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality nameFor Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Dept. of the Treasury - IRS For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction 2023OMBNo. Employee'ssoc.sec.no. 1Wages, tips, other comp. 2 2023 1545-0008 APEX L4UPA Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Dept. of the Treasury - IRS OMBNo.Act Notice, see separate instructions. Federal income tax withheld1545-0008APEX L3UP Act Notice, see separate instructions. b aEmployee'ssoc.sec.no. 1 3 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 4 Social security tax withheld b a EmployerIDnumber(EIN) 3Socialsecuritywages Federal income tax withheld Front Blank Front BlankEmployers State, Local, or File Copy22222 2023 EmployerIDnumber(EIN) Socialsecuritywages 6 Medicare tax withheld2023 1545-0008 5 Medicare wages and tips 4 Social security tax withheld TFP 5205AOMB No. Employers State, Local, or File Copy22222 OMB No. 6 Medicare tax withheld5 Medicare wages and tips1545-0008TFP 5210 a Employee's soc. sec. no.1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP codea Employee's soc. sec. no. 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheldc Employers name, address, and ZIP code with W2 Instructionswith W2 Instructions 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheldb Employer ID number (EIN) 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld b Employer ID number (EIN) 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withhelddControlnumberc Employers name, address, and ZIP code dControlnumber on back side. on back side.c Employers name, address, and ZIP codeSe instructions for box 12 e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.2023 d Control numberd Control number e Employees name, address, and ZIP code 7Social tips 8Allocatedtips 9 7SocialSuff.securitytips 8Allocatedtips 9 L3BL 5211L9BL5174Suff.securitye Employees name, address, and ZIP code10Dependentcare 11 plans 10Dependentcare 11 plans L4BLNB 5212022 7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 See instructions for box 12 7 Social security tips 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay 9 12a 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay APEX __ __ APEX APEXAPEX12a14Other12b 8 Allocated tips 12b 14Other1011 12c 1011 12c Front BlankSee instructions for box 12 14 Other 12d Local See instructions for box 12 16 Local income tax 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay12d Localwages,tips,etc. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 Localityname with W-2 InstructionsL87B L87BNB LW2BL LW2NB12a 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay 12a17 State income taxSe instructions for box 12 12b 15 State Employers state ID #12b etc. 19State wages, tips, etc. 14 Other name 15 19 Local income tax 20 State income tax12c 18 wages,12ctips, 20Locality 18 State Employers state ID #12d 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 FormW-2Wage andTax Statement Dept. of theTreasury - IRS FormW-2Wage andTax Statement Dept. of theTreasury - IRS on back side. TFP TFP Front Blank TFP TFP12d15Local wagesr, tip.s state ID #s, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 State income taxThis information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service 17Locality name OMBNo. 5208 5408 with W-2 Instructions 5222 520715 State Empl 16 State wages, tips, etc.18 State EmplLocality name 18 Local wagesr, tip.s state ID #s, etc. 19 Local income tax 20 State income taxForm W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Dept. of the Treasury - IRS For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction 2023 OMBNo. Employee'ssoc.sec.no. 1Wages, tips, other comp. 2 2023 1545-0008 with W2 Instructions2023 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction aEmployee's Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 1 3 2 L4UPAR Dept. of the Treasury - IRS5405A a 3Socialsecuritywages Federal income tax withheld Front Blank on back side.Act Notice, see separate instructions. soc.Act Notice, see separate instructions. Federal income tax withheld1545-0008sec.no. Wages, tips, other comp.Socialsecuritywages 4 Social security tax withheld 4 Social security tax withheldbEmployerIDnumber(EIN) 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld bEmployerIDnumber(EIN) 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld with W-2 Instructions c Employers name, address, and ZIP code c Employers name, address, and ZIP codeon back side.dControlnumber dControlnumber2022 e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff. e Employees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.Front Blank7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9 7Socialsecuritytips 8Allocatedtips 9 with W-2 Instructions 10Dependentcare 11 plans 10Dependentcare 11 plansSee instructions for box 12 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay 12a 13 Stat. Emp. Ret. plan 3rd-party sick pay on back side. Front Blank12a12b 14Other 12b 14OtherSe instructions for box 12 12c 12c with W-2 Instructions 12d 12d15 State Employers state ID # 16 Local income tax 17 Localityname 18 State Employers state ID # 19 Local income tax 20Localityname Front Blank on back side.18Localwages,tips,etc. 19State wages, tips, etc. 20 State income tax 15 Localwages,tips,etc. 16 State wages, tips, etc. 17 State income taxFormW-2Wage andTax Statement Dept. of theTreasury - IRS FormW-2Wage andTax Statement Dept. of theTreasury - IRS with W-2 Instructions penalty/other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and you fail to report it. L4UPA 5205Aon back side.2022 Required Envelope: L87B 5208 L87BNB LW2BL 5222 LW2NB 5207Required Envelope: APEX: DW4S or DW4SD or DW4SS APEXAPEX: DW3 or DW3S TFP: 99991 or 99992 LU4TFP: 33331 or 33332 FormW-2Wage and Tax Statement2023 OMB No. 1545-0008 Employer identic ation number (EIN) 1DepaT2reasu APEX L4DNControl number Copy B To Be Filed With Employees FEDERALWages, tips, other comprtment of the. Federy - Interal inc romenal R tax withheldevenue ServiceTax Return Employees so c ial sec urity number 3Soc ial sec urity wages 4 Soc ial sec urity tax withheldEmployers name, address, and ZIP code 7 8 Soc ial sec urity tips 5 9 Medic are wages and tips 1 0 6Medic are tax withheld TFP 5218AlocatedtipsDependent cEmployees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.11plansCode See inst. for box 1 2 1 3 employee 1 2a -12dStatutory14Otherplan Retirement Third-party 1 5StateEmployers state ID number 1 6State wages, tips, etc. 1 7 State inc ome tax 1 8Loc al wages, tips, etc. 1 9 Loc al inc ometax 20c ky paynameLosic alitThis information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service www.irs.gov/eleFormW-2Wage and Tax Statement2023 OMB No. 1545-0008 Employ c ation number (EIN) 1Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 2Control number Copy CFor EMPLOYEE'S RECORDS. (SeeWages, tips, other comp. Federal inc ome tax withheldNotice to Employee on back of Copy B). Employees so c ial sec urity number 3Soc ial sec urity wages 4Soc ial sec urity tax withheldEmployers name, address, and ZIP code7Soc ial sec urity tips 5Medic are wages and tips 6 Medic are tax withheld8Alocatedtips 9 1 0 Dependent cEmployees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.11plansCode See inst. for box 1 2 1 1 3 employee2a -12dStatutory14Otherplan Retirement Third-partysic k pay1 5StateEmployers state ID number 1 6State wages, tips, etc. 1 7 State inc ome tax 1 8Loc al wages, tips, etc. 1 9 Loc al inc ome tax 20Loc ality name This information is being furnished to the IRS.Ifc e penaltyor other sanc tion maybe imposed on y ou if this inc ome is taxable and y ou fail to report it. FormW-2Wage and Tax Statement2023 OMB No. 1545-0008 Employ c ation number (EIN) 1Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 2LU4Control number Copy 2 Lo To Be Filedc al Inc ome Tax Return With Employees State,Wages, tips, other comp. 4Federal inc ome tax withheldCity, orSoc ial sec urity tax withheldEmployers name, address, and ZIP code Employees so c ial sec urity number 3Soc ial sec urity wages7Soc ial sec urity tips 5Medic are wages and tips 6Medic are tax withheld8Alocatedtips 9 1 0 Dependent cEmployees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.11 OtherplansCode1 12d 1 3 employeeAPEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack 2a -StatutoryRetirement14planThird-partysic k pay1 5StateEmployers state ID number 1 6State wages, tips, etc. 1 7 State inc ome tax 1 8Loc al wages, tips, etc. 1 9 Loc al inc ometax 20Loc ality name50s500s100s500sFORM DESCRIPTIONFormW-2 WageandTaxStatement 2023 OMB No. 1545-0008 Employ c ation number (EIN) 1 3 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 4 2 L4BLL4BL50052095209BW-2 4-Up With W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 1 FormControl number Copy 2 Lo To Be Filedc al Inc ome Tax Return With Employees State,Employees so c ial sec urity number Wages, tips, other comp. Federal inc ome tax withheldCity, orSoc ial sec urity wages Soc ial sec urity tax withheldEmployers name, address, and ZIP codeEmployees name, address, and ZIP code Suff.11 7 8Soc ial sec urity tips 5 9 Medic are wages and tips 1 1 0 6 Medic are tax withheld 1 N/AL4BL24500N/AN/AAvailable In 24# Paper Stock1 Page Equals 1 FormAlocatedtipsDependent c plansCode12d3 employee2a -Statutory 1 5StateEmployers state ID number 1 6State wages, tips, etc. 1 714Other 1 8Loc al wages, tips, etc. 1 9 Loc al inc ometax 20Retirement L4BLNBL4BLNB50052215221BW-2 4-Up Blank Face Without W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 1 Form planThird-partysic k pay State inc ome taxLoc ality name L4DN 5218 L87BL87B50052085208BW-2 4-Up Blank Face Horizontal With W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 1 FormRequired Envelope: N/AL87B24500N/AN/AAvailable In 24# Paper Stock1 Page Equals 1 FormAPEX: DW4DN or DW4DNS or DW4DND L87BNBL87BNB50054085408BW-2 4-Up Blank Face Horizontal Without W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 1 FormTFP: 51511 or 51512 L3BLL3BL50052115211BW-2 3-Up Blank Face With W2 Backer Instructions WITH STUB1 Page Equals 1 FormL9BLL9BL50051745174BW-2 3-Up Blank Face Without W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 3 Forms With StubAPEX - Sheets per packTFP - Forms per pack LU4LU4500N/AN/AW-2/1099 Universal Blank Without Instructions1 Page Equals 1 Form50s500s100s500sFORM DESCRIPTION LW2BLLW2BL50052225222B (1000 Forms)W-2 2-Up Blank Face With W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 2 FormsL3UPL3UP50052105210BW-2 W-Style 3-Up Employees Copies B, C & 2 Combined1 Page Equals 1 Form LW2NBLW2NB50052075207B (1000 Forms)W-2 2-Up Blank Face Without W2 Backer Instructions1 Page Equals 2 FormsL3UPRL3UPR500N/AN/AW-2 W-Style 3-Up Employers Copies 1/D, 1/D, 1/D1 Page Equals 1 FormL4UPAL4UPA5005205A5205ABW-2 P-Style 4-Up Employees Copies B, C, 2, 2 Combined1 Page Equals 1 Form The 4-Up blank forms have all the employees instructions printed on the back of all 4 quadrants.Blank forms without backer instructions can be used to print W-2s or 1099s.L4UPARL4UPAR5005405A5405ABW-2 P-Style 4-Up Employers Copies 1/D, 1/D, 1/D, 1/D1 Page Equals 1 Form Also available without backer instructions. NOTE: Some programs printed on blank stock may not fit our stock envelopes.L4DNL4DN50052185218BW-2 N-Style 4-Up Employees Copies B, C, 2, 2 Combined1 Page Equals 1 Form The B & C combination forms has employee copies B & C on the same sheet and are designedIf printing the same format as L4UP/5205 use envelope DW4S/99991.to print all employees copies on one sheet. These combined formats eliminate collating. Just foldBlank forms are ideal for electronic filing because there is no need to purchase the IRS/SSA and put in a matching window envelope.Copy A. You can e-file through your software. Simplify your customers filing process and add software to your order!22 23"